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188 lines (139 loc) · 6.89 KB

Data Augmentation for Skin Lesion Analysis

Data Augmentation for Skin Lesion Analysis

This project contains the source code of all experiments described in 'Data Augmentation for Skin Lesion Analysis.'


Deep learning models show remarkable results in automated skin lesion analysis. However, these models demand considerable amounts of data, while the availability of annotated skin lesion images is often limited. Data augmentation can expand the training dataset by transforming input images. In this work, we investigate the impact of 13 data augmentation scenarios for melanoma classification trained on three CNNs (Inception-v4, ResNet, and DenseNet). Scenarios include traditional color and geometric transforms, and more unusual augmentations such as elastic transforms, random erasing and a novel augmentation that mixes different lesions. We also explore the use of data augmentation at test-time and the impact of data augmentation on various dataset sizes. Our results confirm the importance of data augmentation in both training and testing and show that it can lead to more performance gains than obtaining new images. The best scenario results in an AUC of 0.882 for melanoma classification without using external data, outperforming the top-ranked submission (0.874) for the ISIC Challenge 2017, which was trained with additional data.

Project setup

  1. Install OpenCV with pip3 install opencv-python.
  2. Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt.
  3. Download data from ISIC 2017: Skin Lesion Analysis Towards Melanoma Detection.
    • Data should be downloaded from the three phases of 'Part 3: Lesion Classification' (training, validation, testing. Registration is required.


To make train faster, we resize every image (train, validation and test) to a maximum width or height of 1024 pixels. This will make augmentation operations (e.g. resizing, random crop) run faster. ImageMagick can do the trick:

cd ISIC-2017_Training_Data
mkdir 1024
convert "*.jpg[1024x>]" -set filename:base "%[base]" "1024/%[filename:base].jpg"

The project uses Sacred to organize the experiments. The main script for training is in the file. Check the available settings by running python3 print_config.

Example: training Inception-v4 in scenario J


python3 with \
    train_root=$TRAIN_ROOT train_csv=$TRAIN_CSV \
    val_root=$VAL_ROOT val_csv=$VAL_CSV \
    test_root=$TEST_ROOT test_csv=$TEST_CSV \
    model_name='inceptionv4' \
    epochs=120 \
    'aug={"color_contrast": 0.3, "color_saturation": 0.3, "color_brightness": 0.3, "color_hue": 0.1, "rotation": 90, "scale": (0.8, 1.2), "shear": 20, "vflip": True, "hflip": True, "random_crop": True}' \
    --name inceptionv4-scenario-j

If everything goes well, Sacred will create a directory with a unique ID inside results (e.g. results/1 for the first run). Inside this directory, you will find:

  • config.json: Sacred configuration used in training.
  • cout.txt: Entire stdout produced during the training.
  • run.json: General metadata of the training.
  • train.csv: CSV with metrics on train set.
  • val.csv: CSV with metrics on validation set.
  • checkpoints/model_best.pth: model with the best validation AUC.
  • checkpoints/model_last.pth: model as in the last epoch.
  • images/*: sample images to debug augmentations.

results/results.csv contains information about all successful trains.

Each training will also run i) test without augmentation, ii) test data augmentation, iii) 144-crop test.

Telegram API

If you want to monitor the experiments with Telegram (receive a message when the experiments start, finish, or fail), create a file telegram.json at the root of the project:

$ cat telegram.json
    "chat_id": "00000000"

To configure the Telegram API, check this.


Each model file (i.e, model_best.pth or model_last.pth) contains the PyTorch model, weights, and augmentation configuration (accessed through model.aug_params). To load the model, use torch.load.

The file will automatically infer the augmentation settings from the model. Run python3 --help to check all available options.

Example: test the model with augmentation on test (with 32 augmented replicas)

python3 results/1/checkpoints/model_best.pth $TEST_ROOT  $TEST_CSV -n 32 -o output.csv

Mix lesions

To generate mix lesions, use the script. To generate lesions similarly to the paper (sigma = 20), run:

python3 $TRAIN_CSV $TRAIN_DIR 42000 --sigma 20 --output mix_lesion_images

Note: $TRAIN_DIR must contain two sub-directories: images (with all lesion JPGs) and masks (with all lesion segmentation masks PNGs).

Reproducing the paper

  1. Set the data directories:
  1. Run all limited data experiments:
  1. Run all augmentation experiments (except mix lesions):
  1. Run mix lesions experiments:

Set TRAIN_ROOT and TRAIN_CSV to include the mix lesions images.



If you use this code, please cite us:

  title={Data augmentation for skin lesion analysis},
  author={Perez, F{\'a}bio and Vasconcelos, Cristina and Avila, Sandra and Valle, Eduardo},
  booktitle={OR 2.0 Context-Aware Operating Theaters, Computer Assisted Robotic Endoscopy, Clinical Image-Based Procedures, and Skin Image Analysis},