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👨🏼‍💻 Deploying a 3 Tier H.A Web Application on AWS 👨🏼‍💻

STEP 1: Create The Base Networking Infrastructure For NAT/ELB, Webservers, Appservers and Database

A) Create The VPC Network

  • Name: Prod-VPC
  • CidirBlock:

B) Create The NAT/AL Subnet 1 and 2

  1. NAT/ALB Subnet 1
  • Name: Prod-NAT-ALB-Subnet-1
  • CidirBlock:
  • Availability Zone: us-west-1a
  1. NAT/ALB Subnet 2
  • Name: Prod-NAT-ALB-Subnet-2
  • CidirBlock:
  • Availability Zone: us-west-1c

B) Create The Webserver Subnet 1 and 2

  1. Webserver Subnet 1
  • Name: Prod-Webserver-Subnet-1
  • CidirBlock:
  • Availability Zone: us-west-1a
  1. Webserver Subnet 2
  • Name: Prod-Webserver-Subnet-2
  • CidirBlock:
  • Availability Zone: us-west-1c

C) Create The Appserver Subnet 1 and 2

  1. Appserver Subnet 1
  • Name: Prod-Appserver-Subnet-1
  • CidirBlock:
  • Availability Zone: us-west-1a
  1. Appserver Subnet 2
  • Name: Prod-Appserver-Subnet-2
  • CidirBlock:
  • Availability Zone: us-west-1c

D) Create The Database Subnet 1 and 2

  1. Database Subnet 1
  • Name: Prod-db-Subnet-1
  • CidirBlock:
  • Availability Zone: us-west-1a
  1. Database Subnet 2
  • Name: Prod-db-Subnet-2
  • CidirBlock:
  • Availability Zone: us-west-1c

STEP 2: Create 2 Public Route Rable and 6 Private Route Tables (Because of NAT Redundancy Implementation)

A) NAT/ALB Public Subnet 1 Route Table

  • Name: Prod-NAT-ALB-Public-RT-1
  • VPC: Select the Prod-VPC

B) NAT/ALB Public Subnet 2 Route Table

  • Name: Prod-NAT-ALB-Public-RT-2
  • VPC: Select the Prod-VPC

C) Webserver Subnet 1 Route Table

  • Name: Prod-Webserver-RT-1
  • VPC: Select the Prod-VPC

D) Webserver Subnet 2 Route Table

  • Name: Prod-Webserver-RT-2
  • VPC: Select the Prod-VPC

E) Appserver Subnet 1 Table Table

  • Name: Prod-Appserver-RT-1
  • VPC: Select the Prod-VPC

F) Appserver Subnet 2 Table Table

  • Name: Prod-Appserver-RT-2
  • VPC: Select the Prod-VPC

G) Database Subnet 1 Route Table

  • Name: Prod-Database-RT-1
  • VPC: Select the Prod-VPC

H) Database Subnet 2 Route Table

  • Name: Prod-Database-RT-2
  • VPC: Select the Prod-VPC

STEP 3: Associate All Above Route Tables With Their Respective Subnets

  1. Associate Prod-NAT-ALB-Public-RT-1 with Prod-NAT-ALB-Subnet-1
  2. Associate Prod-NAT-ALB-Public-RT-2 with Prod-NAT-ALB-Subnet-2
  3. Associate Prod-Webserver-RT-1 with Prod-Webserver-Subnet-1
  4. Associate Prod-Webserver-RT-2 with Prod-Webserver-Subnet-2
  5. Associate Prod-Appserver-RT-1 with Prod-Appserver-Subnet-1
  6. Associate Prod-Appserver-RT-2 with Prod-Appserver-Subnet-2
  7. Associate Prod-Database-RT-1 with Prod-db-Subnet-1
  8. Associate Prod-Database-RT-2 with Prod-db-Subnet-2

STEP 4: Create and Configure IGW and NAT Gateways

A) Create and Configure IGW to Expose The NAT/ALB Subnet 1 and NAT/ALB Subnet 2

  1. Create the Internet Gatway
  • Name: Prod-VPC-IGW
  • VPC: Select the Prod-VPC Network
  1. Configure/Edit the Prod-NAT-ALB-Public-RT Route Table
  • Destination:
  • Target: Select the Prod-VPC-IGW
  • SAVE

B) Create and Configure The NAT Gateways to point at the Web, App and Database Tiers/Subnets

  1. Create the First NAT Gateway
  • Name: Prod-NAT-Gateway-1
  • Elastic IP: Clcik Allocate Elastic IP
  • Click Create NAT gateway
  1. Create the Second NAT Gateway
  • Name: Prod-NAT-Gateway-2
  • Elastic IP: Clcik Allocate Elastic IP
  • Click Create NAT gateway

C) Configure/Edit the Route Tables of Webserver subnets, Appserver subnets and Database subnets to Add the Nat gateway Configs

C.1) Update the Webserver subnet Route tables (2) with the following configs

  1. Select the Prod-Webserver-RT-1
  • Click on Edit and Add route
  • Destination:
  • Target: Select Prod-NAT-Gateway-1
  1. Select the Prod-Webserver-RT-2
  • Click on Edit and Add route
  • Destination:
  • Target: Select Prod-NAT-Gateway-2

C.2) Update the Appserver subnet Route tables (2) with the following configs

  1. Select the Prod-Appserver-RT-1
  • Click on Edit and Add route
  • Destination:
  • Target: Select Prod-NAT-Gateway-1
  1. Select the Prod-Appserver-RT-2
  • Click on Edit and Add route
  • Destination:
  • Target: Select Prod-NAT-Gateway-2

C.3) Update the Database subnet Route tables (2) with the following configs

  1. Select the Prod-Database-RT-1
  • Click on Edit and Add route
  • Destination:
  • Target: Select Prod-NAT-Gateway-1
  1. Select the Prod-Database-RT-2
  • Click on Edit and Add route
  • Destination:
  • Target: Select Prod-NAT-Gateway-2

STEP 5: Create Security Groups

Create the Bastion Host Security Group

  • Click on Create Security group
    • Name: Bastion-Host-Security-Group
    • Inbound:
      • Ports: 22
      • Source: Provide Your IP or

Create the Frontend/External Load Balancer Security Group

  • Navigate to Security groups
  • Click on Create Security group
    • Name: Frontend-LB-Security-Group

    • Inbound:

      • Ports: 80 and 443
      • Source:
    • Click Create Security Group

Create the Webservers Security Group

  • Click on Create Security group
    • Name: Webservers-Security-Group
    • Inbound:
      • Ports: 80 and 443
        • Source: Provide the Frontend-LB-Security-Group ID
      • Ports: 22
        • Source: Bastion-Host-Security-Group ID

Create the Backend/Internal Load Balancer Security Group

  • Click on Create Security group
    • Name: Backend-LB-Security-Group
    • Inbound:
      • Ports: 80 and 443
      • Source: Provide the Webservers-Security-Group ID

Create the Appservers Security Group

  • Click on Create Security group
    • Name: Appservers-Security-Group
    • Inbound:
      • Ports: 80 and 443
        • Source: Provide the Backend-LB-Security-Group ID
      • Ports: 22
        • Source: Bastion-Host-Security-Group ID

Create the Database Security Group

  • Click on Create Security group
    • Name: Database-Security-Group
    • Inbound:
      • Ports: 3306
        • Source: Provide the Appservers-Security-Group ID
      • Ports: 3306
        • Source: Bastion-Host-Security-Group ID

STEP 6: Create External/Frontend and Internal/Backend Load Balancers

Create External/Frontend Load Balancer

  • Navigate to EC2/Load Balancers and Click on Create Load Balancer
    • Type: Choose Application Load Balancer

    • Load balancer name: Prod-Frontend-LB

    • Scheme: Internet-facing

    • IP address type: IPv4

    • Network mapping:

      • VPC: Select Prod-VPC
      • Mappings: Select the Prod-NAT-ALB-Subnet-1 and Prod-NAT-ALB-Subnet-2 frontend subnets
    • Security groups: Select the Frontend-LB-Security-Group

    • Listeners and routing:

      • Click on Create a target group to create HTTP target group
        • target type: select instances
        • Target group name: Frontend-LB-HTTP-TG
        • Protocol and Port: HTTP:80
        • VPC: Select Prod-VPC
        • Protocol version: HTTP1
        • Health checks: HTTP
        • Health check path: /
        • Click on Next
        • Click on Create target group
    • NOTE: Navigate back to the page where you're creating the LoadBalancer and Refresh (Not The Whole Page)

    • Listeners and routing:

      • Protocol: HTTP
      • Listener HTTP:80
      • Select the Frontend-LB-HTTP-TG
    • Click on Create load balancer

Create Internal/Backend Load Balancer

  • Navigate to EC2/Load Balancers and Click on Create Load Balancer
    • Type: Choose Application Load Balancer

    • Load balancer name: Prod-Backend-LB

    • Scheme: Internal

    • IP address type: IPv4

    • Network mapping:

      • VPC: Select Prod-VPC
      • Mappings: Select the Prod-Webserver-Subnet-1 and Prod-Webserver-Subnet-2 Webserver/Provate subnets
    • Security groups: Select the Backend-LB-Security-Group

    • Listeners and routing:

      • Click on Create a target group to create HTTP target group
        • target type: select instances
        • Target group name: Backend-LB-HTTP-TG
        • Protocol and Port: HTTP:80
        • VPC: Select Prod-VPC
        • Protocol version: HTTP1
        • Health checks: HTTP
        • Health check path: /
        • Click on Next
        • Click on Create target group
    • NOTE: Navigate back to the page where you're creating the LoadBalancer and Refresh (Not The Whole Page)

    • Listeners and routing:

      • Protocol: HTTP
      • Listener HTTP:80
      • Select the Backend-LB-HTTP-TG
    • Click on Create load balancer

STEP : Create an S3 Bucket Environment To Upload The Automation and Database Configs

  • Navigate to Amazon S3
  • Click on Create Bucket
    • Name: Use naming convention prod-proxy-app-db-config-YOUR-LAST-NAME-and-DAY-OF-BIRTH
    • AWS Region: Select your project region (California) us-west-1
    • Object Ownership: ACLs disabled
    • Block Public Access settings for this bucket: Enable Block all public access
    • Bucket Versioning: Enable
    • Default encryption: Enable

STEP : Create a Bastion Host VM For Remote Access ((SSH)) To Webservers, Appservers and MySQL Database

  • Navigate to Instance in EC2
  • Click on Create Instance
    • Name: Prod-Bastion-Host
    • AMI: Ubuntu 18.04
    • Instance type: t2.micro
    • Key pair name: Select/Create Key pair
      • Name: Prod-"YOUR_REGION"-Key
    • Network:
      • VPC: Prod-VPC
      • Subnet: Select either Prod-NAT-ALB-Subnet-1 or Prod-NAT-ALB-Subnet-2
      • Security Group: Select the Bastion-Host-Security-Group

Setup SSH Port Forwarding Between Your Local and Bastion Host To Point at The Web, App and DB Instance.

Create an AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess For Your Web and App Servers

  • Navigate to IAM
  • Click on Roles and Create Role
    • Select EC2
    • Click on Next
    • Permissions policies: Assign AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
    • Click on Next
    • Name: EC2-AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess
    • Click CREATE

STEP 7: Create Webservers and Apservers Launch Templates

Create Webserver Launch Template

Create Appserver Launch Template

  • Naviagte to EC2/Launch Configuration

STEP 8: Create Webserver and Appserver Auto Scaling Groups

A). Webserver Autocsaling Group

  • Navigate to EC2/Auto Scaling
    • Click on Create Auto Scaling Group
      • Auto Scaling group name: prod-webservers-autoscaling-group

      • Launch template: Select the Prod-Webservers-LT

      • Click on NEXT

      • VPC: Select Prod-VPC

      • Availability Zones and subnets: Select Prod-Webserver-Subnet-1 and Prod-Webserver-Subnet-2

      • Click NEXT

      • Load balancing: Select "Attach to an existing load balancer", select Frontend-LB-HTTP-TG

        • Select Choose from your load balancer target groups
        • Existing load balancer target groups: Select the Frontend-LB-HTTP-TG
      • Health check type: Select EC2 and ELB

      • Click on NEXT

      • Group size:

        • Desired: 2
        • Min: 2
        • Max: 5
      • Scaling policies:

        • NOTE: Also Known as Dynamic Scaling. This defines the Scale Out Policy/Action
        • Select Target tracking scaling policy
          • Scaling policy name: prod-asg-scale-out-policy
          • Metric type: Select Average VPU Utilization
          • Target value: 80%
        • Click on NEXT
        • Click on NEXT
        • Click on NEXT
        • Click on Create Auto Scaling Group

B). Appserver Autocsaling Group

  • Navigate to EC2/Auto Scaling
    • Click on Create Auto Scaling Group
      • Auto Scaling group name: prod-appservers-autoscaling-group

      • Launch template: Select the Prod-Appserver-LT

      • Click on NEXT

      • VPC: Select Prod-VPC

      • Availability Zones and subnets: Select Prod-Appserver-Subnet-1 and Prod-Appserver-Subnet-2

      • Click NEXT

      • Load balancing: Select "Attach to an existing load balancer", select Backend-LB-HTTP-TG

        • Select Choose from your load balancer target groups
        • Existing load balancer target groups: Select the Backend-LB-HTTP-TG
      • Health check type: Select EC2 and ELB

      • Click on NEXT

      • Group size:

        • Desired: 2
        • Min: 2
        • Max: 5
      • Scaling policies:

        • NOTE: Also Known as Dynamic Scaling. This defines the Scale Out Policy/Action
        • Select Target tracking scaling policy
          • Scaling policy name: prod-asg-scale-out-policy
          • Metric type: Select Average VPU Utilization
          • Target value: 80%
        • Click on NEXT
        • Click on NEXT
        • Click on NEXT
        • Click on Create Auto Scaling Group

STEP 9: Create a Database Subnet Group and Database Instance (RDS)

A) Create Databse Subnet Group

  • Navigate to the RDS Service
  • Click on Subnet groups
    • Click Create DB Subnet Group
    • Name: prod-db-subnet-group
    • VPC: Select Prod-VPC
    • Availability Zones: Select the two zones you used for this project. Example us-west-1a and us-west-1c
    • Subnets: Select Prod-db-Subnet-1 and Prod-db-Subnet-2
    • Click on CREATE

B) Create a Database Instance

  • Navigate to the RDS Service
  • Click on Databases and Create Database
    • Choose a database creation method: Select Standard create

    • Engine type: MySQL

    • Engine Version: Select the latest

    • Templates: Production

    • Deployment options: Multi-AZ DB instance

    • Databse Settings:

      • DB instance identifier: prod-database
      • Master username: admin
      • Master password: For example admin2022
      • NOTE: Password must be at least 8 characters, Can't contain / , ', " and @
      • DB instance class: Choose Burstable classes
        • Select db.t3.micro
    • Storage:

      • Storage type: Select General Purpose SSD (gp3)
      • Allocated storage: 30
      • Storage autoscaling: Enable
      • Maximum storage threshold: Default 1000
    • Connectivity:

      • Compute resource: Select Don’t connect to an EC2 compute resource
      • Virtual private cloud (VPC): Prod-VPC
      • DB Subnet group: Select your DB Subnet group prod-db-subnet-group
      • Public access: NO
        • NOTE: To remote Programatically manually, we'll have to setup a bastion host
      • Database authentication: Select Password authentication
    • Monitoring:

      • Enhanced Monitoring: Disable
    • Additional configuration:

      • Initial database name: proddatabase
      • Backup: Enable automated backups
      • Encryption: Enable encryption
      • Maintenance: Disable
      • Deletion protection: Disable

STEP 10: Create a Route 53 Hosted Zone and Record For The Frontend Load Balancer Endpoint