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File metadata and controls

542 lines (382 loc) · 12.2 KB


This repository contains a Go code generator based on Go Template and a set of Go Template examples.

Go code generator

Go templates are one of the best choice to build a fast and small code generation tool.

The sample code generator tool presented here can generate any type of code from Go templates and json or yaml data.

alt text


Download zip archive from github or clone this repository

git clone


You can use it as a command line or as a go library to dynamically generate code in go programs.

build the binary

Go in Go-Template/src directory.

cd Go-Template/src
go build

Add Go-Template to your binaries or to your PATH (i.e sudo mv Go-Template /usr/local/bin)

command line

Go in one of the examples directory and run Go-Template with a data file and a template file as parameters.

cd Go-Template/examples/01-values
Go-Template -d email.json -t  email.tpl

output directory

By default, generated files are created in the same folder as the json file.

You can change the ouput directory with -o outputdirectory

Go-Template -d email.json -t email.tpl -o /tmp/gocodegentest

multiple file generation

If your Json Data file is designed to generate multiple files (see Example 5 below), use the following command :

Go-Template -d mailing.json -t mailing.tpl -m multi


We provide here some code generation examples, please note that gocodgen is based on go templates, so for more advanced features, you can look at go template documentation.

01 : Simple code generation

Let's suppose the following email template :

Dear {{.Name}},


We would like to assign some tasks for {{.Project}} project :
{{range .Topics}}
    - {{.}}

Can we plan a meeting on {{.Date}} ?


And the following data :

    "Name": "Phil",
    "Date": "01/01/2018",
    "Project": "Go-Template",
    "Topics": [
        "write documentation",
        "publish to",
        "add more examples"

The following command,

Go-Template -d 01-values/email.json -t 01-values/email.tpl

generates email.generated.txt file

Dear Phil,


We would like to assign some tasks for Go-Template project :

    - write documentation

    - publish to

    - add more examples

Can we plan a meeting on 01/01/2018 ?


02 : Loop on Json Data

Let's suppose the following template to generate SQL code for table create :

{{range  .Schema.Table}}
	CREATE TABLE {{ .Name}} (
		{{range $idx, $column := .Column}}
			{{if  $idx }} , {{end}}{{ $column.Name}} {{$column.Type}} {{if $column.Size }} {{$column.Size}} {{end}}

And the following schema definition :

  "Schema": {
    "Table": [
        "Name": "EMPLOYEE",
        "Column": [
            "Name": "ID",
            "Type": "INTEGER"
            "Name": "FIRSTNAME",
            "Type": "VARCHAR",
            "Size": "256"
            "Name": "LASTNAME",
            "Type": "VARCHAR",
            "Size": "256"
            "Name": "AGE",
            "Type": "INTEGER"
        "Name": "PRODUCT",
        "Column": [
            "Name": "ID",
            "Type": "INTEGER"
            "Name": "NAME",
The following command,

            "Type": "VARCHAR",
            "Size": "256"
            "Name": "PRICE",
            "Type": "REAL"

Go-Template -d schema.json -t createtable.tpl

generates the following file

			 , LASTNAME VARCHAR  256 		
			 , AGE INTEGER 		

			 , NAME VARCHAR  256 		
			 , PRICE REAL 		

03 : Add conditions and Golang template functions

Let's imagine you want to compare some numbers :

{{ range .Number}}
    {{if eq  .n1 .n2 }}
        {{- .n1}} = {{.n2}}
        {{- if lt .n1 .n2 }}
            {{- .n1}} < {{.n2}}
            {{- .n1}} > {{.n2}}

And the following numbers to be compared :

    "Number" : [


Go-Template -d numbers.json -t numbers.tpl

generates the following file

    1 < 2
    5 > 3
    2 = 2
    1 < 5
    6 = 6
    5 > 2

04 : Custom functions

Let's now consider a more advanced sample where you want to apply some custome functions in your code generation.

The JavaBeans setter and getter functions must be written as getPropertyName() for propertyName property.

First, add a custom function in my-funcs.go file

var MyFuncMap = map[string]interface{}{
	"ToGetterName": ToGetterName,
	"ToSetterName": ToSetterName}

func ToGetterName(name string) string {
	return "get" + strings.Title(name)
func ToSetterName(name string) string {
	return "set" + strings.Title(name)

Now you can use that custom function in your Go template :

public class User implements {
    {{range .User.Property }}
        private {{.Type}} {{ .Name  }};

    {{range .User.Property }}
        public {{.Type}} {{ .Name | ToGetterName }}(){
            return this.{{.Name}};

    {{range .User.Property }}
        public void {{ .Name   | ToSetterName   }}({{.Type}} {{.Name}}){
            this.{{.Name}} = {{.Name}};

Either compile the gocodgen for your platform or install Go and run go run main.go my-funcs.go -d numbers.json -t numbers.tpl

For the following json data,

    "User": {
        "Name" : "Person",
        "Property": [
               "Name": "firstName",
               "Type": "String"
                "Name": "lastName",
                "Type": "String"
                "Name": "age",
                "Type": "Integer"

You get this result :

public class User implements {
        private String firstName;
        private String lastName;
        private Integer age;

        public String getFirstName(){
            return this.firstName;
        public String getLastName(){
            return this.lastName;
        public Integer getAge(){
            return this.age;

        public void setFirstName(String firstName){
            this.firstName = firstName;
        public void setLastName(String lastName){
            this.lastName = lastName;
        public void setAge(Integer age){
            this.age = age;

05 : Generate multiple files

Sometime, you want to generate a set of files from some data.

The most obvious example is a mailing .. let's have the same email as in Example 01

Dear {{.Name}},


We would like to assign some tasks for {{.Project}} project :
{{range .Topics}}
    - {{.}}

Can we plan a meeting on {{.Date}} ?


You include in your Json Data file, a Files key containing a table of objects. Each object has a FileName used to create the file, and a Data object which container the code generation data.

    "Files": [{
        "FileName": "test1",
        "Data": {
            "Name": "phil",
            "Date": "01/01/2018",
            "Project": "Go-Template",
            "Topics": [
                "write documentation",
                "publish to",
                "add more examples"
        "FileName": "test2",
        "Data": {
            "Name": "john",
            "Date": "01/01/2018",
            "Project": "Go-Template",
            "Topics": [
                "write documentation",
                "publish to",
                "add more examples"
        "FileName": "test3",
        "Data": {
            "Name": "peter",
            "Date": "01/01/2018",
            "Project": "Go-Template",
            "Topics": [
                "write documentation",
                "publish to",
                "add more examples"

The following command (do not forget -m multi flag) :

Go-Template -d mailing.json -t mailing.tpl -m multi

generates 3 different files :

test1 :

Dear phil,


We would like to assign some tasks for Go-Template project :

    - write documentation

    - publish to

    - add more examples

Can we plan a meeting on 01/01/2018 ?


test2 :

Dear john,


We would like to assign some tasks for Go-Template project :

    - write documentation

    - publish to

    - add more examples

Can we plan a meeting on 01/01/2018 ?



test3 :

Dear peter,


We would like to assign some tasks for Go-Template project :

    - write documentation

    - publish to

    - add more examples

Can we plan a meeting on 01/01/2018 ?



Go templates examples

Here is the list of Go template examples. You can use them in your own code or with the generator documented below.

directory template values description
01-values contact.tpl contact.json values interpolation
01-values contact-with.tpl contact.json values interpolation with scoped object "with" action
01-values contact-key-index.tpl contact.json values and keys interpolation with "index" function
01-values email.tpl email.yaml values interpolation with array index
01-values properties-whitespace.tpl properties-whitespace.yaml manage whitespace in java property file
02-loop db-schema.tpl db-schema.json Iterate on values
03-conditions logic.tpl logic.json Logic functions
03-conditions numbers.tpl numbers.json Logic operators
04-builtin-functions logs.tpl logs.json Index and length of a list
04-builtin-functions print.tpl print.json Formatted print function
04-builtin-functions escape.tpl escape.json URL query string, html and javascript escape
05-sprig-functions N/A N/A
06-custom-functions javabean.tpl javabean.json Use of custom functions (defined in my-funcs.go)
07-multiplefiles mailing.tpl mailing.json Generate multiple files with one template an one value file
08-subtemplate template.tpl template.json Call a named sub-template