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A Sailor and the Fraction

Once upon a time, there was a sailor in a boat filled with bone cheese. Making his way across the Buildata oceans, he encountered a beautiful creature. It called itself the "Fraction". It was so perfect, it sang to the sailor, "look at me, so perfectly divisible!" Fractions look good at first. But the sailors assistant, whose name was "long" quickly pointed that the creature was as divisible as they were, it was still made of flesh and bones But in reality they are subject to the same problems as all other quantity types, you couldn't cut it infinitely without it becoming soup. All quantity types will experience precision loss, it's just immediately obvious with denominators a good thing

A stowaway on board, whose name was "double", came out from under the deck. He was crooked poor precision, his bones square like the hardened lactate cargo. Doubles only really divisible by 2 He said, "do not be fooled, under his skin it is just like me, only fatter and lazy." Fractions consume 28 bytes vs 8, and are significantly slower in allocation and operation speed, all operations create an object, and simplification isn't free. The cheese-ridden bones in his mouth spoke with ease, and the sailor's trance was broken. He realized that infact the Fraction was a spawn of the double, and it's fake skin covered up it's true evil. Fractions are harmful for code quality1 The creature was only good for it's meat, it's cheese bones could be cut with ease, useless for armor or shields. Fractions can only really be used for Fluids, as Items are represented as integer amounts, so we can re-use our Item and Fluid code without abstracting the concept of a number He proposed we capture the creature and keep it in the bottom of the ship, where no other crew could be tempted by it's doublish doubles are terrible, and are a pseudonym for the devil b/c they both start with D ;p songs. The sailor did as the cheese man suggested. The sailor shouted "ship.yaw += 30;" into the air, and the ship flicked around instantly and set sail for Tick Delta Harbor. Tick Delta is stored in the balls - i509VCB

A few days of travel and suddenly the ocean beneath them quaked, and a 3 headed kraken rose from the depths. It's 3 heads were devoid of defects, perfect in shape, "BigInteger", "BigDecimal" and "BigFraction" were the names of the heads. No other could match it's perfection, no weapon could pierce its perfect scales, no mathmetician or engineer could compare to its perfect geometry. BigX can store any fluid quantity with theoretically perfect precision However, it was simply too big to live on land, the lack of water pressure would crush the beast in minutes They perform prohibitively badly, and consume tons of memory, so the sailors unfurled their sails, speeding towards the nearest shore.

Although they did not reach their intended destination, they had instead stumbled upon a mystical place, where countless hours could be spent soley in deliberation... Bikeshed Kingdom. On their journey to the castle at the top of the mountain, they climed the steps of Config, marveled at the statue of Permissions, and watched the waterfall of packets. The waterfall of packets = Networking API

They maintained the order and balance of Bikeshed, keeping its citizens perpetually thinking, preventing them from ever sucessfully revolting against the greedy king, and halting all progress. FAPI is missing alot, and I cba to maintain a PR for a year

Once they climbed to the top of Mt. Fabric and entered the castle, they spoke to the king, King Liach, and asked for asylum. The king said "Very bad idea, so many stowaways with scurvy and so much bone cheese, trying to sneak in harmful food but I hereby block your malicious attempt. hahayes fune meme But I will help you, if you can meet my demands." The sailor asked the king what said demands were.. "Sacrifice one of your members to be thrown into the pit of irritaters".

The sailor gasped. It was well known throughout the world that irritaters were harsh and had no mercy, they seeked only vengence for the crimes humanity had commited on tater-kind. The irish were particularly hated for this

His assistant pointed out to him that the king had not specified which of the crew they had to sacrifice, and that they could just sacrifice the Fraction. Fractions are a bad idea The sailor nodded, and turned his face back to the king and said "We accept your transaction Transactions are really the only acceptable API structure for a fluid api, simulation simply doesn't cut it, your irritaters will have quite the feast today" Fractions are thicc - some potato pc. He ordered the other crew members to drag the Fraction to the steps of the mountain, where the king's men would dispose of the creature. It's dying words were "please abort this transaction before it's too late!", but an irritater's blade confirmed the transaction Manual abort and commit is required, as not all things can be rolled back, there was no coming back from this deed. The creature was dead. Transactions cannot be re-rolled back after commited

The sailor and his crew lived happily ever after, and after 3 years of hard thinking, they all died of mental fatigue and were buried under the Fluid Volume monument. F the multiple fluid api PRs to various places