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NodeJS Client for Apache Ignite contains Jasmine tests to check the behavior of the client. the tests include:

  • functional tests which cover all API methods of the client
  • examples executors which run all examples except AuthTlsExample
  • AuthTlsExample executor

Tests Installation

(temporary, while the NPM module is not released on npmjs)

Tests are installed along with the client. Follow the instructions in the main readme.

Tests Running

  1. Run Apache Ignite server locally or remotely with default configuration.
  2. Set the environment variable:
    • APACHE_IGNITE_CLIENT_ENDPOINTS - comma separated list of Ignite node endpoints.
    • APACHE_IGNITE_CLIENT_DEBUG - (optional) if true, tests will display additional output (default: false).
  3. Alternatively, instead of the environment variables setting, you can directly specify the values of the corresponding variables in local_ignite_path/modules/platforms/nodejspec/config.js file.
  4. Run the tests:

Run Functional Tests

Call npm test command from local_ignite_path/modules/platforms/nodejs folder.

Run Examples Executors

Call npm run test:examples command from local_ignite_path/modules/platforms/nodejs folder.

Run AuthTlsExample Executor

It requires running Apache Ignite server with non-default configuration (authentication and TLS switched on).

If the server runs locally:

  • setup the server to accept TLS. During the setup use keystore.jks and truststore.jks certificates from local_ignite_path/modules/platforms/nodejs/examples/certs/ folder. Password for the files: 123456
  • switch on the authentication on the server. Use the default username/password.

If the server runs remotely, and/or other certificates are required, and/or non-default username/password is required - see this instruction.

Call npm run test:auth_example command from local_ignite_path/modules/platforms/nodejs folder.