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File metadata and controls

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The following guide shows you the normal development workflow using Madock.

IMPORTANT: After changing any option in the following files, you should run madock rebuild madock/projects/config.xml madock/projects/{project name}/env.xml

1. Start containers

madock start

2. Composer commands

madock composer <command>

3. Magento commands

madock magento <command>

4. Working on frontend

madock node <command>
madock node grunt exec:<theme>
madock node grunt watch

IMPORTANT: For the Chrome browser, you can download the LiveReload plugin specifically for Madock from the link Google Chrome plugin. Then install it and enable it for the site you need.

NOTE: You might also need to disable your browser cache. For example in Chrome:

  • Open inspector > Settings > Network > Disable cache (while DevTools is open)

5. xdebug

  • Enable xdebug

    madock debug:enable
  • Configure xdebug in PHPStorm (Only first time)

  • Disable xdebug when finish

    madock debug:disable

6. SSL certificates

If you want to manually add an ssl certificate to the browser, you can find it at [path to Madock folder]/aruntime/ctx/madockCA.pem If the SSL certificates do not work, run the madock ssl:rebuild command and restart your browser.

7. auth.json

If your project does not have an auth.json file, then when executing composer commands, the global auth.json file will be used.

8. Multistores and website codes

Magento uses "base" as the store code by default. But if you are using multistore, then you need to specify the code of each website along with the website host in the madock configuration. For example: madock config:set --name=HOSTS --value="website1.test:base website2.test:websitecode". You can see site codes in the database table store_website. Or by querying the database SELECT * FROM store_website.

9. help

  madock help

This command shows you the following items:

  • bash Connect into container using bash

             --service-name, -s Name of container. Optional. Default container: php. For example: php, node, db, db2, nginx

             --user, -u User

             --shell Shell. Example: bash, sh. Default: bash

  • c:f Cleaning up static and generated files

  • cli Execute any commands inside php container. If you want to run several commands you can cover them in the quotes. For example: madock cli "php bin/magento setup:upgrade && php bin/magento setup:di:compile"

  • cloud Executing commands to work with Magento Cloud. Also, can be used the long command: magento-cloud)

  • composer Execute composer inside php container. For example: madock composer install

  • compress Compress a project to archive

  • config:cache:clean Clearing internal Madock cache

  • c:c:c The short alias of config:cache:clean command

  • config:list List all project environment settings

  • config:set Set a new value for parameter. For example: madock config:set --name=HOSTS --value="website1.test:base website2.test:websitecode"

             --name, -n Parameter name

             --value, -v Parameter value

  • cron:enable Enable cron

  • cron:disable Disable cron

  • db:import Import database

             -f Force mode

             --service-name, -s DB container name. Optional. Default container: db. Example: db2

  • db:export Export database. For example: madock db:export --name=fromdevsite

             --name, -n Name of the DB export file

             --service-name, -s DB container name. Optional. Default container: db. Example: db2

             --ignore-table, -i Ignore the table when exporting. The specified table will not be included in the backup file. To specify multiple tables, specify this option multiple times.

  • db:info Information about credentials and remote host and port

  • debug:enable Enable xdebug

  • debug:disable Disable xdebug

  • debug:profile:enable Enable xdebug profiling

  • debug:profile:disable Disable xdebug profiling

  • info Show information about third-parties modules (name, current version, latest version, status)

  • install Install Magento. It is a synonym for madock magento setup:install with additional actions.

  • help Displays help for commands

  • logs View logs of the container. For example: madock logs php

             [name of container] Container name. Optional. Default container: php. Example: php

  • magento or m Execute Magento command inside php container. For example: madock m setup:upgrade

  • mftf Execute MFTF command inside php container. For example: madock mftf generate:tests

  • mftf:init Init MFTF configuration. For example: madock mftf:init

  • n98 Execute n98 command inside php container. For example: madock n98 sys:info

  • node Execute NodeJs command inside php container. For example: madock node grunt exec:<theme>

  • open Open project in browser

             --service, -s Open a specific project service in the browser. For example: phpmyadmin

  • patch:create Create patch. The patch can be used with the composer plugin cweagans/composer-patches. For example: madock patch:create --file=vendor/magento/module-analytics/Cron/CollectData.php --name=collect-data-cron.patch --title="Collect data cron patch" --force

             --file Path of changed file. For example: vendor/magento/module-analytics/Cron/CollectData.php

             --name, -n Name of the patch file

             --title, -t Title of the patch

             --force, -f Replace patch if it already exists

  • project:clone Clone project. For example: madock project:clone --name=project_name

             --name, -n Name of the new project

  • project:remove Remove project (project folder, madock project configuration, volumes, images, containers)

  • proxy:start Start a proxy server

  • proxy:stop Stop a proxy server

  • proxy:restart Restart a proxy server

  • proxy:rebuild Rebuild a proxy server

  • proxy:prune Prune a proxy server

  • prune Stop and delete running project containers. For example: madock prune --with-volumes

                    --with-volumes, -v Remove volumes, too

  • pwa Execute PWA command inside node container. For example: madock pwa yarn watch

  • rebuild Recreation of all containers in the project. All containers are re-created and the images from the Dockerfile are rebuilt

  • remote:sync:media Synchronization media files from remote host. For example: madock remote:sync:media --images-only --compress

             --images-only, -i Synchronization images only

             --compress, -c Apply lossy compression. Images will have weight equals 30% of original

             --ssh-type, -s SSH type (dev, stage, prod)

  • remote:sync:db Create and download dump of DB from remote host. For example: madock remote:sync:db --name=local

             --name, -n Name of the DB export file

             --ignore-table, -i Ignore the table when exporting. The specified table will not be included in the backup file. To specify multiple tables, specify this option multiple times.

             --ssh-type, -s SSH type (dev, stage, prod)

             --db-host (optional) DB host

             --db-port (optional) DB port

             --db-name (optional) DB name

             --db-user (optional) DB user

             --db-password (optional) DB password

  • remote:sync:file Create and download dump of DB from remote host

                    --path Path to file on server (from Magento root)

                    --ssh-type, -s SSH type (dev, stage, prod)

  • restart Restarting all containers and services. Stop all containers and start them again

  • scope:add Add and activate a new config scope

             [scope name] Scope name

  • scope:list Show all config scopes

  • scope:set Set config scope

             [scope name] Scope name

  • service:list Show all services

  • service:enable Enable the service. For example: madock service:enable phpmyadmin

             [service name] Service name              --global, -g Enable the service globally

  • service:disable Disable the service. For example: madock service:disable phpmyadmin

             [service name] Service name              --global, -g Disable the service globally

  • setup Initial the project setup

             --download, -d Download the specific Magento version from Composer to the container

             --install, -i Install Magento from the source code

             --sample-data, -s Install Magento Sample Data

             --platform Platform (magento2, shopify, pwa, custom, etc.)

             --platform-edition Platform edition (community or enterprise for Magento 2)

             --platform-version Platform version

             --php PHP version

             --db DB version

             --composer Composer version

             --search-engine Search Engine

             --elastic Elasticsearch version

             --opensearch OpenSearch version

             --redis Redis version

             --rabbitmq RabbitMQ version

             --hosts Hosts

             --nodejs Node.js version

             --yarn Yarn version

             --pwa-backend-url PWA backend url

  • setup:env Generate app/etc/env.php

             -f Force re-create the file

             --host, -h Default host

  • shopify or sy Execute the Shopify command inside the php container. For example: madock shopify yarn create @shopify/app --template php

  • shopify:web or sy:w Execute the Shopify command inside the php container in 'web' folder. For example: madock shopify:web composer install

  • shopify:web:frontend or sy:w:f Execute the Shopify command inside the php container in 'web/frontend' folder. For example: madock shopify:web:frontend SHOPIFY_API_KEY=REPLACE_ME yarn build

  • shopware or sw Execute the Shopware command inside the php container. For example: madock shopware es:index

  • snapshot:create To create a snapshot of the project. The snapshot will include databases and project files

             --name, -n Name of the snapshot

  • snapshot:restore To restore a project of the snapshot. The databases and project files will be restored

  • ssl:rebuild Rebuild SSL Certificates

  • start Starting all containers and services

  • status Display the status of the project

  • stop Stopping all containers and services

  • uncompress Uncompress the project from archive