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File metadata and controls

128 lines (84 loc) · 3.24 KB


ex-vimentry is the vimentry file parser. When you open the file with suffix .exvim, .vimentry or .vimproject, ex-vimentry will automatically parse the content in it, and apply the settings once Vim started.

More details, check :help vimentry.



ex-vimentry is written based on exvim/ex-utility. This is the basic library of ex-vim-plugins. Follow the readme file in ex-utility and install it first.

ex-vimentry follows the standard runtime path structure, and as such it can be installed with a variety of plugin managers:

To install using Vundle:

# add this line to your .vimrc file
Bundle 'exvim/ex-vimentry'

To install using Pathogen:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone

To install using NeoBundle:

# add this line to your .vimrc file
NeoBundle 'exvim/ex-vimentry'

Download zip file:

cd ~/.vim
copy all of the files into your ~/.vim directory


vimentry file allow three type of values:

  • option
  • string
  • array


name = option_value

An option value will become string in vimscript, option doesn't allow white-space in it.


name = 'A string value'

A string is almost same as option value, except that it allow white-space in it.


name = opt1,opt2,opt3
name += opt4
name += opt5,opt6

All of three lines above is operating the same array. Array element is separated by ,. You can use += to continue operate an existed array.

NOTE: If you only have one item for an array, you must use += define it, otherwise the value will become an option or a string. For example:

name += opt1

Add your event listeners

You can add event listeners after vimentry file parsed. To do this, you need to add register scripts in your .vimrc file. ex-vimentry provide vimentry#on( event, funcref ) function to help you do this.

There are three different events you can listen to: reset, changed and project_type_changed.

  • reset: Before vimentry file apply changed settings.
  • changed: When vimentry file changed, and saved by user.
  • project_type_changed: After project_type changed.


Get vimentry settings.

In last section I show you the way to hook functions for vimentry events. ex-vimentry also provide another function for get values you defined in vimentry file.

vimentry#get( name, ... )

Get value by {name}. You can provide default value in the second parameter, in case of the value doesn't exists.

vimentry#check( name, val )

Check if the {name} of the value you defined is same as the {val}


Here is a simple example to show you how to use vimentry file settings:

function my_func ()
    let project_name = vimentry#get('project_name')
    if project_name == ''
        call ex#error("Can't find vimentry setting 'project_name'.")

vimentry#on( 'changed', function('my_func') )