Cluster Flow is designed to work with a computing cluster. It currently supports the Sun GRIDEngine, LSF and SLURM job managers (not PBS, Torque or others).
If you don't have a cluster with a supported manager, you can run Cluster Flow on
any command-line machine in local
mode. This writes a bash script and runs it as
a job in the background.
To run analyses, you will also need the required tools to be installed. Cluster Flow
is designed to work with the environment module system and load tools as required, but
if software is available on the PATH
it can work without this.
Cluster Flow itself is written in Perl. It has minimal dependencies, all of which are core Perl packages.
If you are a user on a HPC cluster, you may already have Cluster Flow installed on your cluster as an environment module. If so, you may be able to load it using:
module load clusterflow
Cluster Flow is a collection of stand-alone scripts, mostly written in Perl.
- Download Cluster Flow (see the releases page)
- Extract the files
tar xvzf v0.5.tar.gz
- Create & configure the site-wide configuration file
cd clusterflow-0.5
cp clusterflow.config.example clusterflow.config
vi clusterflow.config
You must specify your environment in the config file (@cluster_environment
, GRIDEngine
or LSF
), most other things are optional.
The cf
executable must be in your system PATH
, so that you can run it easily
from any directory. Ensure that you run the Configuration Wizard (described below)
so that this config is created in your ~/.bashrc
If you prefer, you can symlink the cf
executable to ~/bin
Once Cluster Flow has been set up site-wide, you need to configure it for your personal use:
cf --setup
This will launch a wizard to write a config file for you, with details such as e-mail address and notification settings.
Most analysis pipelines need a reference genome. This can exist in a central location or in your personal setup (or both).
If you're using the Swedish UPPMAX cluster, please see these instructions.
You can add your reference genome paths with the following wizard:
cf --add_genome
That should be it! Log out of your session and in again to activate any new bash settings. Then try launching a test run:
cf --genome GRCh37 sra_bowtie
This will download SRR1068378 (Human H3K4me3 ChIP-Seq data), convert to FastQ, run FastQC, Trim Galore! and align with bowtie.