Workflow based on the ML inference presented in RMMap.
In this workflow we perform inference over the model trained in the ML training workflow.
[WARNING!] This workload currently relies on running the ML Training workload first, to generate the model weights.
First, uploda the batch of images to perform inference on:
faasmctl s3.upload-dir \
--bucket ${BUCKET_NAME} \
--host-path ${PROJ_DIR}/datasets/ml-inference/images-inference-1k \
--s3-path ml-inference/images-inference-1k
Second, upload the WASM files for each stage in the workflow:
faasmctl upload.workflow \
ml-inference \$(cat ${PROJ_DIR}/VERSION):/usr/local/faasm/wasm/ml-inference
Lastly, you may invoke the driver function to trigger workflow execution with 16 inference functions.
faasmctl invoke ml-inference driver --cmdline "ml-inference/model ml-inference/images-inference-1k 16"
To use with Faasm, you must make sure that we have STDOUT_CAPTURE
First, deploy the workflow to the k8s cluster with bare-metal access to SEV nodes:
export RUNTIME_CLASS_NAME=kata-qemu-sev
kubectl apply -f ${PROJ_ROOT}/workflows/k8s_common.yaml
envsubst < ${PROJ_ROOT}/workflows/ml-training/knative/workflow.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Second, upload the required data:
export MINIO_URL=$(kubectl -n tless get services -o jsonpath='{.items[?("minio")].spec.clusterIP}')
# Clean bucket first
invrs s3 clear-dir --prefix ml-inference
# Upload model data
invrs s3 upload-dir --host-path ${PROJ_ROOT}/datasets/ml-inference/model --s3-path ml-inference/model
# Upload image data to perform inference on
invrs s3 upload-dir --host-path ${PROJ_ROOT}/datasets/ml-inference/images-inference-1k --s3-path ml-inference/images-inference-1k
then you may execute the workflow by running: