This folder contains a postman collection with APIs for the F5 Cloud Failover extension as well as examples for CFE for various public clouds (AWS, Azure, GCP).
For more information about F5 CFE, visit the official documentation
# Obtain info about the CFE installed
curl -ku user:pass https://bigip/mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/info
# List associated cloud objects
curl -ku user:pass https://bigip/mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/inspect
# Obtain current declaration/configuration
curl -ku user:pass https://bigip/mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/declare
# Update declaration/configuration
curl -ku user:pass -X POST https://bigip/mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/declare -d @cfe.json
# Trigger a dry-run failover
curl -ku user:pass -X POST https://bigip/mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/trigger -d '{"action":"dry-run"}'
# Reset CFE configuration
curl -ku user:pass -X POST https://bigip/mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/reset -d '{"resetStateFile": true}'