This example enables the user to enter a key note via a serial terminal and play the corresponding note in a Buzzer. It also shows how to use the Buzzer and USART0 abstraction objects.
The pinout of the ATmega48P/88P/168P/328P AVR microcontrollers family is illustrated bellow:
- Arduino UNO
- Piezo speaker/Buzzer
- 100 ohm current limiting resistor
- A breadboard
The Buzzer with the current limiting resistor are connected to pin PB0 (digital pin 8 in Arduino UNO).
The circuit connection is as follows:
The following code permits to turn a Buzzer into an Organ that plays notes entered by a user via a serial terminal (GTKTerm serial port terminal is used):
#include "Buzzer.h"
#include "USART0.h"
#include "buzzer_pitches_16bit.h"
#define BUZZER 0 /**< Buzzer pin number */
#define NOTE_DURATION 0xF000 /**< Note duration */
int main(void) {
// Init
// Instantiate a Buzzer object
component::Buzzer Buzzer(io::Pin(BUZZER,io::PortB));
// Instantiate a USART0 object
io::USART0 &myUSART0 = io::USART0::getInstance();
// List of possible keypresses
const uint8_t l_keys[] = { 'a', 'w', 's', 'e', 'd', 'f', 't',
'g', 'y', 'h', 'j', 'i', 'k', 'o',
'l', 'p', ';', '\''
// List of the keypresses corresponding pitches
const uint16_t l_notes[] = { G4, Gx4, A4, Ax4, B4, C5, Cx5,
D5, Dx5, E5, F5, Fx5, G5, Gx5,
A5, Ax5, B5, C6
// Character key from computer serial terminal
unsigned char l_key;
// Current note length
uint16_t l_currentNoteLength = NOTE_DURATION;
// Check if note key
uint8_t l_isNote;
myUSART0.sendString("----- Serial Organ ------\r\n");
// Mainloop
while (1) {
// Send N to signal that AVR chip is ready for next key note input
myUSART0.sendString("Enter key note\r\n");
// Wait for key note input
while (myUSART0.getNumberBytesReceived()==0)
/********** Play key notes ***********/
l_isNote = 0;
// loop through keys table
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sizeof(l_keys); i++) {
// found match in lookup table
if (l_key == l_keys[i]) {[i], l_currentNoteLength);
// record that we've found a note
l_isNote = 1;
// Handle non-note keys: tempo changes and rests
if (!l_isNote) {
if (l_key == '-') {
// code for short note
l_currentNoteLength = l_currentNoteLength / 2;
else if (l_key == '+') {
// code for long note
l_currentNoteLength = l_currentNoteLength * 2;
else {
// unrecognized, just rest
return 0;
- Farid Oubbati
- Date: 12-May-2018
- Copyright (c) 2018
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for more details