Expo for Web enables you to create full-featured PWAs and mobile web experiences with React Native components, and APIs on the web with the React DOM package. Browse through our Native Component List running in the browser to see exactly how features work.
You can also check out native.directory for a list of platform support.
Name | Status | Info | Library |
SQLite | ✅ | expo-sqlite |
DocumentPicker | ✅ | expo-document-picker |
ImagePicker | ✅ | expo-image-picker |
MailComposer | ✅ | expo-mail-composer |
Svg | ✅ | expo-svg |
Updates | ✅ | expo-updates |
LinearGradient | ✅ | expo-linear-gradient |
Linking | ✅ | expo |
Util | ✅ | expo |
SplashScreen | ✅ | expo |
registerRootComponent | ✅ | expo |
Asset | ✅ | expo-asset |
Audio | ✅ | expo-av |
Video | ✅ | expo-av |
Camera | ✅ | expo-camera |
Constants | ✅ | expo-constants |
Platform | ✅ | expo-core |
Font | ✅ | expo-font |
GLView | ✅ | expo-gl |
Localization | ✅ | expo-localization |
Location | ✅ | expo-location |
Permissions | ✅ | expo-permissions |
✅ | expo-print |
Accelerometer | ✅ | expo-sensors |
Gyroscope | ✅ | expo-sensors |
Speech | ✅ | expo-speech |
SMS | ✅ | expo-sms |
Icon | ✅ | @expo/vector-icons |
Switch Navigator | ✅ | react-navigation |
MapView | 🔬 | Experimental | expo |
BlurView | 🔬 | Experimental | expo-blur |
Tab Navigator | ✅ | Experimental | react-navigation |
PIXI.js | 🔬 | Experimental | expo-pixi |
THREE.js | 🔬 | Experimental | expo-three |
Action Sheet | ✅ | @expo/react-native-action-sheet |
UI Alert | ⏳ | Incomplete | @expo/react-native-action-sheet |
Drawer Navigator | ⏳ | Incomplete | react-navigation |
Stack Navigator | 🔬 | Experimental | react-navigation |
Pan Gesture | ⏳ | Incomplete | react-native-gesture-handler |
Tap Gesture | ⏳ | Incomplete | react-native-gesture-handler |
Swipe Gesture | ⏳ | Incomplete | react-native-gesture-handler |
Pinch Gesture | ⏳ | Incomplete | react-native-gesture-handler |
GestureHandler Components | ⏳ | Incomplete | react-native-gesture-handler |
Screens | 🔬 | Experimental | react-native-screens |
⏳ | Incomplete | expo-facebook |
ImageManipulator | ✅ | expo-image-manipulator |
ScreenOrientation | ✅ | expo-screen-orientation |
WebBrowser | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo-web-browser |
BackgroundFetch | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo-background-fetch |
BarCodeScanner | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo-barcode-scanner |
FacebookAds | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo-facebook-ads |
FaceDetector | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo-face-detector |
FileSystem | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo-file-system |
GoogleSignIn | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo-google-sign-in |
Segment | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo-analytics-segment |
⏳ | Incomplete | expo |
Notifications | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo |
apisAreAvailable | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo |
takeSnapshotAsync | 🔬 | Experimental | expo |
AppLoading | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo |
Logs | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo |
ErrorRecovery | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo |
Sentry | ⏳ | Incomplete | sentry-expo |
Branch | ⏳ | Incomplete | expo |
AR | 📱 | Native Only | expo-ar |
AuthSession | 📱 | Native Only | expo-auth-session |
Brightness | 📱 | Native Only | expo-brightness |
Calendar | 📱 | Native Only | expo-calendar |
Haptic | 📱 | Native Only | expo-haptic |
KeepAwake | 📱 | Native Only | expo-keep-awake |
SecureStore | 📱 | Native Only | expo-secure-store |
StoreReview | 📱 | Native Only | expo-store-review |
AdMobBanner | 📱 | Native Only | expo-ads-admob |
AdMobInterstitial | 📱 | Native Only | expo-ads-admob |
AdMobRewarded | 📱 | Native Only | expo-ads-admob |
PublisherBanner | 📱 | Native Only | expo-ads-admob |
AppAuth | 📱 | Native Only | expo-app-auth |
Contacts | 📱 | Native Only | expo-contacts |
LocalAuthentication | 📱 | Native Only | expo-local-authentication |
MediaLibrary | 📱 | Native Only | expo-media-library |
Pedometer | 📱 | Native Only | expo-sensors |
Barometer | 📱 | Native Only | expo-sensors |
Magnetometer | 📱 | Native Only | expo-sensors |
MagnetometerUncalibrated | 📱 | Native Only | expo-sensors |
TaskManager | 📱 | Native Only | expo-task-manager |
Amplitude | 📱 | Native Only | expo |
IntentLauncherAndroid | 📱 | Native Only | expo |