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File metadata and controls

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Contributing to Pyre

We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible.

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Pull Requests

We actively welcome your pull requests.

  1. Fork the repo and create your branch from main.
  2. If you've added code that should be tested, add tests.
  3. If you've changed APIs, update the documentation.
  4. Ensure the test suite passes (please see the following section).
  5. Make sure your code lints (please see the following section).
  6. If you haven't already, complete the Contributor License Agreement ("CLA").

Running tests

Pyre runs two different test suites:

  • unit tests in OCaml cover the main binary (pyre.bin); these tests are run via make test after the sources have been configured. Please refer to the Getting Started page for more information on bootstrapping the process.

  • Python tests for the wrappers are run via make python_tests.

Contributor License Agreement ("CLA")

In order to accept your pull request, we need you to submit a CLA. You only need to do this once to work on any of Facebook's open source projects.

Complete your CLA here: If you have any questions, please drop us a line at

You are also expected to follow the Code of Conduct, so please read that if you are a new contributor.


We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Please ensure your description is clear and has sufficient instructions to be able to reproduce the issue.

Coding Style

We value consistent code. Please follow the style of the surrounding code. Useful rules of thumb for all languages are

  • avoid abbreviations.
  • use autoformatters to minimize debates about spacing, indentation and line breaks.
  • prefer snake_case over camelCase for variables and function names, and prefer CamelCase over Snake_case for modules and classes.


Code style: black

We use the Black code formatter for all Python files. You can install the latest release via pip install black, and you run it over the client files as black pyre-check/client. More information are available at:


We use the ocamlformat code formatter for all OCaml files. You can install the latest release via opam install ocamlformat, and run it on changed files via ocamlformat -i


On a high level, Pyre goes through the following steps to when "pyre" is called from the command line:

  1. Read a .pyre_configuration to determine which source roots to analyze, as well as which python packages to analyze annotations for, and which pyre command to run. This information is used to determine which flags to pass into pyre.bin, and shell out to the OCaml binary. The implementation of this step can be found under client/.

  2. Determine which pyre command to run. The commands include some which handle the lifetime and state of a persistent pyre server for a project, as well as a standalone run command called pyre check. The implementation of these commands are found under commands/. aggregates these commands, and handles the parsing of the command-line arguments. Most steps will eventually call the TypeCheckService.

  3. The TypeCheckService module will call the ParseService, which will locate all sources in the given source root and all dependencies, and parse, preprocess & add the sources into shared memory. ParseService and TypeCheckService both live under service/, whereas the parser itself is located in parser/, and the preprocessor is under analysis/ The AST (abstract syntax tree) that the source code is parsed into is specified in files under the ast/ directory.

  4. Next, pyre will populate the global type environment with the project's sources as well as that of the dependencies. Note that we don't recursively analyze the imports of the project's files, but instead add all sources to the environment at once. This choice makes it easier to parallelize the building of the type environment, but comes at the cost of not being able to depend on a file's dependencies being analyzed when adding it to the type environment. The type environment can be thought of as a collection of hash tables, mapping function, class, global, etc. names into their implementations that can be accessed from shared memory. The type order, which is explained in more detail in a section below, is also built here.

The modules that do the heavy lifting here can be found under analysis/ and analysis/

  1. Once the environment is built, pyre will start type checking all files under the source root in parallel. The key property here is that building the environment in the above step allows pyre to type check each function in parallel. The type checker will not go beyond function call boundaries, which is possible because we will have accumulated the parameter and return annotations of all functions before this step.

During analysis, each function will be processed into a control flow graph to represent the flow of typing information ( is a nice introduction to CFG's). The bird's eye view of the algorithm is that we initialize the analysis with the type information from the function's parameter, and follow the control flow of the function to annotate local variables that are encountered. When encountering an attribute access, call, etc., the propagated type information is checked against the already present signature, and an error is generated if the two aren't compatible. The Abstract Interpretation section provides a theoretical background for the analysis.

The module that handles all of the type checking analysis is at analysis/ You can find the logic building the CFG and the fixpoint that runs the type checking analysis over the CFG at analysis/ and analysis/, though the contents of these modules rarely change.

  1. TypeCheckService will collect all the errors and return them to the caller. In the case of pyre check, all errors will be reported to stdout.

Development Tips and Tricks

Getting Started

Please refer to the Getting Started page for more information on building pyre from source.

Alternatively, you can also set up using the Docker image.

How do I test my OCaml changes against real code?

When you run pyre on the command line, what runs under the hood is a shim which finds and runs a suitable pyre binary. This works well for production use, but isn't great for testing out your own build of Pyre.

The way you can get around this is by setting up environment variables. If set, PYRE_BINARY will override any binary in a configuration file and use the OCaml binary you've provided as $PYRE_BINARY.

Example .bashrc/.bash_profile:

export PYRE_BINARY=/path/to/pyre-check/source/_build/default/main.exe

If you're working with a PYRE_BINARY and are frequently re-compiling Pyre, you should avoid using the Pyre server, as the server will not stop when you re-compile Pyre. You should instead run pyre check to create a one-off run.

How do I debug?

Since OCaml doesn't have a great debugger at the time of writing of this article, we rely quite a bit on print debugging. In order to get persistent messages instead of having the preceding line get deleted, you should run pyre --noninteractive check. You can introduce your own debugging messages into the code via Log.dump. Most Pyre data structures automatically derive pretty printing functions, and you can use this in order to debug. Example:

let function_that_takes_expression (expression: Expression.t) =
  Log.dump "Expression at this point: %s" ( expression);

In general, if you have a value of type Module.t, will be a function of type t -> string that can be used for debugging purposes. If you're hoping to understand Pyre's state at a particular point in Python code, you can use the pyre_dump, pyre_dump_cfg, pyre_dump_locations, and reveal_type functions. Example:

def foo(x: typing.Optional[int]) -> None:
  pyre_dump() # dumps the exit state and annotations of variables
  pyre_dump_cfg() # Prints out the control flow graph for the function
  pyre_dump_locations() # dumps AST as JSON, with locations attached
  if x is not None:
    reveal_type(x) # Reveals the type of x at this point
    return x

How do I run a single test with Dune?

Assuming that the test you're interested in running is analysis/test/integration/

OUNIT_SHARDS="1" dune exec analysis/test/integration/methodTest.exe

If you see strange looking lookup errors, it may be because you forgot to set the shards to 1, which can mess up tests that rely on a scratch project in shared memory.


By contributing to Pyre, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.