Python script to manage F5 Declarative WAF policies.
It can be used to:
- Export a WAF policy in declarative format (JSON).
- Export the learning suggestions for a WAF policy in declarative format (JSON).
- Import a WAF policy from a policy file (JSON). Optionally, a suggestions file (JSON) containing learning suggestions can be specified in order to apply them to the policy.
- Export all WAF policies in declarative format (JSON).
export BIGIP_USERNAME="admin"
export BIGIP_PASSWORD="admin"
To list all WAF policies:
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action list-waf-policies
1: /Common/asmpolicy_app4 (zOVIyaxoJVb1Talpn1aedA)
2: /Common/asmpolicy_app3 (XWPS7guLOaacZKlMlJWpGQ)
3: /Common/asmpolicy_app2 (sgV4mAIDujF5f5LMoBJbUQ)
4: /Common/asmpolicy_app1 (EpjFk_R-Eyi7fOxpy4i6BA)
To export a WAF policy:
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action export-waf-policy --policy /Common/asmpolicy_app1 --output ./tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app1' to the file './tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json'.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
To export a WAF policy using full export mode (--export-mode full):
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action export-waf-policy --policy /Common/asmpolicy_app1 --output ./tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json --export-mode full
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app1' to the file './tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json'.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
To export a WAF policy in debug mode (--log-level debug):
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action export-waf-policy --policy /Common/asmpolicy_app1 --output ./tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json --log-level debug
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app1' to the file './tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json'.
[DEBUG]: Retrieving WAF policies.
[DEBUG]: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): X.X.X.X:443
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/policies?$select=name,id,fullPath,link HTTP/11" 200 817
[DEBUG]: WAF policies successfully retrieved.
[DEBUG]: Running a 'export-policy' task.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "POST /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy HTTP/11" 201 598
[DEBUG]: Waiting for the 'export-policy' task to complete.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/2lFc6cXjd5ZL-z9zwUqQiw HTTP/11" 200 646
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/2lFc6cXjd5ZL-z9zwUqQiw HTTP/11" 200 646
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/2lFc6cXjd5ZL-z9zwUqQiw HTTP/11" 200 646
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/2lFc6cXjd5ZL-z9zwUqQiw HTTP/11" 200 646
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/2lFc6cXjd5ZL-z9zwUqQiw HTTP/11" 200 779
[DEBUG]: The 'export-policy' task completed successfully.
[DEBUG]: Downloading the exported WAF policy.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/file-transfer/downloads/Common-asmpolicy_app1.json HTTP/11" 200 8541
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy successfully downloaded.
[DEBUG]: Saving WAF policy to file.
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy sucessfully saved to file.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
To export the learning suggestions for a WAF policy:
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action export-waf-suggestions --policy /Common/asmpolicy_app1 --output ./tmp/asmpolicy_app1.suggestions.json
[INFO]: Exporting learning suggestions for the policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app1' to the file './tmp/asmpolicy_app1.suggestions.json'.
[INFO]: Learning suggestions successfully exported.
To export the learning suggestions for a WAF policy in debug mode (--log-level debug):
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action export-waf-suggestions --policy /Common/asmpolicy_app1 --output ./tmp/asmpolicy_app1.suggestions.json --log-level debug
[INFO]: Exporting learning suggestions for the policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app1' to the file './tmp/asmpolicy_app1.suggestions.json'.
[DEBUG]: Retrieving WAF policies.
[DEBUG]: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): X.X.X.X:443
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/policies?$select=name,id,fullPath,link HTTP/11" 200 1032
[DEBUG]: WAF policies successfully retrieved.
[DEBUG]: Running a 'export-suggestions' task.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "POST /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-suggestions HTTP/11" 201 302
[DEBUG]: Waiting for the 'export-suggestions' task to complete.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-suggestions/vV6o1QQJKUr-rLDvVc9hAg HTTP/11" 200 3391
[DEBUG]: The 'export-suggestions' task completed successfully.
[INFO]: Learning suggestions successfully exported.
To import a WAF policy without suggestions (only --policy-file option):
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action import-waf-policy --policy /Common/asmpolicy_app1 --policy-file ./tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json
[INFO]: Importing WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app1' from file './tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json' (no suggestions).
[INFO]: WAF Policy successfully imported (no suggestions).
To import a WAF policy with suggestions (--policy-file and --suggestions-file):
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action import-waf-policy --policy /Common/asmpolicy_app1 --policy-file ./tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json --suggestions-file ./tmp/asmpolicy_app1.suggestions.json
[INFO]: Importing WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app1' from file './tmp/asmpolicy_app1.json' with suggestions from './tmp/asmpolicy_app1.suggestions.json'.
[INFO]: WAF Policy successfully imported (suggestions applied).
To export all WAF policies in a declarative format:
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action export-all-waf-policies --directory ./tmp
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app4' to the file './tmp/Common_asmpolicy_app4.json'.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app3' to the file './tmp/Common_asmpolicy_app3.json'.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app2' to the file './tmp/Common_asmpolicy_app2.json'.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app1' to the file './tmp/Common_asmpolicy_app1.json'.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
To export all WAF policies in a declarative format using full export mode (--export-mode full) and with debug mode enabled:
python --device $BIGIP_ADDRESS --username $BIGIP_USERNAME --password $BIGIP_PASSWORD --action export-all-waf-policies --directory ./tmp --export-mode full --log-level debug
[DEBUG]: Retrieving WAF policies.
[DEBUG]: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): X.X.X.X:443
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/policies?$select=name,id,fullPath,link HTTP/11" 200 1032
[DEBUG]: WAF policies successfully retrieved.
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app4' to the file './tmp/Common_asmpolicy_app4.json'.
[DEBUG]: Running a 'export-policy' task.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "POST /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy HTTP/11" 201 599
[DEBUG]: Waiting for the 'export-policy' task to complete.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/RAGAO3Mbem8nTme6ddCRRQ HTTP/11" 200 647
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/RAGAO3Mbem8nTme6ddCRRQ HTTP/11" 200 781
[DEBUG]: The 'export-policy' task completed successfully.
[DEBUG]: Downloading the exported WAF policy.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/file-transfer/downloads/Common-asmpolicy_app4.json HTTP/11" 200 79282
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy successfully downloaded.
[DEBUG]: Saving WAF policy to file.
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy sucessfully saved to file.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app3' to the file './tmp/Common_asmpolicy_app3.json'.
[DEBUG]: Running a 'export-policy' task.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "POST /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy HTTP/11" 201 599
[DEBUG]: Waiting for the 'export-policy' task to complete.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/1hNygdNygB0xs4vIPFEOpA HTTP/11" 200 647
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/1hNygdNygB0xs4vIPFEOpA HTTP/11" 200 781
[DEBUG]: The 'export-policy' task completed successfully.
[DEBUG]: Downloading the exported WAF policy.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/file-transfer/downloads/Common-asmpolicy_app3.json HTTP/11" 200 79282
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy successfully downloaded.
[DEBUG]: Saving WAF policy to file.
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy sucessfully saved to file.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app2' to the file './tmp/Common_asmpolicy_app2.json'.
[DEBUG]: Running a 'export-policy' task.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "POST /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy HTTP/11" 201 598
[DEBUG]: Waiting for the 'export-policy' task to complete.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/h0rfMIzpxbyKG7T0STPxgg HTTP/11" 200 646
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/h0rfMIzpxbyKG7T0STPxgg HTTP/11" 200 781
[DEBUG]: The 'export-policy' task completed successfully.
[DEBUG]: Downloading the exported WAF policy.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/file-transfer/downloads/Common-asmpolicy_app2.json HTTP/11" 200 79243
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy successfully downloaded.
[DEBUG]: Saving WAF policy to file.
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy sucessfully saved to file.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.
[INFO]: Exporting WAF policy '/Common/asmpolicy_app1' to the file './tmp/Common_asmpolicy_app1.json'.
[DEBUG]: Running a 'export-policy' task.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "POST /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy HTTP/11" 201 599
[DEBUG]: Waiting for the 'export-policy' task to complete.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/6tlsIuw8sNWi2-Hf-0hjmQ HTTP/11" 200 647
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/6tlsIuw8sNWi2-Hf-0hjmQ HTTP/11" 200 781
[DEBUG]: The 'export-policy' task completed successfully.
[DEBUG]: Downloading the exported WAF policy.
[DEBUG]: https://X.X.X.X:443 "GET /mgmt/tm/asm/file-transfer/downloads/Common-asmpolicy_app1.json HTTP/11" 200 79323
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy successfully downloaded.
[DEBUG]: Saving WAF policy to file.
[DEBUG]: WAF Policy sucessfully saved to file.
[INFO]: WAF policy successfully exported.