diff --git a/bots/dangerfile.js b/bots/dangerfile.js
index ecc9bd90d8cbf9..327e75ce54baca 100644
--- a/bots/dangerfile.js
+++ b/bots/dangerfile.js
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import { danger, fail, markdown, message, warn } from 'danger';
// Fails if the description is too short.
if (!danger.github.pr.body || danger.github.pr.body.length < 10) {
fail(':grey_question: This pull request needs a description.');
- markdown('@facebook-github-bot label Needs more information');
// Warns if the PR title contains [WIP]
@@ -44,7 +43,6 @@ if (!includesTestPlan) {
const title = ':clipboard: Test Plan';
const idea = 'This PR appears to be missing a Test Plan.';
warn(`${title} - ${idea}`);
- markdown('@facebook-github-bot label Needs more information');
// Regex looks for given categories, types, a file/framework/component, and a message - broken into 4 capture groups
@@ -57,32 +55,30 @@ if (!includesReleaseNotes) {
const title = ':clipboard: Release Notes';
const idea = 'This PR appears to be missing Release Notes.';
warn(`${title} - ${idea}`);
- markdown('@facebook-github-bot label Needs more information');
} else if (!correctlyFormattedReleaseNotes) {
const title = ':clipboard: Release Notes';
const idea = 'This PR may have incorrectly formatted Release Notes.';
warn(`${title} - ${idea}`);
- markdown('@facebook-github-bot label Needs more information');
} else if (releaseNotesCaptureGroups) {
const category = releaseNotesCaptureGroups[1].toLowerCase();
// Use Release Notes to Tag PRs appropriately
- if (category === 'ios' ){
- markdown('@facebook-github-bot label iOS');
- }
+ // if (category === 'ios' ){
+ // markdown('@facebook-github-bot label iOS');
+ // }
- if (category === 'android' ){
- markdown('@facebook-github-bot label Android');
- }
+ // if (category === 'android' ){
+ // markdown('@facebook-github-bot label Android');
+ // }
// Tags PRs that have been submitted by a core contributor.
// TODO: Switch to using an actual MAINTAINERS file.
const taskforce = fs.readFileSync('./IssueCommands.txt', 'utf8').split('\n')[0].split(':')[1];
const isSubmittedByTaskforce = includes(taskforce, danger.github.pr.user.login);
-if (isSubmittedByTaskforce) {
- markdown('@facebook-github-bot label Core Team');
+// if (isSubmittedByTaskforce) {
+// markdown('@facebook-github-bot label Core Team');
+// }
// Tags big PRs
var bigPRThreshold = 600;
@@ -91,14 +87,14 @@ if (danger.github.pr.additions + danger.github.pr.deletions > bigPRThreshold) {
const idea = `This PR is extremely unlikely to get reviewed because it touches ${danger.github.pr.additions + danger.github.pr.deletions} lines.`;
warn(`${title} - ${idea}`);
- markdown('@facebook-github-bot large-pr');
+ // markdown('@facebook-github-bot large-pr');
if (danger.git.modified_files + danger.git.added_files + danger.git.deleted_files > bigPRThreshold) {
const title = ':exclamation: Big PR';
const idea = `This PR is extremely unlikely to get reviewed because it touches ${danger.git.modified_files + danger.git.added_files + danger.git.deleted_files} files.`;
warn(`${title} - ${idea}`);
- markdown('@facebook-github-bot large-pr');
+ // markdown('@facebook-github-bot large-pr');
// Warns if the bots whitelist file is updated.