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This page contains complete reference of PyEXASOL public API.


Open new connection and return ExaConnection object.

Argument Example Description
dsn exasolpool1..5.mlan:8563 Connection string, same format as standard JDBC / ODBC drivers
user sys Username
password exasol Password
schema ingres Open schema after connection (Default: '', no schema)
autocommit True Enable autocommit on connection (Default: True)
snapshot_transactions None Explicitly enable or disable snapshot transactions on connection (Default: None, database default)
connection_timeout 10 Socket timeout in seconds used to establish connection (Default: 10)
socket_timeout 20 Socket timeout in seconds used for requests after connection was established (Default: 30)
query_timeout 0 Maximum execution time of queries before automatic abort (Default: 0, no timeout)
compression True Use zlib compression both for WebSocket and HTTP transport (Default: False)
encryption True Use SSL encryption for WebSocket communication and HTTP transport (Default: True)
fetch_dict False Fetch result rows as dicts instead of tuples (Default: False)
fetch_mapper pyexasol.exasol_mapper Use custom mapper function to convert Exasol values into Python objects during fetching (Default: None)
fetch_size_bytes 5 * 1024 * 1024 Maximum size of data message for single fetch request in bytes (Default: 5Mb)
lower_ident False Automatically lowercase identifiers (table names, column names, etc.) returned from relevant functions (Default: False)
quote_ident False Add double quotes and escape identifiers passed to relevant functions (export_*, import_*, ext.*, etc.) (Default: False)
json_lib rapidjson Supported values: rapidjson, ujson, orjson, json (Default: json)
verbose_error True Display additional information when error occurs (Default: True)
debug False Output debug information for client-server communication and connection attempts to STDERR
debug_logdir /tmp/ Store debug information into files in debug_logdir instead of outputting it to STDERR
udf_output_bind_address ('localhost', 8580) Specific server address to bind TCP server for script output (Default: ('', 0))
udf_output_connect_address ('udf_host', 8580) Specific SCRIPT_OUTPUT_ADDRESS value to connect from Exasol to UDF script output server (Default: inherited from TCP server)
udf_output_dir /tmp Path or path-like object pointing to directory for script output log files (Default: tempfile.gettempdir())
http_proxy HTTP proxy string in Linux http_proxy format (Default: None)
resolve_hostnames False Explicitly resolve host names to IP addresses before connecting. Deactivating this will let the operating system resolve the host name (Default: True)
client_name MyClient Custom name of client application displayed in Exasol sessions tables (Default: PyEXASOL)
client_version 1.0.0 Custom version of client application (Default: pyexasol.__version__)
client_os_username john Custom OS username displayed in Exasol sessions table (Default: getpass.getuser())
protocol_version pyexasol.PROTOCOL_V3 Major WebSocket protocol version requested for connection (Default: pyexasol.PROTOCOL_V3)
websocket_sslopt {'cert_reqs': ssl.CERT_NONE} Set custom SSL options for WebSocket client
access_token ... OpenID access token to use for the login process
refresh_token ... OpenID refresh token to use for the login process

Host Name Resolution

By default pyexasol resolves host names to IP addresses, randomly shuffles the IP addresses and tries to connect until connection succeeds. See the design documentation for details.

If host name resolution causes problems, you can deactivate it by specifying argument resolve_hostnames=False. This may be required when connecting through a proxy that allows connections only to defined host names. In all other cases we recommend to omit the argument.


Open new connection and return ExaConnection object using local .ini file (usually ~/.pyexasol.ini) to read credentials and connection parameters. Please read local config page for more details.

Argument Example Description
config_section my_exasol Name of section in config file
config_path /etc/pyexasol.ini Path to config file (Default: ~/.pyexasol.ini)
**kwargs - All other arguments from connect method; **kwargs override values from config file


Open new HTTP connection and return ExaHTTPTransportWrapper object. This function is a part of parallel HTTP transport API.

Argument Example Description
ipaddr IP address of one of Exasol nodes received from get_nodes()
port 8563 Port of one of Exasol nodes received from get_nodes()
compression True Use zlib compression for HTTP transport, must be the same as compression of main connection (Default: False)
encryption True Use SSL encryption for HTTP transport, must be the same as encryption of main connection (Default: True)

Note: this function was changed in PyEXASOL 0.22.0. Third argument mode (EXPORT / IMPORT) was removed, it is no longer needed. Please update your code accordingly.


Object of this class holds connection to Exasol, performs client-server communication and manages fast HTTP transport. All dependent objects have back-reference to parent ExaConnection object (self.connection).


Execute SQL statement with optional formatting.

Argument Example Description
query SELECT * FROM {table!i} WHERE col1={col1} SQL query text, possibly with placeholders
query_params {'table': 'users', 'col1':'bar'} (optional) Values for placeholders

Return instance of ExaStatement


Execute SQL statement with optional formatting. Capture output of UDF scripts.

Argument Example Description
query SELECT * FROM {table!i} WHERE col1={col1} SQL query text, possibly with placeholders
query_params {'table': 'users', 'col1':'bar'} (optional) Values for placeholders

Return tuple with two elements: (1) instance of ExaStatement and (2) list of Path objects for script output log files.

Exasol should be able to open connection to the machine where current script is running. It is usually OK in the same data centre, but it is normally not working if you try to run this function on local laptop.


Wrapper for query COMMIT


Wrapper for query ROLLBACK


Set False to execute following statements in transaction. Set True to get back to automatic COMMIT after each statement.

Autocommit is True by default because Exasol has to commit indexes and statistics objects even for pure SELECT statements. Lack of default COMMIT may lead to serious performance degradation.

Argument Example Description
val False Autocommit mode


Set the maximum time in seconds for which a query can run before Exasol kills it automatically. Set value 0 to disable timeout.

It is highly recommended to set timeout for UDF scripts to avoid potential infinite loops and very long transactions.

Argument Example Description
val 10 Timeout value in seconds


Wrapper for OPEN SCHEMA

Argument Example Description
schema ingres Schema name


Return name of currently opened schema. Return empty string if no schema was opened.


Export large amount of data from Exasol to file or file-like object using fast HTTP transport. File must be opened in binary mode.

Argument Example Description
dst open(my_file, 'wb') /tmp/file.csv Path to file or file-like object
query_or_table SELECT * FROM table table (schema, table) SQL query or table for export
query_params {'table': 'users', 'col1':'bar'} (optional) Values for SQL query placeholders
export_params {'with_column_names': True} (optional) Custom parameters for EXPORT query


Export large amount of data from Exasol to basic Python list using fast HTTP transport. This function may run out of memory.

Argument Example Description
query_or_table SELECT * FROM table table (schema, table) SQL query or table for export
query_params {'table': 'users', 'col1':'bar'} (optional) Values for SQL query placeholders
export_params {'encoding': 'LATIN1'} (optional) Custom parameters for EXPORT query

Return list of tuples.


Export large amount of data from Exasol to pandas.DataFrame. This function may run out of memory.

Argument Example Description
query_or_table SELECT * FROM table table (schema, table) SQL query or table for export
query_params {'table': 'users', 'col1':'bar'} (optional) Values for SQL query placeholders
export_params {'encoding': 'LATIN1'} (optional) Custom parameters for EXPORT query

Return instance of pandas.DataFrame


Export large amount of data to user-defined callback function

Argument Example Description
callback def my_callback(pipe, dst, **kwargs) Callback function
dst anything (optional) Export destination for callback function
query_or_table SELECT * FROM table table (schema, table) SQL query or table for export
query_params {'table': 'users', 'col1':'bar'} (optional) Values for SQL query placeholders
export_params {'with_column_names': True} (optional) Custom parameters for EXPORT query

Return result of callback function


This function is part of parallel HTTP transport API. It accepts list of ipaddr:port strings obtained from all child processes and executes parallel export query. Parent process only monitors the execution of query. All actual work is performed in child processes.

Argument Example Description
exa_address_list ['', ''] List of ipaddr:port strings obtained from HTTP transport .address
query_or_table SELECT * FROM table table (schema, table) SQL query or table for export
query_params {'table': 'users', 'col1':'bar'} (optional) Values for SQL query placeholders
export_params {'with_column_names': True} (optional) Custom parameters for EXPORT query

Return nothing on successful export. You may access EXPORT statement results using last_statement() function.


Import large amount of data from file or file-like object to Exasol. File must be opened in binary mode.

Argument Example Description
src open(my_file, 'rb') /tmp/my_file.csv Source file or file-like object
table my_table (my_schema, my_table) Destination table for IMPORT
import_params {'column_separator: ','} (optional) Custom parameters for IMPORT query


Import large amount of data from iterable Python object to Exasol. Iterator must return tuples of values.

Argument Example Description
src [(123, 'a')] Source object implementing __iter__
table my_table (my_schema, my_table) Destination table for IMPORT
import_params {'column_separator: ','} (optional) Custom parameters for IMPORT query


Import large amount of data from pandas.DataFrame to Exasol.

Argument Example Description
src [(123, 'a')] Source pandas.DataFrame instance
table my_table (my_schema, my_table) Destination table for IMPORT
import_params {'column_separator: ','} (optional) Custom parameters for IMPORT query


Import large amount of data from user-defined callback function to Exasol.

Argument Example Description
callback def my_callback(pipe, src, **kwargs) Callback function
src anything Source for callback function
table my_table (my_schema, my_table) Destination table for IMPORT
callback_params {'a': 'b'} (optional) Dict with additional parameters for callback function
import_params {'column_separator': ','} (optional) Custom parameters for IMPORT query


This function is part of parallel HTTP transport API. It accepts list of ipaddr:port strings obtained from all child processes and executes parallel import query. Parent process only monitors the execution of query. All actual work is performed in child processes.

Argument Example Description
exa_address_list ['', ''] List of ipaddr:port strings obtained from HTTP transport .address
table table (schema, table) Destination table for import
import_params {'column_separator': ','} (optional) Custom parameters for IMPORT query

Return nothing on successful export. You may access IMPORT statement results using last_statement() function.


Return list of currently active Exasol nodes which is normally used for parallel HTTP transport.

Argument Example Description
pool_size 10 (optional) Return list of specific size

Result format: [{'ipaddr': <ip_address>, 'port': <port>, 'idx': <incremental index of returned node>}]

If pool_size is bigger than number of nodes, list will wrap around and nodes will repeat with different idx. If pool_size is omitted, returns every active node once.

Exasol shuffles list for every connection.


Return unique SESSION_ID of the current session. Return value type is str.


Return the actual protocol version of the established connection. Actual protocol version may be lower than requested protocol version defined by protocol_version connection option.

The possible values are: pyexasol.PROTOCOL_V1, pyexasol.PROTOCOL_V2, pyexasol.PROTOCOL_V3. It may also return 0 if called before the connection was established, which is possible during the exception handling.

You may read more about protocol versions here.


Get last ExaStatement object. It is useful while working with export_* and import_* functions normally returning result of callback function instead of statement object.

Return instance of ExaStatement.


Abort running query.

This function should be called from a separate thread and has no response. Response should be checked in the main thread which started execution of query. Please check 27_abort_query example.

There are three possible outcomes of calling this function:

  1. Query is aborted normally, connection remains active;
  2. Query was stuck in a state which cannot be aborted, so Exasol has to terminate connection;
  3. Query might be finished successfully before abort call had a chance to take effect;

Please note that you may terminate the whole Python process to close WebSocket connection. It will stop running query automatically.


Closes connection to database.

Argument Example Description
disconnect True (optional) Send disconnect command before closing the WebSocket connection (default: True)


Read-only dict of attributes of current connection. The most notable attributes are:

Attribute Description
autocommit Current state of autocommit (enabled / disabled)
queryTimeout Current state of query timeout measured in seconds (0 = disabled)
snapshotTransactionsEnabled Current state of snapshot transactions mode (enabled / disabled)
timezone Timezone of the current session

Full list of possible attributes is available here.


Read-only dict of login information returned by second response of LOGIN command. The most notable info key are:

Info Description
sessionId Unique SESSION_ID of current connection. It is advisable to use session_id() wrapper function to get this info.
protocolVersion WebSocket protocol version actually used for connection. It may be lower than requested protocol_version in connection arguments.
releaseVersion Version of Exasol (e.g. 6.0.15)
databaseName Name of Exasol instance

Full list of possible keys is available here. Please scroll down a bit to find "responseData".


Read-only dict of arguments passed to connect() function and used to create ExaConnection object.


Object of this class executes and helps to fetch result set of single Exasol SQL statement. Unlike typical Cursor object, ExaStatement is not reusable.

ExaStatement may fetch result set rows as tuples (default) or as dict (set fetch_dict=True in connection options).

ExaStatement may use custom data-type mapper during fetching (set fetch_mapper=<func> in connection options). Mapper function accepts two arguments (raw value and dataType object) and returns custom object or value.

ExaStatement fetches big result sets in chunks. The size of chunk may be adjusted (set fetch_size_bytes=<int> in connection options).


The best way to fetch result set of statement is to use iterator:

st = pyexasol.execute('SELECT * FROM table')

for row in st:

Iterator yields tuple or dict depending on fetch_dict connection option.


Fetches one row.

Return tuple or dict. Return None if all rows were fetched.


Fetches multiple rows.

Argument Example Description
size 100 Set the specific amount of rows to fetch (Default: 10000)

Return list of tuples or list of dict. Return empty list if all rows were fetched previously.


Fetches all remaining rows. This function may run out of memory.

Return list of tuples or list of dict. Return empty list if all rows were fetched previously.


Fetches all values from first column.

Return list of values. Return empty list if all rows were fetched previously.


Fetches first column of first row. It may be useful for queries returning single value like SELECT count(*) FROM table.

Return value. Return None if all rows were fetched previously.


Depending on the type of query:

  • Return total amount of selected rows for statements with result set (num_rows).
  • Return total amount of processed rows for DML queries (row_count).


Return dict with keys as column names and values as dataType objects defined in Exasol WebSocket protocol.

Names Type Description
type string column data type
precision number (optional) column precision
scale number (optional) column scale
size number (optional) maximum size in bytes of a column value
characterSet string (optional) character encoding of a text column
withLocalTimeZone true, false (optional) specifies if a timestamp has a local time zone
fraction number (optional) fractional part of number
srid number (optional) spatial reference system identifier

Since the minimum supported version of Python is 3.6, the order of dict preserves the order of columns in result set.


Return list of column names.


Closes result set handle if it was opened. You won't be able to fetch next chunk of large dataset after calling this function, but no other side-effects.


Execution time of SQL statement. It is measured by wall-clock time of WebSocket request, so real execution time is a bit faster. Return float.


ExaFormatter inherits standard Python string.Formatter. It introduces set of placeholders to prevent SQL injections specifically in Exasol dynamic SQL queries. It also completely disabled format_spec section of standard formatting since it has no use in context of SQL queries and may cause more harm than good.

You may access these functions using .format property of connection object. Example:

C = pyexasol.connect(...)


Formats SQL query using given arguments. Definition is the same as standard format function.


Accepts raw value. Converts it to str and replaces ' (single-quote) with '' (two single-quotes). May be useful on its own when escaping small parts of bigger values.


Accepts raw identifier. Converts it to str and replaces " (double-quote) with "" (two double-quotes). May be useful on its own when escaping small parts of big identifiers.


Accepts raw value. Converts it to str and escapes for LIKE-pattern value.


Accepts raw value. Converts it to str, escapes it using escape() and wraps in ' (single-quote). This is the primary function to pass arbitrary values to Exasol queries.


Accepts raw identifier. Coverts it to str, escapes it using escape_ident() and wraps in " (double-quote). This is the primary function to pass arbitrary identifiers to Exasol queries.

Also, accepts tuple of raw identifiers, applies quote_ident to all of them and joins with . (dot). It may be useful when referencing to (schema, table) or (schema, table, column_name).

Please note that identifiers in Exasol are upper-cased by default. If you pass lower-cased identifier into this function, Exasol will try to find object with lower-cased name and may fail. Please consider using safe_ident() function if want more convenience.


Accepts raw identifier. Converts it to str and validates it. Then puts it into SQL query without any quotting. If passed values is not a valid identifier (e.g. contains spaces), throws ValueError exception.

Also, accepts tuple of raw identifiers, validates all of them and joins with . (dot).

It is the convenient version of quote_ident with softer approach to lower-cased identifiers.


Accepts raw value. Converts it to str and validates it as float value for Exasol. For example +infinity, -infinity are not valid Exasol values. If value is not valid, throws ValueError exception.


Accepts raw values. Converts it to str and validates it as decimal valie for Exasol. If value is not valid, throws ValueError exception.


ExaMetaData provides convenient functions to perform lock-free meta data requests using /*snapshot execution*/ SQL hint and prepared statements. If you still get locks, please make sure to update Exasol server to the latest minor version.

You may access these functions using .meta property of connection object. Example:

C = pyexasol.connect(...)
print(C.meta.sql_columns('SELECT 1 AS id'))


Return columns of SQL query result without executing it. Output format is similar to ExaStatement.columns().

Argument Example Description
query SELECT * FROM {table!i} WHERE col1={col1} SQL query text, possibly with placeholders
query_params {'table': 'users', 'col1':'bar'} (optional) Values for placeholders


Return True if schema exists, False otherwise.

Argument Example Description
schema_name FINANCE Schema name


Return True if table exists, False otherwise. If schema name was not specified, current_schema will be used instead.

Argument Example Description
table_name my_table, (my_schema, my_table) Table name (with optional schema name)


Return True if view exists, False otherwise. If schema name was not specified, current_schema will be used instead.

Argument Example Description
view_name my_view, (my_schema, my_view) View name (with optional schema name)


Return list of schemas from EXA_SCHEMAS system view matching LIKE-pattern.

Argument Example Description
schema_name_pattern FINANCE, TEST% Schema name LIKE-pattern

Patterns are case-sensitive. You may escape LIKE-patterns using .format.escape_like(). Response contains all columns from system view and might change depending on Exasol server version.


Return list of tables from EXA_ALL_TABLES system view matching LIKE-pattern.

Argument Example Description
table_schema_pattern FINANCE, TEST% Schema name LIKE-pattern
table_name_pattern MY_TABLE, PAYMENTS_% Table name LIKE-pattern

Patterns are case-sensitive. You may escape LIKE-patterns using .format.escape_like(). Response contains all columns from system view and might change depending on Exasol server version.


Return list of views from EXA_ALL_VIEWS system view matching LIKE-pattern.

Argument Example Description
view_schema_pattern FINANCE, TEST% Schema name LIKE-pattern
view_name_pattern MY_VIEW, PAYMENTS_VIEW_% View name LIKE-pattern

Patterns are case-sensitive. You may escape LIKE-patterns using .format.escape_like(). Response contains all columns from system view and might change depending on Exasol server version.


Return list of columns from EXA_ALL_COLUMNS system view matching LIKE-pattern.

Argument Example Description
column_schema_pattern FINANCE, TEST% Schema name LIKE-pattern
column_table_pattern MY_VIEW, PAYMENTS_VIEW_% Object name LIKE-pattern
column_table_type_pattern TABLE, VIEW Object type LIKE-pattern
column_name_pattern USER_ID, USER_ID% Column name LIKE-pattern

Patterns are case-sensitive. You may escape LIKE-patterns using .format.escape_like(). Response contains all columns from system view and might change depending on Exasol server version.


Return list of objects from EXA_ALL_OBJECTS system view matching LIKE-pattern.

Argument Example Description
object_name_pattern MY_VIEW, PAYMENTS_VIEW_% Object name LIKE-pattern
object_type_pattern TABLE, VIEW, FUNCTION Object type LIKE-pattern
owner_pattern INGRES, SYS Owner (user or role) LIKE-pattern
root_name_pattern FINANCE, TEST% Root name LIKE-pattern, it normally refers to schema name

Patterns are case-sensitive. You may escape LIKE-patterns using .format.escape_like(). Response contains all columns from system view and might change depending on Exasol server version.


Return list of objects with sizes from EXA_ALL_OBJECT_SIZES system view matching LIKE-pattern.

Please note: object sizes do not include indices and statistics!

Argument Example Description
object_name_pattern MY_VIEW, PAYMENTS_VIEW_% Object name LIKE-pattern
object_type_pattern TABLE, VIEW, FUNCTION Object type LIKE-pattern
owner_pattern INGRES, SYS Owner (user or role) LIKE-pattern
root_name_pattern FINANCE, TEST% Root name LIKE-pattern, it normally refers to schema name

Patterns are case-sensitive. You may escape LIKE-patterns using .format.escape_like(). Response contains all columns from system view and might change depending on Exasol server version.


Return list of indices with sizes from EXA_ALL_INDICES system view matching LIKE-pattern.

Argument Example Description
index_schema_pattern FINANCE, TEST% Schema name LIKE-pattern
index_table_pattern TABLE, VIEW, FUNCTION Table name LIKE-pattern
index_owner_pattern INGRES, SYS Owner (user or role) LIKE-pattern

Patterns are case-sensitive. You may escape LIKE-patterns using .format.escape_like(). Response contains all columns from system view and might change depending on Exasol server version.


Return list of SQL keywords from EXA_SQL_KEYWORDS system view.

These keywords cannot be used as identifiers without double quotes.

Please try to avoid hardcoding this list. It might change depending on Exasol server version without warning.


Execute SQL statement in snapshot execution mode. It prevents read locks and works for system tables and views only.

Please do not try to query normal tables with this method. It will fail during creation of indices or statistics objects.

Argument Example Description
query SELECT * FROM {table!i} WHERE col1={col1} SQL query text, possibly with placeholders
query_params {'table': 'users', 'col1':'bar'} (optional) Values for placeholders

Return instance of ExaStatement


Execute no SQL metadata command introduced in Exasol 7.0, WebSocket protocol version 2.

The full list of metadata commands and arguments is available in the official documentation.

Argument Example Description
meta_command getTables Metadata command
meta_params {'schema': 'PYEXASOL%', 'table': 'USER%', 'tableTypes': ['TABLE', 'VIEW']} (optional) Parameters for metadata commands

Return instance of ExaStatement


This class provides additional capabilities to solve common Exasol-related problems which are normally out of scope of simple SQL driver. You should call ExaConnection.ext property in order to use those functions.

You may access these functions using .ext property of connection object. Example:

C = pyexasol.connect(...)


INSERT small number of rows into table using prepared statement. It provides better performance for small data sets of 10,000 rows or less compared to import_from_iterable().

Please use import_from_iterable() for larger data sets and better memory efficiency. Please use import_from_pandas() to import from data frame regardless of its size.

You may use columns argument to specify custom order of columns for insertion. If some columns are not included in this list, NULL or DEFAULT value will be used instead.

Argument Example Description
table_name my_table (my_schema, my_table) Target table for INSERT
data [(1, 'foo'), (2, 'bar')] Source object implementing __iter__ (e.g.: list of tuples)
columns ['id', 'name'] List of column names to specify custom order of columns

Please note that data should be presented in a row format. You may use zip(*data_cols) to convert columnar format into row format.


There is no easy-to-use Exasol function to get current disk usage. PyEXASOL tries to mitigate it and estimate this value using hidden system view. We take redundancy and free disk space into account.

This function returns dictionary with 4 keys:

Key Description
occupied_size How much space is occupied (in bytes)
free_size How much space is available (in bytes)
total_size occupied_size + free_size
occupied_size_percent Percentage of occupied disk space (0-100%)


Profile (EXPLAIN) last executed query. Example: 22_profiling

Argument Example Description
details True (optional) return additional details
  • details=False returns AVG or MAX values for all Exasol nodes.
  • details=True returns separate rows for each individual Exasol node (column iproc).

Details are useful to detect bad data distribution and imbalanced execution across multiple nodes.

COMMIT, ROLLBACK and FLUSH STATISTICS queries are ignored.

If you want to see real values of CPU, MEM, HDD, NET columns, please enable Exasol profiling first with: ALTER SESSION SET PROFILE = 'ON';

Please refer to Exasol User Manuals for explanations about profiling columns.


Wrapper for parallel HTTP transport used by child processes.

You may create this wrapper using http_transport() function.


Return internal Exasol address as ipaddr:port string. This string should be passed from child processes to parent process and used as an argument for export_parallel() and import_parallel() functions.


Exports chunk of data using callback function. You may use exactly the same callbacks utilized by standard non-parallel export_to_callback() function.

Argument Example Description
callback def my_callback(pipe, dst, **kwargs) Callback function
dst anything (optional) Export destination for callback function
callback_params {'a': 'b'} (optional) Dict with additional parameters for callback function

Return result of callback function


Import chunk of data using callback function. You may use exactly the same callbacks utilized by standard non-parallel import_from_callback() function.

Argument Example Description
callback def my_callback(pipe, dst, **kwargs) Callback function
src anything (optional) Import source for callback function
callback_params {'a': 'b'} (optional) Dict with additional parameters for callback function

Return result of callback function