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RabbitMQ consumer

Build Status License: MIT

A configurable RabbitMQ consumer made in Rust, useful for a stable and reliable CLI commands processor.

Version 1.2.0 and 1.2.3 warning

In order to use this version correctly and only if you use the MySQL configuration for queues, you have to update your queues table schema adding a new nack_code and prefetch_count integer columns:

ALTER TABLE queues ADD nack_code INT(11) DEFAULT 2 NULL;
ALTER TABLE queues ADD prefetch_count INT(11) DEFAULT 1 NULL;


You can either compile it yourself, or download a precompiled binary from here.


You need the Rust nightly environment, and you should be familiar with the language, in order to build a binary.

Installing Rust

In order to install the Rust toolchain with rustc (compiler), rustup and Cargo, execute this command:
curl -sSf | sh

Introducing Cargo

Cargo is a dependency manager for Rust. You can create new projects, require new crates (libraries) or update existing crates.


Just run cargo +nightly build inside the project folder to build a debug binary.

You can even build a release binary (slower but optimized build) using cargo +nightly build --release

NB: You need the libmysqlclient-dev package (for Ubuntu) or mysql-client (for macOS) in order to build and statically link the binary.

WARNING: Nightly Rust version is required for this project in order to compile (caused by the static linking of some non-bundles libraries)


In order to launch tests you need to run the container first:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker/docker-compose.test.yml up -d

Please be sure to create your own config.toml inside the config directory before running the container.

Then simply launch: cargo test +nightly


Run without arguments to start with default configuration or with --help to show the help summary:

$ rabbitmq-consumer
rabbitmq-consumer 1.2.3

A configurable RabbitMQ consumer made in Rust, useful for a stable and reliable CLI commands processor.

    rabbitmq-consumer [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -e, --env <env>      Environment for configuration file loading
    -p, --path <path>    Base config file path

Process shutdown

The consumer handles the SIGTERM and SIGINT signals, so when a signal is received, the consumer will be gracefully canceled.


The consumer loads the standard configuration file, located at config/config.toml, at runtime. Pass the --env parameter in order to load a custom configuration file, for example:

$ rabbitmq-consumer --env dev

This will load the file located at config/config_dev.toml, if exists, otherwise the consumer will fallback to the default config/config.toml file.

You can also specify the configuration file base path with the --path option.


[rabbit] section

This section describes the connection to the AMQP server.

host = "localhost"

This defines the host domain or IP of the AMQP server: if the consumer fails to connect to this host, it will throw an error, and retry automatically.

port = 5672

This is the port of the AMQP server.

username = "guest"

This is the username of the AMQP server.

password = "guest"

This is the password of the AMQP server.

vhost = "/"

This is the vhost to use for the current user and session.

queue_prefix = "queue_"

This is the internal prefix that the application will use to configure queues.

reconnections = 0

By default the consumer will try to reconnect to AMQP server automatically and indefinitely (default 0 value), change this value to limit reconnection retries.

[[rabbit.queues]] section

This section (a TOML array) defines all queues and consumers.

id = 1

The virtual ID of this queue: must be different for each queue.

prefetch_count = 1

If specified, limits the number of unacknowledged messages on a channel (or connection) when consuming (default is 1)

queue_name = "example"

The internal name of the queue, also used in combination with the prefix to generate the channel and queue name.

consumer_name = "example"

The internal name of the consumer: "_consumer_NUMBER" string will be attached after the name.

command = "php ../../bin/console example:command"

The command executed for each received message; for example if the message contains --id 1234, the final executed command will be: php ../../bin/console example:command --id 1234, you can attach any parameter using the content of the message, or pass a base64 encoded string for serialized data.

command_timeout = 30

If specified, the command will be executed with a custom timeout: default is 30 (value is in minutes).

base64 = false

If enabled, the consumer will send a base64 encoded message with a single "--body" parameter with the encoded data.

start_hour = "00:00:00"

The start hour of consumer activity.

end_hour = "23:59:59"

The end hour of consumer activity: the consumer will be stopped automatically until the start hour is reached again.

count = 1

Specify how many consumers to run for this queue. WARNING: use multiple counts only on a shared instance, for a container based utilization, is recommended to split the load between replicas or more containers.

nack_code = 2

If specified, the not requeue logic (nack not requeue) applies only to this specific exit code, all other exit code will requeue the message.

retry_wait = 120

The waiting time for the retry mode: default is 120 (value is in seconds).

retry_mode = "incremental"

The retry mode can be "incremental", "static" or "ignored": in "incremental" the waiting time is multiplied each time by 2; in "static" the waiting time is fixed; in "ignored" no retry will be attempted.

enabled = true

Enable or disable the queue.

[database] section

This section defines the MySQL configuration.

enabled = true

Enable or disable MySQL connection: if disabled, the "Static configuration" will be used.

host = "localhost"

The MySQL server host.

port = 3306

The MySQL server port.

user = "user"

The MySQL server user.

password = "password"

The MySQL server password.

db_name = "database"

The MySQL server database name to use.

retries = 3

Specify how many retries of MySQL if connection is lost before ending the process

Environment variables

You can use environment variables for every configuration of the TOML file just using the "$VARIABLE_NAME" syntax as parameter value. It's mandatory to use quotes in order to avoid spaced parameters and other issues.

Queues and consumers

There are two ways for configuring queues:

  • Database configuration (using MySQL integration)
  • Static configuration

In Database configuration, you can enable or disable a queue at runtime, change its operation time and consumers count.

You can enable the Database configuration by switching the enabled option to true in the [database] section.

WARNING: If you use the MySQL connection, the consumer can fails more frequently due to the dependency of the MySQL server connection.

When a database configuration is enabled, the consumer will fetch a table named queues and will load all the configuration values from there. This is the query for creating the needed table:

  id              INT AUTO_INCREMENT
  prefetch_count  INT(11) DEFAULT 1                 NULL,
  queue_name      VARCHAR(255)                      NOT NULL,
  consumer_name   VARCHAR(255)                      NOT NULL,
  command         VARCHAR(250)                      NOT NULL,
  command_timeout BIGINT UNSIGNED                   NULL,
  base64          TINYINT(1) DEFAULT 0              NOT NULL,
  start_hour      TIME                              NOT NULL,
  end_hour        TIME                              NOT NULL,
  count           INT(11) DEFAULT 1                 NOT NULL,
  nack_code       INT(11) DEFAULT 2                 NULL,
  retry_wait      BIGINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 120       NOT NULL,
  retry_mode      VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT 'incremental' NOT NULL,
  enabled         TINYINT(1)                        NOT NULL
  ENGINE = InnoDB;

You can skip this if you don't care about changing the values at runtime. Just set the enabled flag to false on the database section and use the Static configuration as follows:

    id = 1
    queue_name = "example"
    consumer_name = "example"
    command = "command_to_execute"
    command_timeout = 30
    base64 = false
    start_hour = "00:00:00"
    end_hour = "23:59:59"
    count = 1
    retry_wait = 120
    retry_mode = "incremental"
    enabled = true

    id = 2
    queue_name = "example2"
    consumer_name = "example2"
    command = "command_to_execute2"
    command_timeout = 15
    base64 = false
    start_hour = "00:00:00"
    end_hour = "23:59:59"
    count = 1
    retry_wait = 120
    retry_mode = "incremental"
    enabled = true

    id = 3
    queue_name = "example3"
    consumer_name = "example3"
    command = "command_to_execute3"
    command_timeout = 20
    base64 = false
    start_hour = "00:00:00"
    end_hour = "23:59:59"
    count = 1
    retry_wait = 120
    retry_mode = "incremental"
    enabled = true

You can set as many consumer as you need: these consumers will run on the same process asynchronously using one thread.

Retry logic with exit codes

The consumer will handle specific OS process exit codes in order to apply a retry logic. This only applies with "incremental" or "static" retry modes.

List of exit codes

Exit Code Action
0 Acknowledgement
1 Negative acknowledgement and re-queue
2 Negative acknowledgement

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