A command line interface for controlling OBS with cli commands
- Installation
- Quick start
- Available Commands
- Advanced Usage
Install using dart pub
For more information about dart
and how to install it, check out dart.dev
dart pub global activate obs_websocket
Install using brew
For more information about the brew
package manager and how to install it, check out brew.sh
brew tap faithoflifedev/obs_websocket
brew install obs
Then check the install with,
obs --help
A command line interface for controlling OBS.
Usage: obs <command> [arguments]
Global options:
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-u, --uri=<ws://[host]:[port]> The url and port for OBS websocket
-t, --timeout=<int> The timeout in seconds for the web socket connection.
-l, --log-level [all, debug, info, warning, error, off (default)]
-p, --passwd=<string> The OBS websocket password, only required if enabled in OBS
Available commands:
authorize Generate an authentication file for an OBS connection
config Config Requests
general General commands
listen Generate OBS events to stdout
send Send a low-level websocket request to OBS
sources Commands that manipulate OBS sources
stream Commands that manipulate OBS streaming
version Display the package name version
command | description |
authorize | Generate an authentication file for an Onvif device |
config | Config Requests - documentation |
general | General commands - documentation |
listen | Generate OBS events to stdout - documentation |
send | Send a low-level websocket request to OBS - commands |
sources | Commands that manipulate OBS sources, documentation |
stream | Commands that manipulate OBS streams, documentation |
version | The current package and version for this tool. |
Just like the main dart library, any responses provided through the above commands will be given in JSON format. So ideally, you will want to use a command line json parser to interpret the results. The recommended json parser for this purpose is jq.
# step 1
obs authorize
# follow prompts
# step 2
obs stream get-stream-status
Gives result,
# or using the jq utility
obs stream get-stream-status | jq -r '.outputActive'
Result is,
# or alternatively use the low-level send command
obs send --command GetStreamStatus | jq -r '.responseData.outputActive'
# same output as before: false
obs authorize --help
Generate an authentication file for an OBS connection
Usage: obs authorize [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
The authorize command is used to create the credentials that can be used as the default for all future commands. In general this command will only need to be run if you want to connect to another OBS instance or if the settings (URI, password) have changed for the current connection. The file contents are as follows:
{"uri":"ws://[ip address or hostname]:[port]","password":"[password]"}
obs config --help
Config Requests
Usage: obs config <subcommand> [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
Available subcommands:
get-stream-service-settings Gets the current stream service settings (stream destination).
get-video-settings Gets the current video settings.
set-stream-service-settings Sets the current stream service settings (stream destination).
set-video-settings Sets the current video settings.
obs config get-stream-service-settings --help
Gets the current stream service settings (stream destination).
Usage: obs config get-stream-service-settings [arguments]
obs config get-video-settings --help
Gets the current video settings.
Usage: obs config get-video-settings [arguments]
obs config set-stream-service-settings --help
Sets the current stream service settings (stream destination).
Usage: obs config set-stream-service-settings [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
--stream-service-type=<string> (mandatory) Type of stream service to apply. Example: rtmp_common or rtmp_custom
--stream-service-settings=<json> (mandatory) Settings to apply to the service
obs config set-video-settings --help
Sets the current video settings.
Usage: obs config set-video-settings [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
--fps-numerator=<int (greater than 0)> Numerator of the fractional FPS value
--fps-denominator=<int (greater than 0)> Denominator of the fractional FPS value
--base-width=<int (between 1 and 4096)> Width of the base (canvas) resolution in pixels
--base-height=<int (between 1 and 4096)> Height of the base (canvas) resolution in pixels
--output-width=<int (between 1 and 4096)> Width of the output resolution in pixels
--output-height=<int (between 1 and 4096)> Height of the output resolution in pixels
obs general --help
General commands
Usage: obs general <subcommand> [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
Available subcommands:
get-stats Gets statistics about OBS, obs-websocket, and the current session.
get-version Gets data about the current plugin and RPC version.
obs general get-stats --help
Gets statistics about OBS, obs-websocket, and the current session.
Usage: obs general get-stats [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
obs general get-version --help
Gets data about the current plugin and RPC version.
Usage: obs general get-version [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
obs listen --help
Generate OBS events to stdout
Usage: obs listen [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
--event-subscriptions=<Supply one more more values comma separated.
See https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket/blob/master/docs/generated/protocol.md#eventsubscription>
Name of the source to get the active state of.
[all] (default) Helper to receive all non-high-volume events.
[config] Subscription value to receive events in the Config category.
[filters] Subscription value to receive events in the Filters category.
[general] Subscription value to receive events in the General category.
[inputActiveStateChanged] Subscription value to receive the InputActiveStateChanged high-volume event.
[inputShowStateChanged] Subscription value to receive the InputShowStateChanged high-volume event.
[inputVolumeMeters] Subscription value to receive the InputVolumeMeters high-volume event.
[inputs] Subscription value to receive events in the Inputs category.
[mediaInputs] Subscription value to receive events in the MediaInputs category.
[none] Subscription value used to disable all events.
[outputs] Subscription value to receive events in the Outputs category.
[sceneItemTransformChanged] Subscription value to receive the SceneItemTransformChanged high-volume event.
[sceneItems] Subscription value to receive events in the SceneItems category.
[scenes] Subscription value to receive events in the Scenes category.
[transitions] Subscription value to receive events in the Transitions category.
[ui] Subscription value to receive events in the Ui category.
[vendors] Subscription value to receive the VendorEvent event.
obs send --help
Option command is mandatory.
Usage: obs send [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-c, --command=<string> (mandatory) One of the OBS web socket supported requests - https://github.com/obsproject/obs-websocket/blob/master/docs/generated/protocol.md#requests-table-of-contents
-a, --args=<json string> The json representing the arguments necessary for the supplied command.
obs sources --help
Commands that manipulate OBS sources
Usage: obs sources <subcommand> [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
Available subcommands:
get-source-active Gets the active and show state of a source.
get-source-screenshot Gets a Base64-encoded screenshot of a source.
save-source-screenshot Saves a screenshot of a source to the filesystem.
obs sources get-source-active --help
Gets the active and show state of a source.
Usage: obs sources get-source-active [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
--source-name=<string> (mandatory) Name of the source to get the active state of
obs sources get-source-screenshot --help
Gets a Base64-encoded screenshot of a source.
Usage: obs sources get-source-screenshot [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
--source-name=<string> (mandatory) Name of the source to take a screenshot of
--image-format=<string> (mandatory) Image compression format to use. Use GetVersion to get compatible image formats
obs sources save-source-screenshot --help
Saves a screenshot of a source to the filesystem.
Usage: obs sources save-source-screenshot [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
--source-name=<string> (mandatory) Name of the source to take a screenshot of
--image-format=<string> (mandatory) Image compression format to use. Use GetVersion to get compatible image formats
--image-file-path=<string> (mandatory) Path to save the screenshot file to.
obs stream --help
Commands that manipulate OBS streams
Usage: obs stream <subcommand> [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
Available subcommands:
get-stream-status Gets the status of the stream output.
start-streaming Starts the stream output.
stop-streaming Stops the stream output.
toggle-stream Toggles the status of the stream output.
obs stream get-stream-status --help
Gets the status of the stream output.
Usage: obs stream get-stream-status [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
obs stream start-streaming --help
Starts the stream output.
Usage: obs stream start-streaming [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
obs stream stop-streaming --help
Stops the stream output.
Usage: obs stream stop-streaming [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
obs stream toggle-stream --help
Toggles the status of the stream output.
Usage: obs stream toggle-stream [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
obs version --help
Display the package name and version
Usage: obs version [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
# will output json for any "scene" related event
obs listen --event-subscriptions scenes
Gives the following result,
{"eventType":"CurrentProgramSceneChanged","eventIntent":4,"eventData":{"sceneName":"Scene 2"}}
{"eventType":"CurrentProgramSceneChanged","eventIntent":4,"eventData":{"sceneName":"MY Scene"}}
{"eventType":"CurrentProgramSceneChanged","eventIntent":4,"eventData":{"sceneName":"Scene 2"}}
Now pipe the result through the jq
command for each event
# jq will parse the json
obs listen --event-subscriptions scenes | jq -r '.eventType + "\t" + .eventData.sceneName'
Gives this result,
CurrentProgramSceneChanged Scene 2
CurrentProgramSceneChanged MY Scene
CurrentProgramSceneChanged Scene 2
The listen
command provides an optional --command
argument that allows the user to specify the shell command that will be executed each time OBS fires one of the events that has been subscribed to. The example below will send a separate email containing the JSON payload of each event fired.
# send an email for every scene event
obs listen --event-subscriptions scenes --command 'mutt -s "OBS Scene Event" address@email.com'