We use the following conventions for organizing our libraries.
All of these examples assume that ./
is the root of the git repository.
We use ./<library>
to denote the root directory of the python module for a given library.
Documentation should be under ./docs
Tests should be under ./tests
See: pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio#124
Currently pytest-asyncio
doesn't play nicely with trio
. If you need to
have a test suite that uses both of these it is best to separate them at the
top level using separate directorie ./tests-trio
and ./tests-asyncio
For a simple singular python module containing utility functions.
For a more complex set of shared utility functions.
For utility functions that are specific to a sub-section of the library
One convention that we use for utils modules is that they should rarely import things from elsewhere in the library to prevent circular imports. In some cases this cannot be avoided, in which case the import should be inlined into the function body with a comment indicating why the import isn't part of the top level module imports.
For constant values that don't belong in any specific module we use ./<library>/constants.py
Or for constants that are specific to some sub-section of the library: ./<library>/some_module/constants.py
For type aliases or typing.NewType
values that don't belong in any specific module we use ./<library>/typing.py
Or for ones that are specific to some sub-section of the library: ./<library>/some_module/typing.py
This section encapsulates both functionality that isn't part of the core library but may be useful to end users, as well as functionality that is only used for things like the test suite.
The convention is that you may not import things from library.tools
anywhere in the rest of the library code. Although, it is
acceptable and common to import tools
in order to set up tests.