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  1. Introduction
    1. Motivation
    2. Overview
    3. The Cabal Pipeline
  2. Unit identifiers
  3. Cabal
    1. Library structure
    2. Exports
    3. Mixins
    4. Mixin linking
    5. Modules and signatures
  4. Setup interface
  5. GHC
    1. GHC command line flags
    2. Installed library database
    3. Signatures
    4. Dependencies
  6. Drawbacks
  7. Alternatives
  8. Unresolved Questions


Backpack is a proposal to add mixin libraries to Haskell. Mixin libraries can have signatures which permit implementations of values and types to be deferred, while allowing a library with missing implementations to still be type-checked.


Suppose that you are writing a string-processing library which, in principle, could operate on ByteString, Text and String equally well. Ideally, you would be able to write a library to support all three types, while at the same time achieving the following properties:

  1. No copy-pasting. It shouldn't be necessary to duplicate implementation code which is identical across all possible representations.
  2. Just normal Haskell. The code you write should look identical to the code you would have written if you had just written your implementation against one representation (except perhaps with a stronger abstraction barrier.) In particular, the ability to parametrize over types is extremely important.
  3. No performance overhead. The compiled code for each representation should be equivalent in performance to what you would have gotten by compiling it against the representation directly (modulo performance issues related to the API.)
  4. Egalitarian interfaces. You should be able to declare what abstract interface your implementation depends on, without having to rely on some central authority having defined what it means for something to be string-like.
  5. Interface composability. Oppositely, it should be possible to publish and reuse an interface declaration, possibly extending it as necessary.
  6. Extensibility. If I so choose, it should be possible to publish my library in such a way that a user could provide their own backing representation.
  7. Package-level modularity. It should be possible to parametrize over an entire package, since libraries of this form often encompass multiple modules.
  8. Separate type-checking. It should be possible to typecheck a parametrized package without committing to any particular implementation.

Backpack seeks to solve all of these problems, where existing language features in Haskell are not up to the task.

Dictionary passing style The dictionary-passing approach to modularity defines a dictionary type, with type parameters for every type we want to parametrize over, and fields for every value or function we parametrize over. For example, a dictionary parametrizing over string implementations might look like this:

data StrDict str
    = StrDict {
        null :: str,
        append :: str -> str -> str

concat :: StrDict str -> [str] -> str
concat d xs = foldr (append d) (null d) xs

Dictionary passing fails criteria (2), (3), (5) and (7):

  • Just normal Haskell? While the encoding cost of this scheme is not too heavy, it is still not as nice as the code you could write if you didn't need to be parametric over multiple implementations. A more serious problem is that it is not possible to define new types based on the record (indeed, one could say this is the point of a module system). "F-ing modules" demonstrates that the definition of types in this way is simply a mode of use of universal and existential quantifiers: however, such encodings would be extremely unwieldy to do by hand. (Although, it does suggest someone could write a Template Haskell extension to elaborate ML-style modules into existentially quantified Haskell records. We leave this for a future RFC.)
  • No performance overhead? Modulo optimizations, code written this way clearly must be indirected through a record of functions. For some interfaces, this would constitute an unacceptable overhead. If GHC can inline concat into a call-site where the the dictionary is known, it is possible to avoid this overhead; however, concat must be re-optimized at every such call-site, and its code duplicated!
  • Interface composability? Dictionary-passing style inherits many of the same problems that plague Haskell's record system: records of this form simply cannot be composed in a nice way. If you want to extend StrDict to contain another field, you have to define a new type; if someone else does the same, you have to explicitly convert to the two. Structural row types (and encodings thereof) would help alleviate this problem.
  • Package-level modularity? It is clear that passing a dictionary operates only on a per-function basis, and there is no special dispensation for modularizing an entire package, except laboriously adding a dictionary to every function in the package.

Dictionary passing does have the benefit that it is easy to swap implementation at runtime: so-called first-class modules are expressly not a problem Backpack seeks to address (you should use dictionary-passing in this case!)

Traditional type classes permit dictionaries to be computed automatically based on the types at a dictionary call site. For example, instead of defining a StrDict type, we simply define a StrLike type class:

class StrLike str where
    null :: str
    append :: str -> str -> str

concat :: StrLike str => [str] -> str
concat xs = foldr append null xs

Clearly, type classes can reduce some of the encoding overhead seen in dictionary-passing style. But it does not solve all the issues of dictionary-passing style (performance, composability, and applicability to the package level all apply to type classes), and they introduce some issues of their own:

  1. If there is no natural type for what we are modularizing over (e.g., we are simply parametric over an implementation), type class resolution cannot be carried out without introducing a dummy proxy type.
  2. In a multi-parameter type class, some methods may not mention all of the types in the type class: these methods cannot be resolved unambiguously without introducing a functional dependency. Similarly, every type parameter must be listed in the constraints, even if they are not used. If there is a natural type to modularize over, these issues can be alleviated by introducing an associated type.
  3. And of course, you still have to put the damn constraint on every parametrized function.

Preprocessor. A classic way to swap out a backing implementation is to replace it textually using a pre-processor. In such a scheme, you might write your Haskell program like this:

import Data.ByteString as Str

#include "Impl.hs"

Besides the intrinsic ugliness of such an approach, it fails to define the interface between an implementation and the backing implementations it relies on. Without this type information, separate typechecking is impossible. Separate typechecking is extremely useful: otherwise, you get extremely difficult to understand error messages, as is seen in C++ template error messages.


In this section, we give a high-level overview of Backpack, using the string-processing problem as our running example. In this section, we will introduce important terminology (bolded) that we will be used in the rest of this specification.

Backpack solves this string-processing problem in the following way: To parametrize over a string implementation, a user of Backpack writes a signature describing the necessary supported interface for their strings (an egalitarian interface.) A signature is much like an hs-boot file, in that it contains only type signatures and type declarations, but no implementations:

-- in Str.hsig
signature Str where
data Str
null   :: Str
append :: Str -> Str -> Str

Other modules in the library import this signature and can use the types and functions declared in the signature as if it were an ordinary module (i.e., just normal Haskell, with no copy-pasting):

-- in Concat.hs
module Concat where
import Str
concat xs = foldr append null xs

Locally defined hsig files are declared in the Cabal file via the signatures field:

library concat-indef
    signatures: Str
    exposed-modules: Concat

Diagramatically, we represent the library concat-indef as a component with one input port (the signature Str) and one output port (the module Concat):


Signatures can also be inherited from other libraries (more on this shortly); we refer to the set of all locally defined and inherited signatures as the set of required signatures. A library with required signatures is called an indefinite library. As it is missing implementations for its required signatures, it cannot be compiled; however, it can still be type-checked (separate type-checking) and registered with the compiler, so that it can be used by other indefinite libraries which depend on it. In contrast, a definite library is a library with no required signatures (any library that doesn't use Backpack features is a definite library).

An indefinite library can be instantiated (possibly multiple times) with implementations for all of its required signatures, allowing it to be compiled. Instantiation happens automatically when a user depends on an indefinite library and another library which provides modules with the same name as the signatures. For implementation reasons, it is only possible to fill required signatures with modules from build-depends (and not locally defined ones):

library str-bytestring
    exposed-modules: Str

library concat-bytestring
    build-depends: str-bytestring, concat-indef
        -- Concat from concat-indef is instantiated
        -- with Str from str-bytestring.  We can
        -- reexport it under a qualified name for
        -- more convenient use.
        Concat as Concat.ByteString


Thus, indefinite libraries can be thought of parametrized modules, but rather than explicitly specifying each parameter, it is implicitly specified with module namespaces. This process of determining the explicit instantiations is called mixin linking.

An indefinite library can be instantiated to various degrees. Compilation does not occur unless all required signatures are implemented, allowing a compiler to optimize as if Backpack was not present (no performance overhead.) An indefinite library can also be partially instantiated, or not instantiated at all. If a required signature is not instantiated, it gets inherited by the user of the library:

-- in the Cabal file
library stringutils-indef
    -- No Str module in scope, so Str is left uninstantiated,
    -- giving stringutils-indef an (implicit) requirement
    -- on Str.
    build-depends: concat-indef
    exposed-modules: StringUtils

-- in StringUtils.hs
module StringUtils where
import Concat
import Str -- the signature is importable


It's worth reiterating that contents of a signatures field do not specify the required signatures of a library, since a library may also inherit many other required signatures from its dependencies. (TODO: A user can explicitly specify all implicit signatures using the implicit-signatures field.)

Backpack is quite flexible about the way the uninstantiated required signatures can be handled:

  • If you depend on two indefinite libraries, both of which have the same required signature (e.g., Str), then you have a single required signature Str that is the union of these two signatures: signatures are identified only by module name:

    library one-string
        -- One requirement, named Str
        build-depends: concat-indef, stringutils-indef

    To keep these two requirements separate, you would rename one of the requirements to a different name using the mixins directive:

    library two-string
        -- Two requirements, Str and Str2
        build-depends: concat-indef, stringutils-indef
        mixins: stringutils-indef requires (Str as Str2)
  • In addition to the inherited requirements from dependencies, a user can also define a local hsig to refine the required signature further (i.e., define extra types).

The current implementation of Backpack in GHC has some notable user-facing limitations:

  1. It is not possible to define a module in a library, and then use it to immediately to instantiate an indefinite library:

    library concat-bytestring-bad
        build-depends: concat-indef -- has Str requirement
        exposed-modules: Str, ConcatUser -- can't use these to fill

    Instead, Str must be pulled out into a separate library of its own (Cabal 2.0 supports multiple libraries in a package, making this less burdensome.) The reason for this restriction is to simplify implementation of the build system: if this mode of use was allowed, it would be necesary to first build Str, then build concat-indef, and then come back to concat-bytestring-bad and finish building the rest of the modules.

    Note, however, it is permissible to inherit a signature while also defining a local signature.

  2. Mutual recursion is not allowed. For example, these libraries cannot be instantiated with each other:

    library p
        signatures: A
        exposed-modules: B
    library q
        signatures: B
        exposed-modules: A

    Signature merging can also result in mutual recursion; suppose a library has these two signatures:

    signature A where
    signature B where
        import A

    and another library has the import swapped: merging these would result in a cycle between A and B; thus it is not allowed.

    Eventually we do want to support mutual recursion in all these cases (the theory certainly allows for it), but we declared it as out of scope for the initial release of Backpack.

  3. It's not possible to declare what the signature of a module is (e.g., you can't have both A.hsig and A.hs in the same module), nor is it possible to declare exactly what the required signature of a library is (merging always takes place.)

The Cabal Pipeline

The Cabal pipeline is the entire lifecycle of compiling a set of Cabal packages from beginning to end. The core part of Backpack is performing mix-in linking and then appropriately invoking GHC to actually compile modules and signatures, but the end-to-end process also involves dependency solving, reusing already installed packages and installing the build products output by GHC.


  1. Dependency solving. Dependency solving resolves the version-range bounded dependencies of a package to specific versions of the dependencies, and picks a flag assignment for each package, simplifying away all conditional sections in the Cabal file. This step must happen first: prior to dependency solving, we don't know which source packages we are compiling! The input to dependency solving is the entire Hackage index; the output is a graph of packages to be compiled.
  2. Componentization. Cabal packages can define multiple independent components (libraries, executables, test suites and benchmarks). Componentization decomposes the graph of packages into a graph of components, exposing finer-grained dependency structure and simplifying subsequent Backpack passes which apply only to libraries.
  3. Mix-in linking. Components implicitly instantiate mixin libraries by combining the namespaces of their provided modules and required signatures. Mix-in linking elaborates each component into a form where its dependencies are explicitly instantiated. For libraries, mix-in linking also infers a library shape, which describes what the library requires and provides (though similar to a type, we use a different term, as a library shape knows nothing about the Haskell-level type system). Mix-in linking is compositional, in that the shape and elaboration of a library is derived only from the shapes of its direct dependencies.
  4. Instantiation. We expect typechecking of libraries to be compositional: the type of a library should be derivable from the types of its uninstantiated dependencies. However, this compositionality is in tension with Backpack's promise of no overhead: a library can only be specialized against its instantiation if we compile it for that specific instantiation. The instantiation phase recursively adds these fully instantiated libraries to the component graph, giving us the full graph of components that will eventually be installed. If any of these components has already been installed, we can skip building them in this run (this step is called improvement.)
  5. Typechecking and compiling. Finally, we build and install each of the resulting components in topological order. Instantiated libraries and components with no holes are compiled, while indefinite libraries are typechecked only, using the signatures to provide types for the uninstantiated holes.

Notational conventions

We use the following conventions for presenting syntax:

pat +           one or more repetitions
pat *           zero or more repetitions
( pat )         grouping
pat1 | pat2     choice
[chars]         bracket expression
"foo"           terminal syntax

In general, this document defines syntax abstractly; in both the cases of the Cabal package description language and the Haskell source language, there are existing authoritative specifications of the concrete syntax; e.g., we will not consider questions of layout or whitespace. The one exception is the concrete syntax of unit identifiers, which are defined precisely (as GHC consumes unit identifiers in its command line interface).

Unit identifiers


At the core of Backpack is the expression language of unit identifiers. A unit identifier can be thought of in two ways:

  1. A unit identifier is an expression in the language of applicative functor applications, specifying how a library is instantiated. In this sense, p[A=q:B] says, p applied with q:B at its hole (argument) A.
  2. A unit identifier uniquely identifies a library: if two instances of a library are instantiated in the same way, they provide the same types and will be compiled and installed only once in the package database.

Unit identifiers are pervasive in both the Cabal and GHC: Cabal mix-in links libraries to determine the unit identifiers of the libraries that are in scope; GHC consumes these unit identifiers to determine what modules are in scope for import and what requirements are inherited. Unit identifiers are not intended to be written by hand.


The concrete syntax of unit identifiers is given below:

ComponentId      ::= [A-Za-z0-9-_.]+
ModuleName       ::= [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_']* ( "." [A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_']* ) +

UnitId          ::= ComponentId "[" ModuleSubst "]"
ModuleSubst     ::= ( ModuleName "=" Module ) *
Module          ::= UnitId ":" ModuleName
                  | "<" ModuleName ">"      # hole

We fix a set of component identifiers and module names, which serve as labels to identify libraries prior to instantiation and the modules within them, respectively. Component identifiers are allocated by the package manager after dependency solving and componentization, and generally encode the source package name, version, and transitive dependency structure.

A unit identifier consists of a library (specified by a component identifier) and a module substitution, specifying how each of its holes is to be filled. A module substitution is a mapping from module name to module identifier, which specifies a particular module name from an instantiated component (specified by a unit identifier), or a hole module (indicating that the module is uninstantiated). Each module name key of the substitution must be distinct; to ensure a canonical form for the concrete syntax, entries are given in lexicographically sorted order.

Pictorial language

Another way to understand unit identifiers is to visualize a graph of component boxes:


Each component box is labelled with a component identifier and has a series of input ports (on the left) and output ports (on the right). The input ports represent all of the required module names of the component, while the output ports signify a subset of the provided modules from this component (output ports can be elided if they are unused). An output port can be wired up to an input port to indicate the module is being used to instantiate the requirement; if a hole module name is wired to an input port, it indicates that this port is uninstantiated. Component graphs are acyclic.

A unit identifier represents a specific box in a component graph, while a module identifier represents a specific output port on one of these boxes. It is worth emphasizing that the inputs to a component box determine its identity (for example, the component box for a component identifier can appear multiple times with different inputs.)

Component graphs are equivalent up to the following relation, which states that we can common up component boxes which have the same component identifier and input modules, or (in reverse) duplicate a component box and all of its inputs into two identical graphs.


For example, on the left below we have the most expanded representation of a component graph, while on the right we have the most compact representation (with one component box per distinct unit identifier):


The most expanded representation is always a tree of component boxes, each with only a single output port; this representation corresponds exactly to the abstract syntax tree of unit identifiers:



Module substitutions can be applied to identifiers, treating hole modules as variables. In the equations below, p ranges over ComponentId, P ranges over UnitId, S ranges over ModuleSubst, m ranges over ModuleName and M ranges over Module:

-- Substitution on UnitId
(p[S])⟦S'⟧   = p[S⟦S'⟧]

-- Substitution on Module
<m>⟦⟧        = <m>
<m>⟦m=M,  S⟧ = M
<m>⟦m'=M, S⟧ = <m>⟦S⟧    (m ≠ m')
(P:m)⟦S⟧     = P⟦S⟧:m

-- Substitution on ModuleSubst (NOT substitution composition)
(m=M, S')⟦S⟧ = m=M⟦S⟧, S'⟦S⟧

Pictorially, substitution plugs a component into an unfilled hole module:


Compactly representing installed unit identifiers

In some situations, the full structure of a unit identifier is not needed; for example, if a unit identifier has no module holes, it is invariant under substitution. Thus, we fix a set of definite unit identifiers, which label unit identifiers with no holes, and add them to the grammar of unit identifiers:

DefiniteUnitId  ::= [A-Za-z0-9-_.+]+

UnitId          ::= ComponentId "[" ModuleSubst "]"
                  | DefiniteUnitId

With definite unit identifiers, we can enforce the invariant that module substitutions are non-empty: a unit identifier with an empty module substitution is simply a definite unit identifier (with ComponentId equal to DefiniteUnitId.)

Unit identifiers are equivalent up to "unfoldings" of definite unit identifiers, as seen in the diagram below (definite unit identifiers are highlighted in blue):


Recursive components

Warning: The extension described in this section is not implemented in GHC 8.2. It can be skipped upon a first reading.

Backpack with recursive components requires generalizing unit identifiers to be infinite regular trees. These trees can be represently finitely using μ-binders (ala recursive types), with the following abstract syntax (where α ranges over unit identity variables):

UnitId ::= μα. ComponentId[ModuleSubst]
         | α

A more parsimonious extension to the concrete syntax is to have every ComponentId "constructor" implicitly introduce a μ-binding, and represent the variables with de Bruijn indexes. Let UnitIdVar range over natural numbers, then:

UnitId ::= ComponentId "[" ModuleSubst "]"
         | UnitIdVar

Pictorially, recursive components simply relax the acyclicity restriction on the component graph:


These graphs are equivalent up to unfoldings (i.e., unrolling the cycles).

For every unit identifier, there exists a canonical form which can be computed by Moore machine minimization. Canonicalization can be achieved in three steps:

  1. Convert the unit identifier into a Moore machine,
  2. Minimize the Moore machine (the procedure is similar to DFA minimization, except that states with differing outputs are initialized to be in separate equivalence classes initially), and
  3. Convert the Moore machine back into a unit identifier.

Intuitively, the Moore machine of a unit identifier recognizes paths (from right to left) through the component graph, outputting the component identifiers of the component boxes it traverses.


Formally, we define the partial Moore machine corresponding to a unit identifier as follows:

  1. The state set ranges over component boxes and hole modules in the graph (in the diagram above, we simply assigned a number to each box/hole).
  2. The input alphabet is the Cartesian product of output module names and input module names. Intuitively, each member of the alphabet corresponds to a wire labeled with the name of the input and output ports it is wired to.
  3. The output alphabet is the set of component identifiers, as well as a distinguished element HOLE for hole modules.
  4. The inital state is the state corresponding to the component box of the unit identifier we want to denote.
  5. A transition from S to S' on the input (m, m') exists if there is a wire from the input port m' of S to the output port m of S' (or a hole module m, if S' corresponds to a hole module.)
  6. The output of a state is the component identifier of its component box, or HOLE if it is a hole module.

We can complete the partial Moore machine into a total Moore machine by adding a new sink state SINK, which outputs a new output value SINK, and directing all undefined transitions to it (not depicted on the diagram.)

Here are two examples of recursive components expressed as Moore machines:



The unit identifier corresponding to a Moore machine is defined by recursively traversing the Moore machine, creating unit identifiers whose component identifier is the output at a state, and module substitution is all of the outgoing transitions to non-sink states. During this traversal, we maintain a stack of seen states: when we reach a state that is already on our stack, we emit a de Bruijn index corresponding to the depth of the state in the stack. This traversal is guaranteed to terminate as the size of the state set is finite.



The basic unit of modularity in Backpack is a library.

  • Libraries have dependencies, modules and signatures
  • Libraries are ascribed a shape, which specify what they require (module names) and what they the provide (module identities). Shapes are computed and consumed by mix-in linking. Shapes are represented diagramatically similarly to unit identifiers, except that some output ports can be provided by "inner" libraries, and it's the inner identity that matters for type identity.
  • Libraries are handled by Cabal. This processing is agnostic to the source code (treat modules/signatures as opaque.)

Packages versus Libraries


A package is a tree of source code described by a cabal file, which can be distributed to other users. What does a package contain? There are two ways to think about this:

  1. The traditional perspective is that a package represents a library, which may also have some tests, benchmarks and executables bundled with it. This perspective encourages users to identify packages and libraries: for example, build dependencies are declared on packages, even though what you are really depending on is the library of the package (and not the tests, benchmarks or executables).
  2. The more modern perspective is that a package is simply a bundle of libraries, executables, tests and benchmarks. This perspective reflects the fact that each of these components has independent dependencies and can be built seperately; here, the package is simply a purely a way of specifying common metadata for a collection of components.

Colloquially, if we say that we "instantiated a package", what is really meant is that we instantiated the primary library of the package. If a package contains only a single library, the intent is clear; but if a package contains multiple libraries, saying "the package was instantiated" is confusing: only one library was instantiated. To avoid confusion, we will be precise, and use the term library (not package) when describing the unit of modularity: the unit of code that can have requirements and be instantiated.

It's interesting to compare Cabal's approach to supporting test suites and executables in packages to other package systems. A critical question to answer is the meaning of a package: is a package a library, which may also have some auxiliary components (library-oriented packages) or a collection of components (collection-oriented packages)?

For example, most test suites commonly rely on some external test framework. How can you specify a "test-only" dependency, which should not be built if you are not using the test framework? In a library-oriented setting, a common way to resolve this problem is to support conditional dependencies, where the extra test dependencies can be disabled if a package is being built solely as a library. In a collection-oriented setting, this problem can be resolved by allowing dependencies to be specified on a per-component basis.

By in large, most package managers are library-oriented:

  • Cargo allows you to specify multiple targets (our components) in a package. A package can have any number of tests, benchmarks and executables, but at most one library (library-oriented!) Cargo offers some degree of independent configuration for each target, but dependencies are always global to the entire package; however, Cargo supports developer-only dependencies (dependencies are only needed during development, e.g., for tests). On the more collection-oriented side, however, Cargo would like to eventually support separate dependencies for targets.
  • npm, gem and Composer, a trio of package managers for interpreted languages, all operate quite similarly. A package is primarily a library, but it may have some number of scripts to be installed into the PATH when it is installed (npm', gem', Composer'). None of these explicitly handle tests or benchmarks, but they support developer-only dependencies (npm'', ruby'', Composer'') for things like test harnesses.


A Cabal file (file extension cabal) contains a number of fields describing the package as a whole, as well as a series of stanzas, which describe the components of the package. The set of valid fields inside a stanza varies between the different types of component, although there is a common set of build information fields common to all components.

Backpack adds a number of new fields and interacts closely...


library ::=
    "library" ( PackageName )?
        library-fields *

library-fields ::=
    "exposed-modules:"      ModuleName ...
  | "other-modules:"        ModuleName ...
  | "signatures:"           ModuleName ...
  | "reexported-modules:"   reexported-module "," ...
  | buildinfo-fields
  | ... -- Cabal supports more fields

exposed-module    ::= ModuleName
other-module      ::= ModuleName
signature         ::= ModuleName
reexported-module ::= ( PackageName ":" ) ModuleName ( "as" ModuleName )?

buildinfo-fields ::=
    "mixins:"        mixin  "," ... "," mixin
  | "build-depends:" build-depend      "," ... "," build-depend
  | ... -- Cabal supports more fields

mixin  ::= PackageName MixinRenaming
build-depend      ::= PackageName VersionBound

MixinRenaming      ::= ModuleRenaming ( "requires" ModuleRenaming )?
ModuleRenaming    ::= ""
                    | "(" entry "," ... "," entry ")"
                    | "hiding" "(" ModuleName "," ... "," ModuleName ")"
entry ::= ModuleName
        | ModuleName "as" ModuleName
WithModuleRenaming ::= ""
                     | "(" with_entry "," ... "," with_entry ")"
with_entry ::= ModuleName "with" ModuleName

Library structure

A library defines a scope containing declarations for modules and signatures.

A library begins with a header: the keyword library, an optional library name (if omitted, the name defaults to the name of the package), and then a series of library fields defining what is brought into scope, what is defined and what is exported.

Cabal also defines test suite, benchmark and executable components which only include buildinfo-fields; we will ignore them for the purposes of this specification.


exposed-module    ::= ModuleName
reexported-module ::= ( PackageName ":" ) ModuleName ( "as" ModuleName )?

The exposed-modules field consists of a list of module names to be exported by the component. Declaration identifies the locally defined modules (not signature) that are exported by the library component.

The reexported-modules field consists of a list of possibly package qualified module name to be reexported from a component, possibly under a different name. Every named module must be in scope. The (possibly) qualified module name must unambiguously identify a module: while it is not an error to have to modules in scope under the same name, it is an error to reexport such a module name without qualification. Like in Haskell, it is possible to construct a scope where it is not possible to unambiguous refer to a module name.

The unqualified names of every exposed and reexported module must be distinct. For example, the following component is invalid:

exposed-modules: A
reexported-modules: B as A

Reexported modules are NOT available for locally defined modules to import; they strictly affect the exports of a component.


mixin  ::= PackageName MixinRenaming

MixinRenaming      ::= ModuleRenaming ( "requires" ModuleRenaming )?
ModuleRenaming    ::= ""
                    | "(" entry "," ... "," entry ")"
                    | "hiding" "(" ModuleName "," ... "," ModuleName ")"
entry ::= ModuleName
        | ModuleName "as" ModuleName
WithModuleRenaming ::= ""
                     | "(" with_entry "," ... "," with_entry ")"
with_entry ::= ModuleName "with" ModuleName

Entities exported by a library can be brought into scope in another component via the mixins field.

What provisions are brought into scope

Exactly which provided modules are to be brought into scope in two ways:

  1. The imported module names can be specified explicitly by listing them in parentheses. A module name can be renamed using the as keyword: p (A as B) imports the module exported from component p with name A under the new name B.
  2. If the module renaming is omitted, all modules provided by the specified component are brought into scope.

Package qualified modules

For each module brought into scope, it is brought into scope both as an unqualified module name, and a package-qualified name qualified by the package name of the mixin which brought it into scope.

A programmer can refer to a package-qualified in several situations:

  1. With the GHC extension PackageImports, a package qualified import import "pkgname" M can disamiguate between two modules which have the same unqualified name.
  2. In the reexported-modules, the package qualifier can be used to disambiguate which module should be reexported.

Implicit build-depends mixins

buildinfo-fields ::=
    "build-depends:"        build-depend      "," ... "," build-depend
  | ...

build-depend      ::= PackageName VersionBound

Traditionally, the build-depends field both specifies version bounds for each external package dependency of the component (to be used by the dependency solver) AND brings all of the exported modules of that component into scope.

We preserve this behavior by introducing the following "implicit mixin" rule: every package name p in build-depends which is not mentioned in mixins adds an implicit mixin p (with the default provision and requirement renaming). Since the implicit mixin is only added when the package name is not mentioned by mixins, it can be suppressed simply by specifying an mixin, e.g., mixins: p (), which does not bring any provided modules into scope.

Conversely, as the dependency solver requires version bounds for all external packages, any package name referenced in a mixin must also be mentioned in a build-depends version bound, so that the dependency solver solves for it.

Mixin linking

A mixin may also specify some requirements. Like provided modules, these requirements are brought into the same scope as provided modules. However, when a requirement has has the same name as a module, mixin linking occurs. Mixin linking follows the following rules:

  1. Unlike provided modules, a requirement cannot be hidden; it is always brought into scope. Like provided modules, they can be renamed using the as keyword in the module renaming after the requires keyword.

    TODO: An alternative proposed syntax is satisfy keyword: p (Impl) satisfy (Str with ByteString, Path with FilePath) specifies that the holes Str and Path are brought into scope under the names ByteString and FilePath, respectively, making it clearer in intent.

  2. If a requirement is brought into scope under the same module name as an unambiguous provided module, the requirement is linked: that module is used to instantiate the component with this requirement. It is an error if the module is ambiguous.

  3. If a requirement is brought into scope without being linked against an implementation, it automatically becomes a requirement of this component. Components inherit unlinked requirements of components they depend on.

  4. If two requirements are brought into scope under the same name, they are merged into a single requirement, which is merged by itself. (This process is carried out by the compiler under the name of signature merging.)

  5. Every include of a component generates a fresh set of requirements. These requirements may be merged together, but they do not have to be (i.e., if they are renamed).

Intuitively, every component can be represented as a box with outgoing wires labeled by module name for the modules it provides, and incoming wires labeled by module name for the signatures it requires. When two wires have the same module name, they are linked up. The wiring diagram then is translated into unit identifiers which are passed to the compiler in the unit language.

Modules and signatures

exposed-module  ::= ModuleName
other-module    ::= ModuleName
signature       ::= ModuleName

The exposed-modules, other-modules and signatures field specify the Haskell modules (hs) and signatures (hsig) which are locally defined by this package. It is NOT required for all the transitive requirements of a component to be listed in signatures: only requirements which have locally defined hsig files are needed.

These modules are added to the scope after all mixins have been linked together, but before reexported-modules is processed. This is because using a locally defined module to implement an included component constitutes a mutually recursive reference, which we consider out-of-scope for this proposal. (TODO: Does this work right? Test.)

Setup interface

The ./Setup configure interface is extended with a new --instantiated-with flag, which may be specified multiple times, taking an argument with the grammar ModuleName "=" Module (i.e., an entry in a module substitution). This parameter specifies how the public library (if the package is being configured for all components) or the specified component (if the package is being configured in one-component mode) should be instantiated. The module specified in this flag MUST NOT contain any free module variables; that is to say, this flag is only used to instantiate a package with definite modules. Combined with the --cid parameter, this forms the unit identifier of the library we are compiling.

In all situations (including instantiated components), the --dependency flag is used to specify a component identifier, NOT a unit identifier. The Setup script is responsible for performing mixin linking in order to determine the actual unit identifier dependencies, when a unit is fully instantiated, which are then passed to the compiler.



mlib  ::= "library" ComponentId
            "<" ModuleName "," ... "," ModuleName ">"
          "where" "{"
            mdecl_0 ";" ... ";" mdecl_n
mdecl ::= "dependency" UnitId ThinningRenaming
        | "module"    ModuleName
        | "signature" ModuleName

ThinningRenaming    ::= ""
                    | "(" tr "," ... "," tr ")"
tr ::= ModuleName
     | ModuleName "as" ModuleName

A mixed library begins with a header recording its component identity and a list of its signatures. The body of a library consists of any number of dependencies, modules and signatures.

For example, concat-indef and stringutils-indef would have the following ASTs:

library concat-indef-0.1-abcdefg <Str> where
    signature Str
    module Concat

library stringutils-indef-0.1-xxx <Str> where
    dependency concat-indef-0.1-abcdefg[Str=<Str>]
    module StringUtils

There are two operations we can perform on a mixed library with signatures:

  1. We can typecheck it, which can be done with the library all by itself and generates interface files or
  2. We can compile it against some instantiation of its signatures to implementations, giving us object code.

Typechecking an uninstantiated mixed library. Each declaration in ghc --make desugars into a flag (defined in the next section) or an argument:

  1. "dependency" UnitId ModuleRenaming is translated into the flag -unit-id "UnitId ModuleRenaming" (the unit identity and module renaming are passed as a single argument with a literal space separating them).
  2. "module" ModuleName is translated into the argument ModuleName, identifying an hs file in the include path.
  3. "signature" ModuleName is translated into the argument ModuleName, identifying an hsig file in the include path. Every signature must have an hsig file (unlike the Cabal syntax, where required signatures can be implicit); it is expected that Cabal generates blank signature files for all inherited signatures. (This restriction simplifies the compilation model: one source file per compilation product. It may be lifted in the future.)
  4. The header of a mixed library "library" ComponentId "<" ModuleName + ">" is translated into -this-unit-id UnitId, where UnitId consists of ComponentId and a generalized module substitution m=<m>, for each ModuleName.

Thus, these two ASTs would translate into these two command lines:

ghc -this-unit-id "concat-indef-0.1-abcdefg" \
    -instantiated-with "Str=<Str>" \
    --make Str.hsig Concat.hs

ghc -this-unit-id "stringutils-indef-0.1-xxx[Str=<Str>]" \
    -unit-id "concat-indef-0.1-abcdefg[Str=<Str>]" \
    --make Str.hsig StringUtils.hs

Compiling an instantiated mixed library. To compile an instantiated mixed library, we specify specify an instantiated unit identifier:

ghc -this-unit-id "concat-indef-0.1-abcdefg+xyz12345" \
    -instantiated-with "Str=str-bytestring-0.2-xxx:Str" \
    --make Str.hsig Concat.hs

ghc -this-unit-id "stringutils-indef-0.1-xxx+hijklm" \
    -instantiated-with "Str=str-bytestring-0.2-xxx:Str" \
    -unit-id "concat-indef-0.1-abcdefg+xyz12345" \
    --make Str.hsig StringUtils.hs

There are a few other differences in the command line format:

  1. -this-unit-id is provided in hashed form. We must also provide how this unit is to be instantiated using the -instantiated-with flag. The hashed unit identifier is passed to GHC (rather than GHC computing it itself) so that Cabal can allocate the hash, and also use it to name the library in the file system.
  2. The -unit-id flag accepts a hashed unit identifiers.

GHC command line flags

In this section, we summarize the accepted command line flags of GHC:

Specifies the unit identifier of the library we are compiling (the home library). This unit identifier must either be completely uninstantiated or a hashed unit identifier (partially instantiated unit identifiers are illegal.) If it is uninstantiated, this means we are typechecking the code only.
The module substitution of the library we are instantiating.
Specifies the unit identifier of a library we depend on. The module variables of these unit identifiers can only refer to module variables in -this-unit-id.

ghc --make accepts a list of modules and signatures that are to be typechecked or compiled.

Installed library database

The installed library database (previously known as the installed package database) records uninstantiated and instantiated libraries that have been typechecked or compiled (respectively) so that they can be reused in later invocations of GHC.

Logically, the installed library database is composed of three parts:

  1. Uninstantiated indefinite libraries, which are uniquely identified by component identifier. These libraries have only been typechecked, but they can be instantiated on the fly according to a unit identifier:

    library p <H>
        signature H
  2. Fully instantiated indefinite libraries, which are uniquely identifed by unit identifier with no free module variables in its instantiating substitution. These libraries have been compiled:

    library p[H=himpl:H]
        signature H
  3. Definite libraries, which don't have any signatures and thus can't be instantiated in any meaningful way. These libraries have been compiled. These are uniquely identified by component or unit identifier (as without instantiations, these identifiers are equivalent):

    library p
        module M

To typecheck an indefinite library, you need to have first installed all the uninstantiated and definite libraries you depend on. To compile a definite library, you need the fully instantiated and definite libraries you depend on.

Instantiated/definite libraries cannot depend on uninstantiated libraries (since there's no compiled code to actually depend on); however, uninstantiated libraries can depend on instantiated/definite libraries.

(TODO: This ties into some tricky implementation business, where an uninstantiated library depends on a non-immediate instantiated library, because it partially instantiates a dependency which in turn instantiates the full library.)

Note that there are never partially instantiated libraries in the database: instead, these instantiations are computed "on the fly" from the corresponding fully uninstantiated library.

During the course of compilation, a user may look up an uninstantiated or instantiated/definite library by querying for a component or unit identifier (respectively). An entry in the installed library database records a variety of information, but the most important for the purposes of Backpack are the exposed modules, which are a mapping from module names to module identities, which specify what modules get brought into scope when we declare a dependency on the library.


A signature defines a collection of type signatures, datatypes, abstract types, type synonyms, classes, etc. A signature contains enough information to typecheck any modules which depend on it, but not enough to compile them.

mdecl ::= "signature" ModuleName

A source signature is a locally defined signature signature file whose contents are exactly that of an hs-boot file, except with the following differences:

  • The file extension is hsig, not hs-boot.

  • A signature at module A is imported directly by using import A (no {-# SOURCE #-} pragma is necessary.)

  • It is an error to define a module with the same name as a signature; in this version of Backpack, signatures are not used to implement mutual recursion (although, in principle, they can be).

  • Entities defined in the signature H are given the original name {H.T}, stating that T comes from some unspecified module. (This module need not be <H>, since the implementor may reexport it from elsewhere.) For example:

    signature H where
    data T
    x :: T

    ...defines two entities with original names {H.T} and {H.x}.

  • TODO not implemented: Explicit declarations of type equalities, e.g., instance T ~ S are permitted.

Notably, type classes and instances can be declared in a signature file.

A module implements a signature in the same way an hs file implements an hs-boot file, except with the following differences:

  • A declaration in a signature may be implemented by a reexport in the implementation, so long as the reexported entity implements the declaration according to these rules. For example:

    module M(Bool) where
    import Prelude(Bool)
 an adequate implementation of:

    signature M where
    data Bool
  • An abstract data type declaration data T can be implemented by a type synonym with the same kind. For example:

    module M where
    type T = Bool
 an adequate implementation of:

    signature M where
    data T

A notable restriction carried over from hs-boot files is that a polymorphic function cannot be used to implement a monomorphic one: the user must monomorphize it in the implementing module. (TODO: maybe we can lift this by adding dummy definitions to impedance match.)

Signatures can be merged with other signatures to form merged signatures. The merge of signature S1 and S2 is the minimal signature S, such that any module which implements S also implements S1 and S2. Signature merging can be specified algorithmically as follows:

  • For each export of the signatures which have the same occurrence name, we unify their original names, with the flexible variables (ones that can be the target of a unifying substitution) of the form {S.n}, and otherwise union the other exports. So for example, if we merge these two signatures:

    signature A(Bool,x) where
        data Bool -- original name {A.Bool}
        x :: Bool
    signature A(Bool,y) where
        import Prelude(Bool)
        y :: Bool

    ...the resulting signature is:

    signature A(Bool, x, y)
        import Prelude(Bool)
        -- {A.Bool} was unified to base:Prelude.Bool
        x :: Bool
        y :: Bool
  • For each occurrence name exported by both signatures, if the declaration d implements another declaration d', d and d' merge to d. (So, for example, data T = MkT implements data T, so they merge to data T = MkT.) This is deterministic, as the implements relation for signatures is trivial. So for example:

    signature A where
        data Bool
    signature A where
        data Bool = True | False

    merges to:

    signature A where
        data Bool = True | False
  • The other declarations are simply unioned.

The home signature of a unit at some module name m is the merge of all signatures from unit dependencies which were instantiated with <m>, as well as the local source signature at m. This merged signature is what is brought into scope when a module or source signature writes import m.


mdecl ::= "dependency" UnitId ModuleRenaming
ModuleRenaming    ::= ""
                    | "(" entry "," ... "," entry ")"
                    | "hiding" "(" ModuleName "," ... "," ModuleName ")"
entry ::= ModuleName
        | ModuleName "as" ModuleName

A dependency declaration specifies a dependency on an external library. For example:

dependency p[A=<B>]

...states that we depend on the library p, with its requirement A instantiated with the B requirement from our home library (the library the dependency is in). The unit identity of a dependency declaration specifies what implementations we feed in to the dependency and provides modules for us to import. (For example, if p provides the module named M, this dependency brings M into scope.)

More subtly, the dependency identifier feeds out required signatures which get merged to the signature of the home library. For example, p[A=<B>] additionally states that, to compute the required signature B in our home library, we must merge in the requirement A from p. The operation of the unit identifier is bidirectional: it feeds out signatures for us to merge, but we feed in the merged signatures and implementations to instantiate it.

Signature merging


When we want to merge all external signatures for a signature in the home library m, we must find all occurrences of <m> in the dependencies of our library. Let us call the inherited signatures of a library a mapping from a required signature module name to a set of module identifiers identifying signatures to be merged into that required signature.

The inherited signatures induced by a dependency are determined by the following recursive procedure:

Given a unit identity p[S]:

  1. For each entry of the form m = <m'> in S, add a mapping from m' to p[S]:m to the in-scope signatures.
  2. For each entry of the form m = P:m' in S, recursively process P.

For example, a unit with the declaration:

dependency p[A=q[B=<H>]:C,D=<H>]:E

specifies that signatures q[B=<H>]:B and p[A=q[B=<H>]:C,D=<H>]:D must be merged to form the home signature H.

Dependency instantiation

A library with requirements can be thought of as a collection of modules which import some signatures. The process of instantiating such a unit replaces the imports of these signatures with the modules specified by the module substitution:

unit p where          p/A.hs ---imports---> p/H.hsig
  signature H
  module A -- import H

-- Import on p/H.hsig is replaced with import to q/H.hs
dependency p[H=q:H]   p/A.hs -\             p/H.hsig <-\
                               \--imports-> q/H.hs ----/ implements

-- Import on p/H.hsig is replaced with import of home merged signature H
dependency p[H=<H>]   p/A.hs -\             p/H.hsig
                               \--imports-> (home merged signature H)

For each dependency, we must show that each implementing module implements the signature of the unit it is instantiating. We can check if a unit identity is well-typed with the following recursive procedure: given a unit identity p[S], for each entry m = M in S, if M has the form P:m recursively check that P is well-typed. Then, check that M matches the signature p[S]:m.

The instantiated modules are then brought into scope for import in the following ways:

  1. The modules to bring into scope form a dependency can be specified explicitly by listing them in the ModuleRenaming. An entry can either be a bare ModuleName, in which case the exposed module at that name is brought into scope, or using m as m', in which case the exposed module at m is brought into scope under the name m'.
  2. If the ModuleRenaming is omitted, all modules exposed by the specified unit are brought into scope.


Language design is always about trade-offs, and Backpack positions itself in a very specific part of the design space:

  • It is NOT a compiler only change; it is a cross-cutting design that affects GHC, Cabal and cabal-install. An alternative package manager like Stack will not get support for Backpack out of the box; it must be taught how to instantiate Backpack packages. Similarly, it will not integrate seamlessly with GHCi, which only knows about GHC and not Cabal, and may cause a headache for OS distributors, who now have to create a package for every instantiation of a library.
  • It operates at the package level, which makes it inconvenient for some uses of small scale modularity. We believe this is compensated for by Haskell's support for type classes, which already provide a very convenient mechanism for small-scale modularity, and that modularity at the large-scale is where a module system can have the most leverage.
  • Backpack does not and cannot give a guarantee that if an implementation matches a signature, it will be guaranteed to link against all code that uses that signature. In fact, in the presence of open type families such a guarantee is impossible.


  • The most obvious alternative, competing design are ML functors. However, adding ML functors to Haskell would have made Haskell's already complicated surface language even more complicated, and would have inherited all of the same complexity problems of ML functors, including the preponderance of sharing constraints.
  • Backpack implements applicative functors, so that so long as a unit is instantiated in the same way (i.e., its unit identity is the same) the types are also equivalent. Backpack could have equally well been generative, which would have simplified many implementation considerations. It is unclear how important applicativity actually is in practice, but given that instantiation via mixin linking is an implicit process, it seems like the right choice.
  • If one is willing to give up on typechecking against interfaces, Backpack's functionality could be implemented entirely at the package management layer. To a limited extent, vendoring already allows users to replace dependencies on packages with customized code; the only missing ingredient is to instantiate a package multiple times with different vendored packages.
  • A more radical redesign of Haskell would do away with the concept of a module, such that every type and expression is its own "atomic module" (ala 1ML). Such a change seems difficult to retrofit onto Haskell, and poses some thorny implementation questions (e.g., what gets put into a dynamic library?)

Unresolved Questions

  • The original POPL'14 Backpack paper described a module system that supports mutual recursion; in the interest of getting Backpack out there, we have decided not to support this. In principle it is supportable, but requires compiler support for cross-package mutual recursion.
  • We do not have any formal proofs about this iteration of Backpack, though heuristically we believe it to be sound as it is not too different from POPL'14 Backpack, which Scott Kilpatrick showed to be sound with respect to an elaboration to Haskell with hs-boot files.