diff --git a/__tests__/PropTypesDevelopmentReact15.js b/__tests__/PropTypesDevelopmentReact15.js
index ebc9590..4381c49 100644
--- a/__tests__/PropTypesDevelopmentReact15.js
+++ b/__tests__/PropTypesDevelopmentReact15.js
@@ -232,23 +232,35 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should not warn for valid values', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.array, []);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.array.isInjected, []);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.bool, false);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.bool.isInjected, false);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.func, function() {});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.func.isInjected, function() {});
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.number, 0);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.number.isInjected, 0);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.string, '');
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.string.isInjected, '');
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.object, {});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.object.isInjected, {});
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.object, new Date());
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.object.isInjected, new Date());
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.object, /please/);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.object.isInjected, /please/);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.symbol, Symbol());
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.symbol.isInjected, Symbol());
it('should be implicitly optional and not warn without values', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.string, null);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.string.isInjected, null);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.string, undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.string.isInjected, undefined);
it('should warn for missing required values', () => {
+ typeCheckFailRequiredValues(PropTypes.string.isInjected.isRequired);
it('should warn if called manually in development', () => {
@@ -301,18 +313,25 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
describe('Any type', () => {
it('should should accept any value', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any, 0);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any.isInjected, 0);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any, 'str');
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any.isInjected, 'str');
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any, []);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any.isInjected, []);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any, Symbol());
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any.isInjected, Symbol());
it('should be implicitly optional and not warn without values', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any, null);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any.isInjected, null);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any, undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.any.isInjected, undefined);
it('should warn for missing required values', () => {
+ typeCheckFailRequiredValues(PropTypes.any.isInjected.isRequired);
it('should warn if called manually in development', () => {
@@ -334,9 +353,13 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should support the arrayOf propTypes', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number), [1, 2, 3]);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isInjected, [1, 2, 3]);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), ['a', 'b', 'c']);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string).isInjected, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOf(['a', 'b'])), ['a', 'b']);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.oneOf(['a', 'b'])).isInjected, ['a', 'b']);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.symbol), [Symbol(), Symbol()]);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.symbol).isInjected, [Symbol(), Symbol()]);
it('should support arrayOf with complex types', () => {
@@ -398,17 +421,19 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should not warn when passing an empty array', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number), []);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isInjected, []);
it('should be implicitly optional and not warn without values', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number), null);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isInjected, null);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number), undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isInjected, undefined);
it('should warn for missing required values', () => {
- typeCheckFailRequiredValues(
- PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isRequired,
- );
+ typeCheckFailRequiredValues(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isRequired);
+ typeCheckFailRequiredValues(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.number).isInjected.isRequired);
it('should warn if called manually in development', () => {
@@ -440,6 +465,7 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should support components', () => {
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.element.isInjected, );
it('should not support multiple components or scalar values', () => {
@@ -471,11 +497,14 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should be implicitly optional and not warn without values', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.element, null);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.element.isInjected, null);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.element, undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.element.isInjected, undefined);
it('should warn for missing required values', () => {
+ typeCheckFailRequiredValues(PropTypes.element.isInjected.isRequired);
it('should warn if called manually in development', () => {
@@ -570,7 +599,9 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should be implicitly optional and not warn without values', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.instanceOf(String), null);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.instanceOf(String).isInjected, null);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.instanceOf(String), undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.instanceOf(String).isInjected, undefined);
it('should warn for missing required values', () => {
@@ -604,12 +635,7 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
MyComponent.prototype.render = function() {
return ;
- typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, );
- typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, false);
- typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, );
- typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, 'Some string');
- typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, []);
- typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, [
+ const arrayOfNode = [
'Some string',
@@ -617,7 +643,20 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
- ]);
+ ];
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, );
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, );
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, false);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, false);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, );
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, );
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, 'Some string');
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, 'Some string');
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, []);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, []);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, arrayOfNode);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, arrayOfNode);
it('should not warn for iterables', () => {
@@ -638,6 +677,7 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, iterable);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, iterable);
it('should not warn for entry iterables', () => {
@@ -662,11 +702,14 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
iterable.entries = iterable['@@iterator'];
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, iterable);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, iterable);
it('should not warn for null/undefined if not required', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, null);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, null);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node, undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected, undefined);
it('should warn for missing required values', () => {
@@ -675,6 +718,7 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should accept empty array for required props', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isRequired, []);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.node.isInjected.isRequired, []);
it('should warn if called manually in development', () => {
@@ -698,20 +742,13 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should support the objectOf propTypes', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.number), {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3});
- typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), {
- a: 'a',
- b: 'b',
- c: 'c',
- });
- typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.oneOf(['a', 'b'])), {
- a: 'a',
- b: 'b',
- });
- typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.symbol), {
- a: Symbol(),
- b: Symbol(),
- c: Symbol(),
- });
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.number).isInjected, {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string), { a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c' });
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.string).isInjected, { a: 'a', b: 'b', c: 'c' });
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.oneOf(['a', 'b'])), { a: 'a', b: 'b' });
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.oneOf(['a', 'b'])).isInjected, { a: 'a', b: 'b' });
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.symbol), { a: Symbol(), b: Symbol(), c: Symbol() });
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.objectOf(PropTypes.symbol).isInjected, { a: Symbol(), b: Symbol(), c: Symbol() });
it('should support objectOf with complex types', () => {
@@ -854,8 +891,11 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should not warn for valid values', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.oneOf(['red', 'blue']), 'red');
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.oneOf(['red', 'blue']).isInjected, 'red');
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.oneOf(['red', 'blue']), 'blue');
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.oneOf(['red', 'blue']).isInjected, 'blue');
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.oneOf(['red', 'blue', NaN]), NaN);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.oneOf(['red', 'blue', NaN]).isInjected, NaN);
it('should be implicitly optional and not warn without values', () => {
@@ -938,18 +978,18 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
PropTypes.shape({b: PropTypes.number.isRequired}),
typeCheckPass(checker, {a: 1});
+ typeCheckPass(checker.isInjected, {a: 1});
typeCheckPass(checker, {b: 1});
+ typeCheckPass(checker.isInjected, {b: 1});
it('should be implicitly optional and not warn without values', () => {
- typeCheckPass(
- PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),
- null,
- );
- typeCheckPass(
- PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]),
- undefined,
- );
+ const checker = PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, PropTypes.number]);
+ typeCheckPass(checker, null);
+ typeCheckPass(checker.isInjected, null);
+ typeCheckPass(checker, undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(checker.isInjected, undefined);
it('should warn for missing required values', () => {
@@ -993,20 +1033,26 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should not warn for empty values', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}), undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}).isInjected, undefined);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}), null);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}).isInjected, null);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}), {});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}).isInjected, {});
it('should not warn for an empty object', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}).isRequired, {});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}).isInjected.isRequired, {});
it('should not warn for non specified types', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}), {key: 1});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({}).isInjected, {key: 1});
it('should not warn for valid types', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({key: PropTypes.number}), {key: 1});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.shape({key: PropTypes.number}).isInjected, {key: 1});
it('should warn for required valid types', () => {
@@ -1040,14 +1086,12 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should be implicitly optional and not warn without values', () => {
- typeCheckPass(
- PropTypes.shape(PropTypes.shape({key: PropTypes.number})),
- null,
- );
- typeCheckPass(
- PropTypes.shape(PropTypes.shape({key: PropTypes.number})),
- undefined,
- );
+ const checker = PropTypes.shape(PropTypes.shape({key: PropTypes.number}));
+ typeCheckPass(checker, null);
+ typeCheckPass(checker.isInjected, null);
+ typeCheckPass(checker, undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(checker.isInjected, undefined);
it('should warn for missing required values', () => {
@@ -1092,12 +1136,16 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should not warn for empty values', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({}), undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({}).isInjected, undefined);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({}), null);
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({}).isInjected, null);
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({}), {});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({}).isInjected, {});
it('should not warn for an empty object', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({}).isRequired, {});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({}).isInjected.isRequired, {});
it('should warn for non specified types', () => {
@@ -1114,6 +1162,7 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should not warn for valid types', () => {
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({key: PropTypes.number}), {key: 1});
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.exact({key: PropTypes.number}).isInjected, {key: 1});
it('should warn for required valid types', () => {
@@ -1147,14 +1196,12 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should be implicitly optional and not warn without values', () => {
- typeCheckPass(
- PropTypes.exact(PropTypes.exact({key: PropTypes.number})),
- null,
- );
- typeCheckPass(
- PropTypes.exact(PropTypes.exact({key: PropTypes.number})),
- undefined,
- );
+ const checker = PropTypes.exact(PropTypes.exact({key: PropTypes.number}));
+ typeCheckPass(checker, null);
+ typeCheckPass(checker.isInjected, null);
+ typeCheckPass(checker, undefined);
+ typeCheckPass(checker.isInjected, undefined);
it('should warn for missing required values', () => {
@@ -1207,7 +1254,9 @@ describe('PropTypesDevelopmentReact15', () => {
it('should not warn for a polyfilled Symbol', () => {
const CoreSymbol = require('core-js/library/es6/symbol');
typeCheckPass(PropTypes.symbol, CoreSymbol('core-js'));
+ typeCheckPass(PropTypes.symbol.isInjected, CoreSymbol('core-js'));
diff --git a/factoryWithThrowingShims.js b/factoryWithThrowingShims.js
index 79b60f2..3bdf041 100644
--- a/factoryWithThrowingShims.js
+++ b/factoryWithThrowingShims.js
@@ -25,7 +25,9 @@ module.exports = function() {
err.name = 'Invariant Violation';
throw err;
+ shim.isInjected = shim;
shim.isRequired = shim;
+ shim.isInjected.isRequired = shim;
function getShim() {
return shim;
diff --git a/factoryWithTypeCheckers.js b/factoryWithTypeCheckers.js
index 1942d0e..4fff1ef 100644
--- a/factoryWithTypeCheckers.js
+++ b/factoryWithTypeCheckers.js
@@ -217,7 +217,9 @@ module.exports = function(isValidElement, throwOnDirectAccess) {
var chainedCheckType = checkType.bind(null, false);
+ chainedCheckType.isInjected = checkType.bind(null, false);
chainedCheckType.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true);
+ chainedCheckType.isInjected.isRequired = checkType.bind(null, true);
return chainedCheckType;