How to launch products course by Nathan Barry available at
It doesn't matter if you have a huge email list, you need to plan out your launch to avoid failure. This course will teach you systems to put into place. Some foundations:
- teaching is the best form of marketing
- teaching establishes credibility and builds your audience
- emulate chefs: all the chefs you've heard of shared their recipes
- use email to connect with your audience
- email converts better than social network (~15x)
- emails act like a todo in an inbox
- emails are surrounded by important content in the inbox
- emails have much higher engagement and provide a personal connection
- don't use heavily branded/designed templates, strip it down to basic almost plain-text emails so it's more personal
Create an effective landing page:
- what is it -- describe your product, preferably with a large centered graphic
- have a bold header that catches attention and draws visitors in, talk about the pain you're fixing
- follow it up with paragraphs on benefits and how to solve the problem
- email opt-in form which is the call to action for this landing page
- the email opt-in is the logical conclusion
- add "We won't spam, promise."
- remove anything that distracts from your call to action (other links, buttons, etc...)
Getting traffic:
- think of 10x actual people who would be a good fit for your product
- if you can't think of 10x, re-think your product
- where do these people hang out online, what sites do they read, do those sites accept guest posts?
- ask friends to promote it with individual emails
- find subreddits where your audience hangs out, participate on community, share your landing page
- other communities: Hacker News, Product Hunt, Beta List, iOS Dev Weekly, Ruby Weekly, Founder Weekly
Conversion rates:
- conversion rates are correlated more with your traffic than your page itself
- for higher conversion rates, use highly targeted traffic
Consider buying ads:
- it's a great way to collect emails
- keep track of average cost per subscriber and cost per sale
- Nathan's ROI on Twitter ads were 11x
Price based on value:
- higher priced products require less conversions and increases revenue
- higher prices are essential if you have a small audience
- teach a skill that makes money, to people who have money, so you can price on value
- deliver a ton of value and charge accordingly
- charge more if your product caters to businesses (who have employee costs)
Double revenue with multiple packages:
- use tiered pricing to gain more revenue
- charge more for products that deliver more value
- Nathan saw 60% of his revenue come from his top tier
- multiple packages utilizers price anchoring: how much is a book worth vs video course?
- your customers have different budgets
What to put in each package:
- base package tells them what to do
- higher packages does as much as it for customers as possible
- people who value time over money can purchase higher packages
- consider adding consulting time to highest tier
- example for fiction: base book, higher package includes behind-the-scenes and short stories
On pre-orders:
- offer a discount and collect money upfront
- the people who pre-order are biggest fans of products, reward them with a discount
- but don't discount too much that it hurts your revenue
- do a pre-launch for the pre-orders by building up anticipation and adding urgency
On guest posts:
- borrow other audiences as early as possible
- from your ideal customer, find out where they hang out online -- do these sites accept guest posts?
- if a site is multi-author, they are much more likely to accept guest posts
- people with guest posts get pitched many times so you have to be compelling
- write a relevant guest post, include entire article, and link to it in am email
- schedule your posts to work around your launch date but remember big sites have editorial calendars
On webinars:
- webinars are useful for its personal connection and to teach as marketing
- add urgency in your sales by only selling during webinar
- use Google Hangouts or Go To Webinar (Nathan recommends Hangouts)
Getting customers to sell for you:
- consider adding referrals
- Coin's system was refer 4 and get it for free, this spread virally
- Wealthfront offers a referral system where they'll manage more for free if you refer friends
Why launches are important for sales:
- urgency, such as limited discounted prices, drives sales
- consider closing off sales after a period of time so you can launch again later on
- consider re-launching products once a year
How to launch multiple times:
- drive people to an email list
- launch first time, then replace landing page with email opt-in again
- have auto-responder drip emails to stay in touch with leads
- every quarter or once a year, launch again
- Micropreneur Academy got 3x conversion rates by closing off signups and rolling launches
Creating systems to automate launches:
- think about Apple: multiple products and a refresh about once a year
- commit to a schedule so you don't launch too often but make sure each product gets refreshed continually
- John Lee Dumas launches the same product every week, systematizing via Facebook Ads -> Webinars -> Sales of Podcasters Paradise
How to drive ongoing sales:
- typically visitors will forget about your product after visiting your landing page
- use email opt-in forms with lead magnets and email courses
- teach topics related to your product, this reminds visitors about your product
- in 3rd/4th email have a soft sell that points them back, maybe a hard sale in a later email
- continue writing tutorials, guest posting, and teaching
How to up-sell and cross-sell:
- if you sold in multiple packages, you can up-sell (but don't expect great conversion rates)
- sell another product that targets the same audience
- stick to one audience so you don't have to build another audience
Continue growing your audience:
- look at paid ads to drive new visitors/subscribers
- go back to doing guest posts
- have a free email course or sample chapter, drive people at end of guest post to that
- after you write a guest post, promote it -- the better it does the better chance that you'll be asked to return
Why does urgency matter?
- visitors think they'll come back later to make a purchase but they never come back
- urgency prompts the visitor to purchase now
- three ways to do it: sales, bonus, or limited launch
Run a sale:
- example: 20% off for first 24 hours
- rewards your early customers and people on email list
- don't run too big of a discount, you'll be missing out on too much revenue
- too small discount won't motivate sales and is kind of insulting
Provide a bonus:
- example: buy within first 72 hours to get course + one-time webinar
- consider adding more content for early customers
Limit sales:
- example: only sell the product during a limited window, such as during a webinar
- another example: limit number of seats sold
- this works great for ConvertKit and Podcasters Paradise
Silence can kill your launch:
- if you don't stay in touch and then send an email, that email will be marked as spam
- be in contact about every 2-3 weeks if the launch is far away out
- be in contact every 1-2 weeks if the launch is coming up
- provide updates about product or teach valuable content
- consider providing behind-the-scenes updates
Use epic blog posts to grow your list:
- write great blog posts or tutorials to grow your list
- if you were writing a book, a blog post would be good enough to be in that book
- don't write "5 ways to do X", write epic posts that are valuable
- re-use that content for your email list
How to build anticipation:
- last 3-4 weeks from launch, let people know that the product is coming for sale
- ask subscribers questions "PS is there anything you'd like to know about this product?"
- reply to those emails, collect the questions, and form an FAQ
- provide plenty of information about the product before offering the sale
What to do one week before launch:
- put sales page live
- swap it out with opt-in landing page
- test purchasing flow
- send email to list that your product is live
- check on guest posts that were supposed to go live today
- take a break
Use reminders to drive sales:
- on launch day or right before, send an email to your subscribers
- 24-48 hours before the sales end, send another reminder email
- make sure there's enough time to deal with time zone differences