diff --git a/docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-java.md b/docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-android.md
similarity index 100%
rename from docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-java.md
rename to docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-android.md
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similarity index 86%
rename from docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-swift.md
rename to docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-ios.md
index d1906ebb157..70d9dc0e6d0 100644
--- a/docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-swift.md
+++ b/docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-ios.md
@@ -244,14 +244,61 @@ When you build a React Native application, you use the [Metro bundler][metro] to
We will, for debugging purposes, log that the event handler was invoked. Then, we will create a string with the location of our React Native code that exists inside the `index.bundle`. Finally, we will create the main `RCTRootView`. Notice how we provide `RNHighScores` as the `moduleName` that we created [above](#the-react-native-component) when writing the code for our React Native component.
+First `import` the `RCTRootView` header.
First `import` the `React` module.
import React
> The `initialProperties` are here for illustration purposes so we have some data for our high score screen. In our React Native component, we will use `this.props` to get access to that data.
+- (IBAction)highScoreButtonPressed:(id)sender {
+ NSURL *jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios"];
+ NSDictionary *mockData = @{
+ @"scores" : @[
+ @{ @"name" : @"Alex", @"value": @"42" },
+ @{ @"name" : @"Joel", @"value": @"10" },
+ ],
+ };
+ RCTRootView *rootView =
+ [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleURL:jsCodeLocation
+ moduleName:@"RNHighScores"
+ initialProperties:mockData
+ launchOptions:nil];
+ UIViewController *vc = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
+ vc.view = rootView;
+ [self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];
+> Note that `-[RCTRootView initWithBundleURL:...]` starts up a new JavaScript VM. To save resources and simplify the communication between React Native views in different parts of your native app, you can have multiple views powered by React Native that are associated with a single JS runtime. To do that, instead of using `-[RCTRootView initWithBundleURL:...]`, use [`-[RCTBridge initWithBundleURL:...]`](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/master/React/Base/RCTBridge.h#L93) to create a bridge, and then use `-[RCTRootView initWithBridge:...]`.
+> When moving your app to production, the `NSURL` can point to a pre-bundled file on disk via something like `[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];`. You can use the `react-native-xcode.sh` script in `node_modules/react-native/scripts/` to generate that pre-bundled file.
@IBAction func highScoreButtonTapped(sender: UIButton) {
let jsCodeLocation = URL(string: "http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios")
@@ -279,6 +326,9 @@ import React
> When moving your app to production, the `URL` can point to a pre-bundled file on disk via something like `Bundle.main.url(forResource: "main", withExtension: "jsbundle")`. You can use the `react-native-xcode.sh` script in `node_modules/react-native/scripts/` to generate that pre-bundled file.
##### 3. Wire Up
Wire up the new link in the main menu to the newly added event handler method.
diff --git a/docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-objc.md b/docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-objc.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b8d930bb80..00000000000
--- a/docs/_integration-with-exisiting-apps-objc.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import constants from '@site/core/TabsConstants';
-## Key Concepts
-The keys to integrating React Native components into your iOS application are to:
-1. Set up React Native dependencies and directory structure.
-2. Understand what React Native components you will use in your app.
-3. Add these components as dependencies using CocoaPods.
-4. Develop your React Native components in JavaScript.
-5. Add a `RCTRootView` to your iOS app. This view will serve as the container for your React Native component.
-6. Start the React Native server and run your native application.
-7. Verify that the React Native aspect of your application works as expected.
-## Prerequisites
-Follow the React Native CLI Quickstart in the [environment setup guide](environment-setup) to configure your development environment for building React Native apps for iOS.
-### 1. Set up directory structure
-To ensure a smooth experience, create a new folder for your integrated React Native project, then copy your existing iOS project to a `/ios` subfolder.
-### 2. Install JavaScript dependencies
-Go to the root directory for your project and create a new `package.json` file with the following contents:
- "name": "MyReactNativeApp",
- "version": "0.0.1",
- "private": true,
- "scripts": {
- "start": "yarn react-native start"
- }
-Next, make sure you have [installed the yarn package manager](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/).
-Install the `react` and `react-native` packages. Open a terminal or command prompt, then navigate to the directory with your `package.json` file and run:
-npm install react-native
-yarn add react-native
-This will print a message similar to the following (scroll up in the output to see it):
-> warning "react-native@0.52.2" has unmet peer dependency "react@16.2.0".
-This is OK, it means we also need to install React:
-npm install react@version_printed_above
-yarn add react@version_printed_above
-The installation process has created a new `/node_modules` folder. This folder stores all the JavaScript dependencies required to build your project.
-Add `node_modules/` to your `.gitignore` file.
-### 3. Install CocoaPods
-[CocoaPods](http://cocoapods.org) is a package management tool for iOS and macOS development. We use it to add the actual React Native framework code locally into your current project.
-We recommend installing CocoaPods using [Homebrew](http://brew.sh/).
-brew install cocoapods
-> It is technically possible not to use CocoaPods, but that would require manual library and linker additions that would overly complicate this process.
-## Adding React Native to your app
-Assume the app is a [2048](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2048_%28video_game%29) game. Here is what the main menu of the native application looks like without React Native.
-![Before RN Integration](/docs/assets/react-native-existing-app-integration-ios-before.png)
-### Command Line Tools for Xcode
-Install the Command Line Tools. Choose "Preferences..." in the Xcode menu. Go to the Locations panel and install the tools by selecting the most recent version in the Command Line Tools dropdown.
-![Xcode Command Line Tools](/docs/assets/GettingStartedXcodeCommandLineTools.png)
-### Configuring CocoaPods dependencies
-Add React Native targets to your project by editing your CocoaPods `Podfile`. If you don't have a `Podfile`, the easiest way to create one is by running the CocoaPods `init` command in the `/ios` subfolder of your project:
-pod init
-The `Podfile` will contain a boilerplate setup that you will tweak for your integration purposes.
-Inside the `target` section of your `Podfile`, call `use_react_native!`, like this:
-require_relative '../node_modules/react-native/scripts/react_native_pods'
-# The target name is usually the name of your application.
-target 'NumberTileGame' do
- # Your 'node_modules' directory is probably in the root of your project,
- # but if not, adjust the `:path` argument accordingly.
- use_react_native!(
- :path => "../node_modules/react-native"
- )
-After you have created your `Podfile`, you are ready to install the React Native pods.
-pod install
-You should see output such as:
-Analyzing dependencies
-Fetching podspec for `React` from `../node_modules/react-native`
-Downloading dependencies
-Installing React (0.62.0)
-Generating Pods project
-Integrating client project
-Sending stats
-Pod installation complete! There are 3 dependencies from the Podfile and 1 total pod installed.
-> If this fails with errors mentioning `xcrun`, make sure that in Xcode in **Preferences > Locations** the Command Line Tools are assigned.
-### Code integration
-Now we will actually modify the native iOS application to integrate React Native. For our 2048 sample app, we will add a "High Score" screen in React Native.
-#### The React Native component
-The first bit of code we will write is the actual React Native code for the new "High Score" screen that will be integrated into our application.
-##### 1. Create a `index.js` file
-First, create an empty `index.js` file in the root of your React Native project.
-`index.js` is the starting point for React Native applications, and it is always required. It can be a small file that `require`s other file that are part of your React Native component or application, or it can contain all the code that is needed for it. In our case, we will put everything in `index.js`.
-##### 2. Add your React Native code
-In your `index.js`, create your component. In our sample here, we will add a `` component within a styled ``
-import React from 'react';
-import {
- AppRegistry,
- StyleSheet,
- Text,
- View
-} from 'react-native';
-const RNHighScores = ({ scores }) => {
- const contents = scores.map((score) => (
- {score.name}:{score.value}
- {'\n'}
- ));
- return (
- 2048 High Scores!
- {contents}
- );
-const styles = StyleSheet.create({
- container: {
- flex: 1,
- justifyContent: 'center',
- alignItems: 'center',
- backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF'
- },
- highScoresTitle: {
- fontSize: 20,
- textAlign: 'center',
- margin: 10
- },
- scores: {
- textAlign: 'center',
- color: '#333333',
- marginBottom: 5
- }
-// Module name
-AppRegistry.registerComponent('RNHighScores', () => RNHighScores);
-> `RNHighScores` is the name of your module that will be used when you add a view to React Native from within your iOS application.
-#### The Magic: `RCTRootView`
-Now that your React Native component is created via `index.js`, you need to add that component to a new or existing `ViewController`. The easiest path to take is to optionally create an event path to your component and then add that component to an existing `ViewController`.
-We will tie our React Native component with a new native view in the `ViewController` that will actually contain it called `RCTRootView` .
-##### 1. Create an Event Path
-You can add a new link on the main game menu to go to the "High Score" React Native page.
-![Event Path](/docs/assets/react-native-add-react-native-integration-link.png)
-##### 2. Event Handler
-We will now add an event handler from the menu link. A method will be added to the main `ViewController` of your application. This is where `RCTRootView` comes into play.
-When you build a React Native application, you use the [Metro bundler][metro] to create an `index.bundle` that will be served by the React Native server. Inside `index.bundle` will be our `RNHighScore` module. So, we need to point our `RCTRootView` to the location of the `index.bundle` resource (via `NSURL`) and tie it to the module.
-We will, for debugging purposes, log that the event handler was invoked. Then, we will create a string with the location of our React Native code that exists inside the `index.bundle`. Finally, we will create the main `RCTRootView`. Notice how we provide `RNHighScores` as the `moduleName` that we created [above](#the-react-native-component) when writing the code for our React Native component.
-First `import` the `RCTRootView` header.
-> The `initialProperties` are here for illustration purposes so we have some data for our high score screen. In our React Native component, we will use `this.props` to get access to that data.
-- (IBAction)highScoreButtonPressed:(id)sender {
- NSURL *jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://localhost:8081/index.bundle?platform=ios"];
- NSDictionary *mockData = @{
- @"scores" : @[
- @{ @"name" : @"Alex", @"value": @"42" },
- @{ @"name" : @"Joel", @"value": @"10" },
- ],
- };
- RCTRootView *rootView =
- [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleURL:jsCodeLocation
- moduleName:@"RNHighScores"
- initialProperties:mockData
- launchOptions:nil];
- UIViewController *vc = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
- vc.view = rootView;
- [self presentViewController:vc animated:YES completion:nil];
-> Note that `-[RCTRootView initWithBundleURL:...]` starts up a new JavaScript VM. To save resources and simplify the communication between React Native views in different parts of your native app, you can have multiple views powered by React Native that are associated with a single JS runtime. To do that, instead of using `-[RCTRootView initWithBundleURL:...]`, use [`-[RCTBridge initWithBundleURL:...]`](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/master/React/Base/RCTBridge.h#L93) to create a bridge, and then use `-[RCTRootView initWithBridge:...]`.
-> When moving your app to production, the `NSURL` can point to a pre-bundled file on disk via something like `[[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];`. You can use the `react-native-xcode.sh` script in `node_modules/react-native/scripts/` to generate that pre-bundled file.
-##### 3. Wire Up
-Wire up the new link in the main menu to the newly added event handler method.
-![Event Path](/docs/assets/react-native-add-react-native-integration-wire-up.png)
-> One of the easier ways to do this is to open the view in the storyboard and right click on the new link. Select something such as the `Touch Up Inside` event, drag that to the storyboard and then select the created method from the list provided.
-### Test your integration
-You have now done all the basic steps to integrate React Native with your current application. Now we will start the [Metro bundler][metro] to build the `index.bundle` package and the server running on `localhost` to serve it.
-##### 1. Add App Transport Security exception
-Apple has blocked implicit cleartext HTTP resource loading. So we need to add the following our project's `Info.plist` (or equivalent) file.
- NSExceptionDomains
- localhost
- NSTemporaryExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads
-> App Transport Security is good for your users. Make sure to re-enable it prior to releasing your app for production.
-##### 2. Run the packager
-To run your app, you need to first start the development server. To do this, run the following command in the root directory of your React Native project:
-npm start
-yarn start
-##### 3. Run the app
-If you are using Xcode or your favorite editor, build and run your native iOS application as normal. Alternatively, you can run the app from the command line using:
-# From the root of your project
-$ npx react-native run-ios
-In our sample application, you should see the link to the "High Scores" and then when you click on that you will see the rendering of your React Native component.
-Here is the _native_ application home screen:
-![Home Screen](/docs/assets/react-native-add-react-native-integration-example-home-screen.png)
-Here is the _React Native_ high score screen:
-![High Scores](/docs/assets/react-native-add-react-native-integration-example-high-scores.png)
-> If you are getting module resolution issues when running your application please see [this GitHub issue](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/4968) for information and possible resolution. [This comment](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/4968#issuecomment-220941717) seemed to be the latest possible resolution.
-### Now what?
-At this point you can continue developing your app as usual. Refer to our [debugging](debugging) and [deployment](running-on-device) docs to learn more about working with React Native.
-[metro]: https://facebook.github.io/metro/
diff --git a/docs/integration-with-existing-apps.md b/docs/integration-with-existing-apps.md
index 90e47ac2f55..d846b84c6e6 100644
--- a/docs/integration-with-existing-apps.md
+++ b/docs/integration-with-existing-apps.md
@@ -4,29 +4,24 @@ title: Integration with Existing Apps
hide_table_of_contents: true
-import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import constants from '@site/core/TabsConstants';
-import IntegrationJava from './\_integration-with-exisiting-apps-java.md'; import IntegrationObjC from './\_integration-with-exisiting-apps-objc.md'; import IntegrationSwift from './\_integration-with-exisiting-apps-swift.md';
+import IntegrationAndroid from './\_integration-with-exisiting-apps-android.md'; import IntegrationiOS from './\_integration-with-exisiting-apps-ios.md';
React Native is great when you are starting a new mobile app from scratch. However, it also works well for adding a single view or user flow to existing native applications. With a few steps, you can add new React Native based features, screens, views, etc.
The specific steps are different depending on what platform you're targeting.