- low tolerance Ipopt
- infeasible Ipopt
Short term:
mu autotune scaling -- run on whole test set.
increase delta to min stable line search??? test
new delta strategy with loglog rate???
write code that saves all the CUTEst files need for the paper in one go! (i.e., have an experimental script and a paper producing script)
add COPS problems
improved initial delta selection
Medium term:
detect is problem is caused by factorization issues or lack of smoothness of functions (identify function, a direction and a point)
improve efficiency of schur complement and eval_jac
deal correctly with exceptions
add parameters for termination criterion
test unconstrained problems
- create infeasible test set - scaled termination criterion - run full netlib test
*- mu stuff *
- initialization scheme
fix error with predicted reduction of complementarity
stabilization should prioritize complementarity if dual is small and comp not satisfied
measure complementarity in output in relative terms
split up parameters i.e. initialization parameters etc ...
install IPOPT on sherlock
KKT system S_diag and X_diag as variables
increase delta when ever there is any sort of failure
add option to move dual and primal iterates independently
mu choice?
add protections to aggressive steps
move dual slowly? maybe not i think one is better off regularizing. #- corrections, only do if predicted progress is good (and stop line search immediately if it is not).
solve MUMPS issues, version #- add symmetric KKT system solver and deal with inaccuracy #- write proper line search for stabilization step #- non-linear updates of primal variables
infeasiblity detection
unboundedness detection
momentum/homogenous style scaling
create notes of what I am doing
validate LP direction
Long term:
(1) find LP solution first, (2) start from analytic centre, (3) re-write so problem is well-conditioned
automatic scaling trust region algorithm
momentum/CG in stabilization steps
re-use permutations for cholesky
filter during stable steps, either accept improvement in dual or primal
Blue sky
- run non-linear CG to 0.99 accuracy in 100 iterations. Use NC certificates to deduce correct delta.
- do linear algebra to deal with duplicates of constraints