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Anime Dataset

This week's data comes from Tam Nguyen and via Kaggle. According to Wikipedia - "MyAnimeList, often abbreviated as MAL, is an anime and manga social networking and social cataloging application website. The site provides its users with a list-like system to organize and score anime and manga. It facilitates finding users who share similar tastes and provides a large database on anime and manga. The site claims to have 4.4 million anime and 775,000 manga entries. In 2015, the site received 120 million visitors a month."

Anime without rankings or popularity scores were excluded. Producers, genre, and studio were converted from lists to tidy observations, so there will be repetitions of shows with multiple producers, genres, etc. The raw data is also uploaded.

Lots of interesting ways to explore the data this week!

Get the Data

tidy_anime <- readr::read_csv("")

Data Dictionary

Heads up the dataset is about 97 mb - if you want to free up some space, drop the synopsis and background, they are long strings, or broadcast, premiered, related as they are redundant or less useful.

variable class description
animeID double Anime ID (as in
name character anime title - extracted from the site.
title_english character title in English (sometimes is different, sometimes is missing)
title_japanese character title in Japanese (if Anime is Chinese or Korean, the title, if available, in the respective language)
title_synonyms character other variants of the title
type character anime type (e.g. TV, Movie, OVA)
source character source of anime (i.e original, manga, game, music, visual novel etc.)
producers character producers
genre character genre
studio character studio
episodes double number of episodes
status character Aired or not aired
airing logical True/False is still airing
start_date double Start date (ymd)
end_date double End date (ymd)
duration character Per episode duration or entire duration, text string
rating character Age rating
score double Score (higher = better)
scored_by double Number of users that scored
rank double Rank - weight according to MyAnimeList formula
popularity double based on how many members/users have the respective anime in their list
members double number members that added this anime in their list
favorites double number members that favorites these in their list
synopsis character long string with anime synopsis
background character long string with production background and other things
premiered character anime premiered on season/year
broadcast character when is (regularly) broadcasted
related character dictionary: related animes, series, games etc.

Cleaning Script


raw_df <- readr::read_csv("")

clean_df <- raw_df %>% 
  # Producers
  mutate(producers = str_remove(producers, "\\["),
         producers = str_remove(producers, "\\]")) %>% 
  separate_rows(producers, sep = ",") %>% 
  mutate(producers = str_remove(producers, "\\'"),
         producers = str_remove(producers, "\\'"),
         producers = str_trim(producers)) %>% 
  # Genre
  mutate(genre = str_remove(genre, "\\["),
         genre = str_remove(genre, "\\]")) %>% 
  separate_rows(genre, sep = ",") %>% 
  mutate(genre = str_remove(genre, "\\'"),
         genre = str_remove(genre, "\\'"),
         genre = str_trim(genre)) %>% 
  # Studio
  mutate(studio = str_remove(studio, "\\["),
         studio = str_remove(studio, "\\]")) %>% 
  separate_rows(studio, sep = ",") %>% 
  mutate(studio = str_remove(studio, "\\'"),
         studio = str_remove(studio, "\\'"),
         studio = str_trim(studio)) %>% 
  # Aired
  mutate(aired = str_remove(aired, "\\{"),
         aired = str_remove(aired, "\\}"),
         aired = str_remove(aired, "'from': "),
         aired = str_remove(aired, "'to': "),
         aired = word(aired, start = 1, 2, sep = ",")) %>% 
  separate(aired, into = c("start_date", "end_date"), sep = ",") %>% 
  mutate(start_date = str_remove_all(start_date, "'"),
         start_date = str_sub(start_date, 1, 10),
         end_date = str_remove_all(start_date, "'"),
         end_date = str_sub(end_date, 1, 10)) %>%
  mutate(start_date = lubridate::ymd(start_date),
         end_date = lubridate::ymd(end_date)) %>% 
  # Drop unranked or unpopular series
  filter(rank != 0,
         popularity != 0)

write_csv(clean_df, here("2019", "2019-04-22", "tidy_anime.csv"))
raw_df %>% write_csv(here("2019", "2019-04-22", "raw_anime.csv"))