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Java and Scala drivers for Fauna v4 (deprecated)

Maven Central License


Fauna is decommissioning FQL v4 on June 30, 2025.

This driver is not compatible with FQL v10, the latest version. Fauna accounts created after August 21, 2024 must use FQL v10. Ensure you migrate existing projects to the official v10 driver by the v4 EOL date:

For more information, see the v4 end of life (EOL) announcement and related FAQ.

This repository contains the official Java and Scala drivers for Fauna v4.

See the Fauna v4 documentation and tutorials for guides and a complete database API reference.



Javadocs and Scaladocs are hosted on GitHub:

Details Documentation for each language:




  • Java 11


  • Scala 2.11.x
  • Scala 2.12.x

Using the Driver



Download from the Maven central repository:

Basic Java Usage
import com.faunadb.client.FaunaClient;

import static com.faunadb.client.query.Language.*;

 * This example connects to FaunaDB Cloud using the secret provided
 * and creates a new database named "my-first-database"
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        //Create an admin connection to FaunaDB.
        FaunaClient adminClient =

                Obj("name", Value("my-first-database"))
Per query metrics

There are several metrics that returned per each request in response headers. Read this doc to have more info. You can access these metrics by:

import com.faunadb.client.FaunaClient;

import static com.faunadb.client.query.Language.*;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        //Create an admin connection to FaunaDB.
        FaunaClient adminClient =

        MetricsResponse metricsResponse = adminClient.queryWithMetrics(
            Paginate(Match(Index("spells_by_element"), Value("fire"))),

        // the result of the query, as if you invoke 'adminClient.query' function instead
        Value value = metricsResponse.getValue();

        // gets the value of 'x-byte-read-ops' metric
        Optional<String> byteReadOps = metricsResponse.getMetric(MetricsResponse.Metrics.BYTE_READ_OPS);
        // gets the value of 'x-byte-write-ops' metric
        Optional<String> byteWriteOps = metricsResponse.getMetric(MetricsResponse.Metrics.BYTE_WRITE_OPS);

        // you can get other metrics in the same way,
        // all of them are exposed via MetricsResponse.Metrics enum
Custom headers

There is an optional possibility to send custom headers for each http request. They can be defined in the client's constructor:

FaunaClient adminClient =
                "custom-header-1", "value-1",
                "custom-header-2", "value-2"
Document Streaming

Fauna supports document streaming, where changes to a streamed document are pushed to all clients subscribing to that document.

The streaming API is built using the java.util.concurrent.Flow which enable users to establish flow-controlled components in which Publishers produce items consumed by one or more Subscribers, each managed by a Subscription.

The following example assumes that you have already created a FaunaClient.

In the example below, we are capturing the 4 first messages by manually binding a Subscriber.

// docRef is a reference to the document for which we want to stream updates.
// You can acquire a document reference with a query like the following, but it
// needs to work with the documents that you have.
// Value docRef = Ref(Collection("scoreboards"), "123")

Flow.Publisher<Value> valuePublisher =;
CompletableFuture<List<Value>> capturedEvents = new CompletableFuture<>();

Flow.Subscriber<Value> valueSubscriber = new Flow.Subscriber<>() {
  Flow.Subscription subscription = null;
  ArrayList<Value> captured = new ArrayList<>();
  public void onSubscribe(Flow.Subscription s) {
    subscription = s;

  public void onNext(Value v) {
    if (captured.size() == 4) {
    } else {

  public void onError(Throwable throwable) {

  public void onComplete() {
    capturedEvents.completeExceptionally(new IllegalStateException("not expecting the stream to complete"));

// subscribe to publisher

// blocking
List<Value> events = capturedEvents.get();

Detailed Java Documentation can be found here



libraryDependencies += ("com.faunadb" %% "faunadb-scala" % "4.5.0")
Basic Usage
import faunadb._
import faunadb.query._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

  * This example connects to FaunaDB Cloud using the secret provided
  * and creates a new database named "my-first-database"
object Main extends App {

  import ExecutionContext.Implicits._

  val client = FaunaClient(
    secret = "put-your-secret-here"

  val result = client.query(
      Obj("name" -> "my-first-database")

  Await.result(result, Duration.Inf)
Per query metrics

There are several metrics that returned per each request in response headers. Read this doc to have more info. You can access these metrics by:

import faunadb._
import faunadb.query._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

  * This example connects to FaunaDB Cloud using the secret provided
  * and creates a new database named "my-first-database"
object Main extends App {

  import ExecutionContext.Implicits._

  val client = FaunaClient(
    secret = "put-your-secret-here"

  val metricsResponse = client.queryWithMetrics(
    Paginate(Match(Index("spells_by_element"), Value("fire"))),

  // the result of the query, as if you invoke 'client.query' function instead
  val value = metricsResponse.value

  // gets the value of 'x-byte-read-ops' metric
  val byteReadOps = metricsResponse.getMetric(Metrics.ByteReadOps)
  // gets the value of 'x-byte-write-ops' metric
  val byteWriteOps = metricsResponse.getMetric(Metrics.ByteWriteOps)

  // you can get other metrics in the same way,
  // all of them are exposed via Metrics enum}
Custom headers

There is an optional possibility to send custom headers for each http request. They can be defined in the client's constructor:

val client = FaunaClient(
  secret = "put-your-secret-here",
  customHeaders = scala.Predef.Map("custom-header-1" -> "value-1", "custom-header-2" -> "value-2")
Document Streaming

Fauna supports document streaming, where changes to a streamed document are pushed to all clients subscribing to that document.

The following sections provide examples for managing streams with Flow or Monix, and assume that you have already created a FaunaClient.

Flow subscriber

It is possible to use the java.util.concurrent.Flow API directly by binding a Subscriber manually.

In the example below, we are capturing the 4 first messages:

import faunadb._
import faunadb.query._

// docRef is a reference to the document for which we want to stream updates.
// You can acquire a document reference with a query like the following, but it
// needs to work with the documents that you have.
// val docRef = Ref(Collection("scoreboards"), "123") { publisher =>
  // Promise to hold the final state
  val capturedEventsP = Promise[List[Value]]

  // Our manual Subscriber
  val valueSubscriber = new Flow.Subscriber[Value] {
    var subscription: Flow.Subscription = null
    val captured = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[Value]

    override def onSubscribe(s: Flow.Subscription): Unit = {
      subscription = s

    override def onNext(v: Value): Unit = {
      if (captured.size() == 4) {
      } else {

    override def onError(t: Throwable): Unit =

    override def onComplete(): Unit =
      capturedEventsP.failure(new IllegalStateException("not expecting the stream to complete"))
  // subscribe to publisher
  // wait for Future completion

The reactive-streams standard offers a strong interoperability in the streaming ecosystem.

We can replicate the previous example using the Monix streaming library.

import faunadb._
import faunadb.query._
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import monix.reactive.Observable
import org.reactivestreams.{FlowAdapters, Publisher}

// docRef is a reference to the document for which we want to stream updates.
// You can acquire a document reference with a query like the following, but it
// needs to work with the documents that you have.
// val docRef = Ref(Collection("scoreboards"), "123") { publisher =>
  val reactiveStreamsPublisher: Publisher[Value] = FlowAdapters.toPublisher(publisherValue)
    .take(4) // 4 events


The faunadb-jvm project is built using sbt:

To build and run tests against cloud, set the env variable FAUNA_ROOT_KEY to your admin key secret and run sbt test from the project directory.

Alternatively, tests can be run via a Docker container with FAUNA_ROOT_KEY="your-cloud-secret" make docker-test (an alternate Debian-based JDK image can be provided via RUNTIME_IMAGE).

To run tests against an enterprise cluster or developer instance, you will also need to set FAUNA_SCHEME (http or https), FAUNA_DOMAIN and FAUNA_PORT.


All projects in this repository are licensed under the Mozilla Public License