This is a collection of Telegraf plugins.
These plugins are now ready:
- ds389: a 389ds metrics collection from cn=monitor.
- ldap_org: monitor number of entries inside LDAP trees.
They are based on the initial idea and work by Olivier JUDITH (@gnulux).
Download the repository:
$ git clone
Build the binary:
$ go build -o telegraf-<plugin_name> cmd/main-<plugin_name>.go
You should then be able to call this from telegraf now using:
command = ["/path/to/telegraf-<plugin_name>", "-config", "/etc/telegraf-external/<plugin_name>.conf"]
instance = "default"
If you want any tags, just add them to execd plugin as above. Tags in the external plugin configuration file doesn't work.
You can install using RPM in Centos/EL8 systems following these instructions.
In the host where you installed Telegraf:
curl -1sLf \
'' \
| sudo -E bash
This installs the repository. Now you can install the package:
dnf install CSI-telegraf-plugins
This install all our Telegraf external plugins. Configuration files are under
The path to command is /usr/bin.
For instance, if you want add ldap_org
to Telegraf add to Telegraf config file the following:
command = ["/usr/bin/telegraf-ldap_org", "-config", "/etc/CSI-telegraf-plugins/ldap_org.conf", "-poll_interval", "24h"]
You can find a role here.
In your Ansible installation type: ansible-galaxy install falon.telegraf_extplugins
For ldap_org:
For ds389: