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executable file
309 lines (299 loc) · 21.9 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
309 lines (299 loc) · 21.9 KB


  • 0.x.x

    • ractive.parent, ractive.root and ractive.findParent(name) now API supported references to component parent, view hierarchy root, and find method for parent component.
  • 0.6.1

    • Breaking changes
      • If obj has no keys, then the else half of {{#each obj}}...{{else}}...{{/each}} will render
    • Other changes
      • this.event available in method calls
      • Deprecation warnings are printed regardless of whether debug is true
      • HTML entity decoding is done at parse time, not render time
      • Special @keypath reference resolves to the current context
      • @index, @key and @keypath references are resolved at render time, not parse time (fixes #1303)
      • Centralised reference resolution logic
      • console is a supported global in expression - e.g. {{console.log('debugging',foo)}}
    • Fixes for #1046, #1175, #1190, #1209, #1255, #1273, #1278, #1285, #1293, #1295, #1303, #1305, #1313, #1314, #1320, #1322, #1326, #1337, #1340, #1346, #1357, #1360, #1364, #1365, #1369, #1373, #1383, #1390, #1393, #1395, and #1399
  • 0.6.0

    • Breaking changes:
      • new Ractive() now inherits all options as methods/properties including event hooks.
      • The deprecated init() function (see below) is mapped to onrender() and will fire more than once, and no longer contains options argument
      • New reserved events (see below)
      • Setting uninitialised data on a component will no longer cause it to leak out into the parent scope
      • 'Smart updates', via ractive.merge() and ractive.shift() etc, work across component boundaries
    • Deprecated:
      • beforeInit(), init(), and complete() - replaced with onconstruct(), onrender() and oncomplete() methods
    • New features
      • Event hooks: onconstruct(), onconfig(), oninit(), onrender(), oncomplete(), onunrender(), onteardown(). These all have equivalent events, e.g. this.on('render',...), which are reserved (i.e. you cannot use them as proxy events in templates)
      • Conditional attributes, e.g. <div {{#if selected}}class='selected'{{/if}}>...</div>
      • Safe to specify touch events for browsers that do not support them
      • Added support for {{else}} in {{#with}} block
      • Added support for {{#each...}}...{{else}}...{{/each}} with empty objects (#1299)
      • Within event handlers, the event object is available as this.event, and has a name property (useful alongside ractive.on('*',...)).
      • Character position is include alongside line and column information when parsing with includeLinePositions: true
      • Computed values and expressions are more efficient, and will not recompute unnecessarily
    • Fixes for #868, #871, #1046, #1184, #1206, #1208, #1209, #1220, #1228, #1232, #1239, #1275, #1278, #1294, #1295, #1305, #1313, #1314, #1320 plus a few IE8 bugs
  • 0.5.8

    • Huge parser speed boost (see #1227)
    • Fixes for #1204, #1214, #1218, #1221, #1223
    • Partial names can be specified dynamically as references or expressions
  • 0.5.7

    • Release script got pooched; there was a tag mix-up of some sort with npm and 0.5.6 contained source files but not all the build files.
    • Fixes for #1166, #1169, #1174, and #1183
  • 0.5.6

    • Breaking changes:
      • Use of other elements besides <script> for templates is an error
      • Removed CSS length interpolator
    • New features
      • {{yield}} operator - see ractivejs#1141
      • Event bubbling - see ractivejs#1117
      • Method calls from templates - see ractivejs#1146
      • Parse errors contain line and character data for debugging inside live editors
      • Partials have an optional context, e.g. {{>item foo}}
    • Fixes for #618, #837, #983, #990, #995, #996, #1003, #1007, #1009, #1011, #1014, #1019, #1024, #1033, #1035, #1036, #1038, #1055, #1053, #1057, #1072, #1074, #1078, #1079, #1082, #1094, #1104, #1106, #1109, #1121, #1124, #1128, #1133, #1134, #1137, #1147, #1149, #1155, #1157
    • Other changes
      • Initial changes from ractive.animate() are applied immediately, not on the next frame
  • 0.5.5

    • Breaking changes:
      • Removed debug option from ractive.observe() (#970)
    • Fixes for #713, #941, #942, #943, #945, #950, #951, #952, #953, #960, #965, #967 and #974
  • 0.5.2, 0.5.3, 0.5.4

    • No actual changes, just wrestling with npm and bower!
  • 0.5.1

    • Fix for #939
  • 0.5.0

    • Code organisation

      • Codebase is now structured as ES6 modules, which can use new ES6 features such as arrow functions
      • Simpler, more efficient runloop
      • Encapsulated viewmodel logic
    • Breaking changes:

      • errors in observers and evaluators are no longer caught
      • Nodes are detached as soon as any outro transitions are complete (if any), rather than when all transitions are complete
      • The options argument of init: function(options) is now strictly what was passed into the constructor, use this.option to access configured value.
      • data with properties on prototype are no longer cloned when accessed. data from "baseClass" is no longer deconstructed and copied.
      • Use of a <script> tag for specifying inline templates is not enforced.
      • Options specified on component constructors will not be picked up as defaults. debug now on defaults, not constructor
      • Select bindings follow general browser rules for choosing options. Disabled options have no value.
      • Input values are not coerced to numbers, unless input type is number or range
      • {{}} in templates now means same thing as {{.foo}}
      • Rendering to an element already render by Ractive causes that element to be torn down (unless appending).
      • Illegal javascript no longer allowed by parser in expressions and will throw
      • Parsed template format changed to specify template spec version.
      • Arrays being observed via array.* no longer send item.length event on mutation changes
      • Reserved event names in templates ('change', 'reset', 'teardown', 'update') will cause the parser to throw an error
      • {{else}} support in both handlebars-style blocks and regular mustache conditional blocks, but is now a restricted keyword that cannot be used as a regular reference
      • Child components are created in data order
      • Keypath expressions resolve left to right and follow same logic as regular mustache references (bind to root, not context, if left-most part is unresolved).
      • Improved attribute parsing and handling:
        • character escaping and whitespace handling in attribute directive arguments
        • boolean and empty string attributes
    • Other new features

      • Better errors and debugging info
        • Duplicate, repetitive console.warn messages are not repeated.
        • Improved error handling and line numbers for parsing
        • Warn on bad two-way radio bindings
      • Support for handlebars style blocks: #if, #with, #each, #unless and corresponding @index and @key
      • Array mutation methods are now also available as methods on Ractive.prototype - e.g. ractive.push('items', newItem). The return value is a Promise that fulfils when any transitions complete
      • Support for static mustache delimiters that do one-time binding
      • {{./foo}} added as alias for {{.foo}}
      • Leading ~/ keypath specifier, eg {{~/foo}}, for accessing root data context in keypaths
      • Observers with wildcards now receive actual wildcard values as additional arguments
      • The following plugins: adaptors, components, decorators, easing, events, interpolators, partials, transitions, when used in components will be looked up in the view hierarchy if they cannot be found in the inheritance chain.
      • ractive.set supports pattern observers, eg ractive.set('foo.*.bar')
      • Support for specifying multiple events in single on, eg ractive.on( 'foo bar baz', handleFooBarOrBaz )
      • Unnecessary leading and trailing whitespace in templates is removed
      • Better support for post-init render/insert
      • Computed properties can be updated with ractive.update(property)
      • updateModel returns a Promise
      • Media queries work correctly in encapsulated component CSS
      • Component.extend is writable (can be extended)
      • append option can now take a target element, behavior same as ractive.insert
      • All configuration options, except plugin registries, can be specified on Ractive.defaults and Component.defaults
      • Any configuration option except registries and computed properties can be specfied using a function that returns a value
      • ractive.reset() will re-render if template or partial specified by a function changes its value
      • New ractive.resetTemplate() method that re-renders with new template
      • Value of key/value pair for partials and components can be specified using a function
      • returns instance making it chainable
      • Improved support for extending Components with Components
    • Bug fixes:

      • Component names not restricted by array method name conflicts
      • Ensure all change operations update DOM synchronously
      • Unrooted and unresolved keypath expression work correctly
      • Uppercase tag names bind correctly
      • Falsey values in directives (0,'', false, etc)
      • IE8 fixes and working test suite
      • Keypath expressions in binding attributes
      • Edge case for keypath expression that include regular expression
      • Input blur correctly updates model AND view
      • Component parameters data correctly sync with parents
      • Correct components.json format
      • Variety of edge cases with rebindings caused by array mutations
      • Partials aware of parent context
      • foreignObject correctly defaults to HTML namespace
      • Edge cases with bind, rebind, unrender in Triples
      • Sections (blocks) in attributes
      • Remove unncessary evaluator function calls
      • Incorrect "Computed properties without setters are read-only in the current version" error
      • Handle emulated touch events for nodes that are defined on window in the browser
      • Never initialiased decorators being torndown
      • File inputs without mustache refs are not bound
      • Pattern observers with empty array
      • Callbacks that throw cause promise reject
      • Clean-up input and option binding edge cases
      • Using this._super safe if baseclass or it's method doesn't actually exist.
      • Leading . on keypaths do not throw errors and are removed for purposes of processing
      • Post-blur validation via observer works correctly
      • Radio buttons with static attributes work correctly
      • DOCTYPE declarations are uppercased
      • Transitioned elements not detaching if window is not active
      • CSS transitions apply correctly
      • wildcard * can be used as first part of observer keypath
  • 0.4.0

    • BREAKING: Filenames are now lowercase. May affect you if you use Browserify etc.
    • BREAKING: set(), update(), teardown(), animate(), merge(), add(), subtract(), and toggle() methods return a Promise that fulfils asynchronously when any resulting transitions have completed
    • BREAKING: Elements are detached when all transitions are complete for a given instance, not just transitions on descendant nodes
    • BREAKING: Default options are placed on Ractive.defaults (and Component.defaults, where Component = Ractive.extend(...))
    • BREAKING: The adaptors option is now adapt. It can be a string rather than an array if you're only using one adaptor
    • Reactive computed properties
    • Two-way binding works with 'keypath expressions' such as {{foo[bar]}}
    • Support for single-file component imports via loader plugins such as
    • A global runloop handles change propagation and other batchable operations, resulting in performance improvements across the board
    • Promises are used internally, and exposed as Ractive.Promise (Promises/A+ compliant, a la ES6 Promises)
    • Components can have encapsulated styles, passed in as the css option (disable with noCssTransform: true)
    • ractive.reset() method allows you to replace an instance's data object
    • Decorators are updated when their arguments change (with specified update() method if possible, otherwise by tearing down and reinitialising)
    • Inline components inherit surrounding data context, unless defined with isolated: true
    • Transitions will use JavaScript timers if CSS transitions are unavailable
    • A global variable (window.Ractive) is always exported, but Ractive.noConflict() is provided to prevent clobbering existing Ractive variable
    • Inline component init() methods are only called once the component has entered the DOM
    • Any section can be closed with {{/...}}, where ... can be any string other than the closing delimiter
    • Evaluators that throw exceptions will print an error to the console in debug mode
    • ractive.observe(callback) - i.e. with no keypath - observes everything
    • ractive.observe('foo bar baz', callback) will observe all three keypaths (passed to callback as third argument)
    • Better whitespace preservation and indenting when using ractive.toHTML()
    • Calling with no arguments removes all event listeners
    • Triples work inside SVG elements
    • <option>{{foo}}</option> works the same as <option value='{{foo}}'>{{foo}}</option>
    • More robust data/event propagation between components
    • More robust magic mode
    • Fixed a host of edge case bugs relating to array mutations
    • Many minor fixes and tweaks: #349, #351, #353, #369, #370, #376, #377, #390, #391, #393, #398, #401, #406, #412, #425, #433, #434, #439, #441, #442, #446, #451, #460, #462, #464, #465, #467, #479, #480, #483, #486, #520, #530, #536, #553, #556
  • 0.3.9

    • ractive.findComponent() and ractive.findAllComponents() methods, for getting references to components
    • Expression results are wrapped if necessary (e.g. {{getJSON(url)}} wrapped by @lluchs' Promise adaptor)
    • Mustaches referring to wrapped values render the facade, not the value
    • Directive arguments are parsed more reliably
    • Components inherit adaptors from their parents
    • Adapto
    • Changes to transitions API
    • SVG support is detected and exposed as Ractive.svg
    • If subclass has data, it is used as prototype for instance data
  • 0.3.8

    • Reorganised project into AMD modules, using amdclean during build
    • Decorators - decorate elements with functionality, e.g. tooltips, jQuery UI widgets, etc
    • Moved plugins (adaptors, decorators, custom events, transitions) out of the main codebase and into separate repositories. Note: plugin APIs have changed!
    • ractive.merge() - merge items from one array into another (e.g. updating with data from a server)
    • Pattern observers - observe e.g. items[*].status
    • Contenteditable support (thanks @aphitiel and @Nijikokun)
    • ractive.insert() and ractive.detach() methods for moving a Ractive instance in and out of the DOM without destroying it
    • ractive.toHTML() replaces ractive.renderHTML()
    • ractive.findAll( selector, { live: true }) maintains a live list of elements matching any CSS selector
    • Various bugfixes
  • 0.3.7

    • Adaptors - use external libraries like Backbone seamlessly with Ractive
    • Dependency tracking within functions, by monitoring ractive.get())
    • Create live nodelists with the findAll() method
    • Observers are guaranteed to fire before DOM updates, unless {defer:true} is passed as an option to ractive.observe()
    • Triples behave correctly inside table elements etc (issue #167)
    • Delimiters ('{{' and '}}') can be overridden globally with Ractive.delimiters and Ractive.tripleDelimiters
    • Fix #130 (event handler parameters and array modification)
    • Tap event respects spacebar keypresses while a suitable element is focused
    • updateModel() method to resync two-way bindings if they are manipulated external (e.g. $(input).val(newValue))
    • Better handling of HTML entities
    • Expressions with unresolved references will still render, using undefined in place of unknown references
    • Hover event fires on the equivalent of mouseenter/mouseleave rather than mouseover/mouseout
    • Various bugfixes and stability/performance improvements
  • 0.3.6

    • Better two-way binding - support for multiple checkboxes and file inputs
    • Experimental 'magic mode' - use ES5 getters and setters instead of .set() and .get(). See #110
    • More efficient event binding, and dynamic proxy event names
    • Support for pointer events with tap - thanks lluchs
    • Iterate through properties of an object - see #115
    • Bugfixes and refactoring
  • 0.3.5

    • Experimental support for components - see this thread for details
    • Support for component - thanks CamShaft
    • Option to use on-click style event binding (as opposed to proxy-click)
    • Bug fixes
  • 0.3.4

    • ractive.find() and ractive.findAll() convenience methods (equivalent to ractive.el.querySelector() and ractive.el.querySelectorAll())
    • Subclasses created with Ractive.extend() can now have a beforeInit method that will be called before rendering
    • Expressions no longer need to be wrapped in parentheses. Section closing mustaches for expression sections can have any content
    • Various minor bugfixes and improvements
  • 0.3.3

    • Maintenance and bugfixes
  • 0.3.2

    • IE8 support!
  • 0.3.1

    • Transitions - fine-grained control over how elements are rendered and torn down
    • Inline partials
    • ractive.observe() method
    • Smart updates when using array mutator methods, reducing the amount of DOM manipulation that happens
    • Changed proxy event and event definition API (BREAKING CHANGE!)
    • Improved Ractive.extend
    • SVG elements no longer require the xmlns='' attribute - it is assumed, as it is in browsers
    • ractive.animate() can accept a map of keypaths to values
    • fullscreen convenience methods
    • removed ractive.render() method
    • added ractive.renderHTML() method, for rendering template+data (in browser or server environment)
  • 0.3.0

    • Major overhaul, particularly of the parser
    • Expressions - JS-like expressions within templates, with robust tracking of multiple dependencies. These replace formatters
    • Renamed Ractive.compile -> Ractive.parse
    • Added adaptors (e.g. Backbone Model adaptors)
    • Various performance enhancements and bug fixes
  • 0.2.2

    • Added event proxies. In lieu of documentation, for now, see #27
    • Made array modification more robust and performant
  • 0.2.1

    • Cleaned up some redundant code following 0.2.0 overhaul, some minor performance benefits
    • Linting and refactoring
    • Fixed bug where Ractive would attempt to use innerHTML with non-HTML elements (i.e. SVG text)
  • 0.2.0

    • Major architectural overhaul. Data is now stored on the Ractive instance rather than on a separate viewmodel, allowing for cleaner and more efficient code (at the cost of the ability to share one viewmodel among many instances - a theoretical benefit at best). Data is flattened and cached, permitting lightning-fast lookups even with complex data.
    • Templates can be sanitized at compile-time to remove script tags and other hypothetical security risks. In lieu of documentation see issue #12
  • 0.1.9

    • More complete compliance with mustache test suite
    • More efficient compilation (consecutive text nodes are concatenated, etc)
    • Cleaned up public API, internal functions now kept private
    • .animate() now interpolates between arrays, and between objects
    • Complex element attributes wait until the end of a .set() cycle to update, to avoid repeatedly modifying the DOM unnecessarily
    • Element property names are used instead of attributes wherever possible (e.g. we use node.className='...' instead of node.setAttribute('class','...') internally)
    • Various bug fixes
  • 0.1.8

    • Now using DOM fragments for better performance
    • Better support for legacy browsers
    • Vastly better two-way data binding
    • set() and get() now accept arrays of keys, for edge cases involving keys with periods
    • Bug fixes and refactoring
  • 0.1.7

    • Renamed project from Anglebars to Ractive
    • Added support for animation
    • A shed-load of bug fixes, and a big dollop of refactoring
  • 0.1.6

    • Bug fixes!
    • Modify arrays so that pop, push and other mutator methods trigger a view update
    • Removed half-finished, flaky async code. Async mode may return later
    • set events are called when a) view.set() is called, b) twoway bindings trigger them, c) array mutator methods cause an update
  • 0.1.5

    • Split into Anglebars.compile and Anglebars.runtime, to shave a few kilobytes off in production
    • Simplified API - removed compiled and compiledPartials init options (in favour of allowing either compiled or string templates), and removed observe and unobserve instance methods
    • Added event methods - on, off and fire
    • Anglebars.extend for creating subclasses with default options (e.g. templates) and additional methods
    • Support passing in jQuery collections (and lookalikes), and CSS selectors (if browser supports document.querySelector)
    • Index references - {{#section:i}}<!-- {{i}} evaluates to array index inside here -->{{/section}}
  • 0.1.4

    • started maintaining a changelog...