This repository contains packages created to control in PC, throught ROS interface, the Leica Scanstation C5.
Due to Leica's libraries dependencies, the source code relative to SDK have been developed under Windows 10.
For that reason, leica_scanstation_ros will only compile on Windows OS.
However, once the program is released, it could be executed in either Windows or Linux (with tools such us Wine).
In the following sections, it is described which packages are included and an explanation of how to use them.
For development purposes, please refer to leica_scanstation_ros documentation.
It is involved in the ROSIN project Large_3D_inspection
leica_scanstation_ros. Based on Leica SDK, this package contains functions to communicate with the device using a computer. Note that this package is meant to be compiled and executed in Windows. It includes a ROS node with the following options:
- operating the device through ROS services.
- to read and understand the information sent by the scanstation which is published in a ROS topic.
- to view the video captured by the device which is published as images in another ROS Topic.
leica_scanstation_msgs. This package defines types of messages and services that permit interpretation of the scanner information. It is OS independent.
leica_scanstation_utils. This package contains common functions that assist in the program's execution independently of the OS used. Its main purpose is to define the paths for generating and collecting the point clouds.
sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev
Leica HXI SDK.
Note: To get your HXI SDK contact your local Leica supplier.
Setup your workspace as detailed on leica_scanstation_ros
Execute program
roslaunch leica_scanstation_ros start.launch
Use ROS services to control, move and start scanning on the Scanstation
rosservice list
Create a workspace and clone this repo
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src && cd ~/catkin_ws/src git clone
Compile (be careful: package leica_scanstation_ros is meant to be compiled on Windows)
cd ~/catkin_ws catkin_make -DCATKIN_BLACKLIST_PACKAGES="leica_scanstation_ros"
To be able to execute the program with wine, you need to export it first. Read how to export program to get more information.
roscore cd .../leica_scanstation_ros/export wineconsole leica_scanstation_ros_node.exe
Use ROS services to control, move and start scanning on the Scanstation
rosservice list
Read documentation on
Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components.
More information:
This project has received funding from the European Union�s Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.
Ines M. Lara -