- [all] Code cleaning, refactoring and documenting
more to come :)
- [core] stop failed started component + resilience on stop
- [core] added proxies
- [core] Added ZoneIdProvider like LocaleProvider
- [core] Added defaultZoneId to managers.xml boot tag
- [commons] healthchecks and metrics are handled by AnalyticsManager
- [commons] daemons are traced by analytics
- [commons] metric provider are now registered with annotated methods
- [commons] change default port for log4j socket connector 4562 for log4j2
- [commons] clean ThreadLocals on daemons to avoid non wanted behaviours
- [commons] fix bug in processTracer tree
- [database] created features' class
- [database] refac sql : named params are now supported
- [database] [dynamo] moved vendors
- [database] added sqlMapper
- [dynamo] Update ElasticSearch to 5.6, and Lucene to 6.6.0
- [dynamo] Fixed lowercase dtDefinition when index is per type
- [dynamo] added plugin for ES 2.4
- [dynamo] Removed highlights in clustered result
- [dynamo] refactoring domain (multiple + valueobjects)
- [dynamo] replaced ZonedDateTime by Instant
- [dynamo, studio] static masterdata are accessed by an enum (via a dedicated accessor)
- [dynamo] Added multi selectable facet support
- [dynamo] Fixed SearchManager for multiple SearchIndexDef on same KeyConcept
- [dynamo] added support of list of primitives in taskengines
- [dynamo] switch to accessor for accessing fks on entities
- [dynamo] FsFullFileStorePlugin uses a store path with year, month, day
- [account] Renamed IdentityManager to AccountManager
- [account] Renamed AccountProvider to IdentityProvider
- [vega] remove serialization of computed fields
- [vega] added test for embeded entities in post payload
- [studio] added sql generation for masterdata
- [studio] Updated Typescript generation for Focus4 (Node, Entity and masterData)
- [studio] Task with one input of Data-Object are DAO instead of PAO
- [studio] Changed sequence generator name in JPA annotation to be unique
- [all] Added healhchecks on multiple components
- [all] Code cleaning, refactoring and documenting
- [all] Migrated Log4j to Log4j2
- [all] Updated versions (gson, hibernate, junit) : gson 2.8.1 to 2.8.2, hibernate 5.2.10 to 5.2.11, junit 5.0.0-M4 to 5.0.1
- [all] Execution error with jdk 1.8_51 should use more recent version
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
[all] Code cleaning, refactoring and documenting
[all] Added Dependency-check maven plugin
[vertigo] Builder Refactoring (General use is now : ObjectToBuild.builder() )
[core] refactoring
[core] silent => verbose (silently mode by default)
[core] Params.of
[core] Introduced Proxy (+refactoring componentConfigBuilder)
[core] Better exception if a looking for class don't extends the class
[core] removed withApi(boolean) on moduleConfigBuilder
[core] replaced long by Instant (start date of app)
[core] refactoring MessageText (+ deprecated old api for migration ease)
[core] rem describable
[core] first impl of a NodeManager (still a work in progress)
[core] refactored LifeCycle
[core] components are now definition providers
[core] move classes from lang to components and locale
[core] definitionProvider +simple in features
[account] introduced new module to handle security (authentication, authorization...)
[account] introduced a multi dimensions protection of entities (first impl ie still a work in progress)
[account] Added grants and overrides on advanced security
[account] Added support to security enum dimension
[account] Added support of tree security dimensions
[account] Splited UserSession to simpler UserSession and PersonaUserSession
[account] Added Store Realms Authentification and Identity
[account] Used salted-PBKDF2 hash algo for password instead of salted-SHA256
[commons] replaced Listener by Consumer (Java8 style) (EventBus)
[commons] Added RedisCachePlugin
[commons] refactored eventbusManager
[commons] introduced CacheDefinition, EventBusSubscriptionDefinition, DaemonDefinition
[commons] introduced @EventSubscribed to register to a event on a component
[commons] introduced @DaemonScheduled to register a daemon on a component
[commons] Added VTransactionManager as default feature
[commons] Refactored AnalyticsTracer : ever logs, no stack
[commons] eventbus and daemon are now registered with annotations
[database] introduced new module for handling databases (especially sql)
[database] refac Sql (use java type instead of DataType)
[database] added tests for all databases (Oracle, Postgre, H2, SQLServer)
[database] added tests for batchs
[database] insertions in Oracle databases now uses generated keys (no more callableStatements)
[database] Hsql-> HSql
[database] added Java 8 LocalDate
[database] added test on sql / blob --- java / dataStream
[database] sql -> functional style
[database] refac generatedKeys
[database] Declared ZonedDateTime and LocalDate as primitive types
[dynamo] removed dynamic behaviour on DtDefinition
[dynamo] Made search highlight optional and desactivated by default
[dynamo] Show fluent sorting with generics
[dynamo] Added markAsDirty one uri for common usage case
[dynamo] added convenient method .of to build DtList (DtList.of(dt1,dt2,...)
[dynamo] added a filter method on VCollectors
[dynamo] only true and false for a boolean property
[dynamo] replaced with by add in FacetedQueryResultBuilder
[dynamo] introduced VAccessor concept
[dynamo] refac CollectionsManager (replaced by java8 equivalents)
[dynamo] used Criterions instead Of CollectionsManager
[dynamo] Renamed FacetedQueryResultBuilder to FacetedQueryResultMerger
[dynamo] Added sort order support to range facet definition
[dyanmo] moved criteria from dynamo/store to dynamo/criteria
[dynamo] Removed elasticSearch1_7 plugin
[dynamo] removed DtListRangeFilter
[dynamo] replaced filterByRange by Criterion.isBetween
[dynamo] replaced Collections.filterValue by Criterions.isEqualTo
[dynamo] replaced CollectionsManager by Criterions
[dynamo] remove SqlCallableStatement and out parameters in sql
[dynamo] created object are returned (FileStore, DataStore)
[dynamo] lucene index plugins are stored in a map in a fix cache context
[dynamo] move database in new module, move transaction in commons
[dynamo] added Java 8 LocalDate
[dynamo] moved parser fom dynamo to database (bound statement)
[dynamo] Oracle Unit Tests
[dynamo] Removed HSQL from tests / used H2 instead
[dynamo] Added LocalDate and ZonedDateTime support ot FormatterDate
[dynamo] Use lambda for comparator
[vega] Fixed #88
[vega] Added WebServiceDefinitionProvider using ClassSelector
[vega] Deprectaed UiListState by DtListState
[vega] fix for #89
[vega] added simple healthcheck webservice
[vega] Fixed #92
[vega] Fixed facets term count and streamed it
[vega] Added json empty property deserialized as null (and add tests)
[vega] Added json converter for LocalDate and ZonedDateTime
[vega] Added some ZonedDateTime tests
[vega] fix validator with server state
[studio] move in vertigo repo
[studio] refactored freemarker
[studio] refactored all models (models, source objects and templates are completely independants)
[studio] Fixed JPA annotations for Hibernate and its "special" sequences
[studio] Added TS generator
[persona] deprecated module (use accoount for new projects)
[tempo] remove module (use vertigo-mail and vertigo-orchestra extensions)
[all] Updated dependencies versions … org.codehaus.janino janino 2.7.8 -> 3.0.7 net.sf.ehcache ehcache 2.10.3 -> 2.10.4 org.slf4j slf4j-api 1.7.22 -> 1.7.25 org.slf4j slf4j-simple 1.7.21 -> 1.7.25 com.google.code.gson gson 2.8.0 -> 2.8.1 com.h2database h2 1.4.193 -> 1.4.196 cglib cglib-nodep 3.2.4 -> 3.2.5 org.reflections reflections 0.9.10 -> 0.9.11 org.hibernate hibernate-core 5.2.6.Final -> 5.2.10.Final org.hibernate hibernate-entitymanager 5.2.6.Final -> 5.2.10.Final org.junit 5.0.0-M2 -> 5.0.0-M4 com.sparkjava spark-core 2.5.5 -> 2.6.0 io.rest-assured rest-assured 3.0.1 -> 3.0.3
[all] added an ant target to replace old quarto's ksp by a DefinitionProvider
This release is limited to Studio only
- [Studio] Fix Studio issue
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
Warning : You must use 0.9.4a version of Studio module !!
- [All] Code cleaning, refactoring and documenting (and Stream java8, Optionnal, Methods refs, ...)
- [All] Always use WrappedException (wrap & unwrap), and params order changed
- [All] Moved dsl classes from core to dynamo
- [Core] Renamed Injector to DIInjector
- [Core] ComponentConfigBuilder is no more generic
- [Core] Support features in managers.xml
- [Core] Component discovery in features
- [Core] Changed boot config managment (features, added plugins, ...) redundancy__
- [Core] Fixed #80 : We check file exists and canRead before accept this plugin
- [Core] Updated cglib » cglib-nodep from 3.2.2 to 3.2.4
- [Core] Added notepad++ coloration config
- [Core] Changed tests Junit4 Assert to JUnit5 Assertions
- [Core] Simple ParamManager API
- [Commons] Refactor AnalyticsManager, added some plugins to log, aggregate and centralize measures
- [Commons] Updated minor slf4j-api from 1.7.21 to 1.7.22
- [Dynamo] Adding Collectors in order to create DtList from Java 8 stream
- [Dynamo] Fixed #79 Now fragments loaded by annotations correctly have a FK to the linked entity
- [Dynamo] Closed Jsonbuilder in Search codec
- [Dynamo] Renamed read to readOne and readNullable
- [Dynamo] Renamed loadList to findAll
- [Dynamo] Updated minor elasticsearch from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6
- [Dynamo] Updated versions of hsqldb 2.3.3 to 2.3.4; lucene 5.5.0 to 5.5.2; elasticsearch 2.3.5 to 2.4.4
- [Dynamo] Updated version of hibernate 5.1.0 to 5.2.6 (break StreamDataType for file store)
- [Dynamo] Renamed H2Database.java to H2DataBase.java
- [Dynamo] Fixed create domain for DTs and Fragments
- [Dynamo] Changed BerkleyDb cleaner config (1000 elements max every minute, cleaner_min_ustilization : 90, cleaner_min_file_utilization:50)
- [Dynamo] Updated BerkleyDb version to 5.0.84
- [Dynamo] Better spaces whereInPreProcessor detection
- [Dynamo] Better search for autocomplete : correct word order is more pertinent
- [Dynamo] Fixed reloadAndMerge when fragment have ui fields
- [Dynamo] Refactored Data access (database dialect moved from StoreManager to DataBaseManager)
- [Dynamo] Changed reindexer task log level to debug, if nothing was updated
- [Dynamo] Added new Criterions class, should replace previous ListFilter and Criteria
- [Dynamo] Fixed ReindexTask to use KeyConcept URI instead of Dt Index which could be unpersistent
- [Dynamo] A DtList can't be optional (especially in Tasks)
- [Persona] Replaced Security DTD by XSD
- [Persona] Added Dsl parser for security rule (usefull for next version of security managment)
- [Vega] Fixed #77 (WS routes with numbers)
- __[Vega/Struts2] Merged similarity between Struts2 and Vega, now Struts2 uses Vega to limit
- [Vega] Renamed classes prefixed by RestXXX to VegaXXX
- [Vega] Renamed UiObject getStringValue to getInputValue
- [Vega] Added searchApiVersion param to VegaFeatures (usefull for tests)
- [Vega] Fixed swagger custom url param
- [Vega] Fixed ResponseWrapper for XOR mode Stream or Writer
- [Vega] Made AbstractHttpServletResponseWrapper autocloseable
- [Vega] Updated version gson 2.7 to 2.8.0; spark-core 2.5 to 2.5.4; com.jayway.restassured rest-assured 2.8.0 to io.rest-assured rest-assured 3.0.1
- [Vega] Fixed #76 (Optional inner body param cannot be a DtObject)
- [Vega] Updated version of spark java from 2.5.4 to 2.5.5
- [Vega] Added originCORSFilter params in VegaFeatures
- [Vega] Fixed swaggerUi when using apiPrefix
- [Vega] Updated SwaggerUi to v2.2.8
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Updated to JDK 8
- [All] Code cleaning, refactoring and documenting
- [All] Use Lambda when it's possible
- [Core] Added aspect on plugins + checked unmanaged aspect
- [Core] Added fluent assertion when( ... ).check(...)
- [Core] Better message for DSL Solver unknown definitions error
- [Core] Clearer message in case of unresolved names
- [Commons] Refactored base64 codec to use jdk
- _[Dynamo] Split DtObject as Entity (persistent) and simple DtObject (non persistent)
- [Dynamo] Added fragment of entity
- [Dynamo] Added support to unmapped sort field
- [Dynamo] Fixed #60. Use DtListState maxRows and skipRows when clustering result. (limited to 100 elements per group)
- [Dynamo] Fixed ElasticSearch must have a dataType for simple properties type (String, long, BigDecimal,...)
- [Dynamo] Fixed search indexType with optional analyzer
- [Dynamo] Refactor DSL parser (Ksp loader)
- [Dynamo] Removed property about persistence from dtDefinition
- [Dynamo] StoreManager only deals with entities
- [Dynamo] Added maven module to support ElasticSearch 1.7
- [Dynamo] Updated ElasticSearch to 2.3.5 and Lucene to 5.5.0
- [Dynamo] Updated FacetedQueryResult JsonSerializer to Focus v3
- [Dynamo] Added FK to Entity in Fragments
- [Dynamo] Added sort of elements inner a search cluster. Fix #73
- [Dynamo] Fix #73 for ElasticSearch 1.7
- [Dynamo] Fixed #69, now included in SerializerV4
- [Dynamo] Fixed DslListFilter for range query starting by *
- [Dynamo] Fixed sqlexception.getSQLState when it's null
- [Dynamo] Fixed unique constrainte violation on H2 database
- [Dynamo] Made reindex of dirty elements every 1s instead of 5s
- [Dynamo] Renamed stereotype Data to ValueObject (always default sterotype)
- [Dynamo] Updated DataStore and DAO to load and update Fragments
- [Dynamo] DtListProcessor is now typed
- [Vega] Fixed check selected facet by code instead of label
- [Vega] Fixed serialization of FacetedQueryResult, removed facet and group if 0 elements (for emptied scope added as facets)
- [Vega] Updated FacetedQueryResultJson as discuss in #69
- [Vega] Updated spark from 1.1.1 to 2.5 (jdk8/lambda)
- [Dynamo] Moved ExportManagerImpl to quarto
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Code cleaning, refactoring and documenting
- [All] Updated 3rd party libs versions (hsqldb, rest assured, gson, janino, ehcache, cglib, mail, slf4j, hibernate, dom4j, jersey, jedis, poi, openoffice)
- [Core] Aligned vertigo Option api to JDK api (
) - [Core] Fixed #56
- [Core] Splitted App and autoCloseable (should use new AutoCloseableApp in unit tests
- [Dynamo] Renamed DAOBroker to DAO
- [Dynamo] Fixed #57 in DslListFilterBuilder, and other pb
- [Dynamo] isNumber() on dataType
- [Dynamo] Renamed CRUD methods (get => read , getList => findAll)
- [Dynamo] Made selectForUpdate overridable, and specialized selectForUpdate for Ms SqlServer
- [Dynamo] Fixed missing parenthesis in result with DslListFilterBuilder for some multi fields syntax
- [Dynamo] Search FacetedQueryResult json v3 (#59) (use
param onGoogleJsonEngine
component to select api version) - [Dynamo] Fixed Berkeley remove too old elements
- [Dynamo] Fixed HsqlDb rownum
- [Dynamo] Fixed bad cached list size, when rowmax was used
- [Dynamo] Removed deprecated getConnectionProvider
- [Dynamo] Renamed methods :
- [Dynamo] Create URI public on
- [Dynamo] Preserve stacktrace if Search Exception
- [Dynamo] Fixed #63 - Errors in JpaDataStore
- [Dynamo] Fixed #66 Retry indexation 5 times of dirty elements in case of error
- [Vega] Invalidate session when newly created session throws VSecurityException
- [Vega] Added token tests for anonymous users
- [Vega] Fixed Swagger Api for errors
- [Vega] Added test for String in body
- [Vega] Fixed preflight Options (misspelled header name)
- [Vega] Fixed #64 : concat hashcode to truncated name
- [Vega] Added global prefix for Spark route (param
) - [Vega] Added Highlight for search results in FacetedQueryResult json v4
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Refactored all (injectable) components must extend Component
- [All] Code cleaning, refactoring and documenting
- [All] Removed components inheritance from managers.xml (all components are component !!)
- [All] Updated FormatterException to a checkedException
- [Commons] Refactored Analytics, added AnalyticsTracker to replace module listeners
- [Commons] Refactored Daemon
- [Commons] Refactored cache to use CacheConfig instead of Modifiable interface
- [Commons] Renamed EventManager to EventBusManager
- [Core] Removed initClass on component in managers.xml
- [Core] Removed inheritance on module in managers.xml
- [Core] Added ListBuilder
- [Core] Added init phase in the config files
- [Core] Changed msg for missing params
- [Core] Fixed #45 : Better message
- [Core] Fixed ClassPathResourceResolver should catch exception when can't resolve ressource
- [Core] Removed modifiable interface
- [Dynamo] Added VFile creator from URL
- [Dynamo] Added after and before commit functions for Transactional operations
- [Dynamo] Added count(collection) and clear(collection) on KvStore
- [Dynamo] Added deamon to remove old tempFiles
- [Dynamo] Added error message for Search syntax
- [Dynamo] Added escape char \ in DslListFilterBuilder
- [Dynamo] Added escape or remove reserved word, query operation (issue #49)
- [Dynamo] Added Search Facet order alpha or count
- [Dynamo] Added listFilter better detection of reserved keywords
- [Dynamo] Added support ][ and {} in DtListPatternFilterUtil for range
- [Dynamo] Added support to elasticsearch copyTo fields
- [Dynamo] Changed KvStore collection spliter to accept spaces
- [Dynamo] Changed ListFilterBuilderTest; Test and fix #47 and #46
- [Dynamo] Changed Tx resources to keep them ordered
- [Dynamo] Continued #38 : better hashcode on Criteria
- [Dynamo] Created component interfaces StoreServices for Dao, Pao; Manager; SearchLoader
- [Dynamo] Fixed #47 : Bad ES Request for 1 character value
- [Dynamo] Fixed #50 : Bad ES request in case of Exact search query. Detect " " and ( ) and remove added ( )
- [Dynamo] Fixed #53 : FilterCriteriaBuilder withPrefix(DtFieldName,...) is incoherent with withPrefix(String,...)
- [Dynamo] Fixed Dsl syntax of multi fields
- [Dynamo] Fixed Facets type other than String (recreate index mandatory)
- [Dynamo] Fixed ListFilterBuilder when user query is one char
- [Dynamo] Fixed Search Loader when no data
- [Dynamo] Fixed reindex task when more than 1000 uri are dirty
- [Dynamo] Merged BerkeleyKvStore and DelayedBerkeleyKvStore
- [Dynamo] Refactored CollectionManager sort : use DtListState
- [Dynamo] Refactored lockForUpdate to readForUpdate, match main usage (as #48)
- [Dynamo] Removed Low Transactional resources priority
- [Dynamo] Renamed C"R"UD, so load=>read
- [Dynamo] Renamed PRIMARY_KEY by ID on DtDefinition (and pk to id)
- [Dynamo] Renamed fileStorePlugin remove to delete (CRUD : D => delete)
- [Dynamo] Renamed storeName to collection for KvStore and dataSpace for other store
- [Dynamo] Replaced MockConnectionProvider by a C3p0 impl
- [Dynamo] Search : Added dummy FacetDefinition when create dummy cluster
- [Dynamo] Updated elasticSearch to 1.7.5
- [Dynamo] changed count from long to int
- [Dynamo] refactored RAMLuceneindex
- [Studio] Fixed #32 : Add generated route js useable by Focus
- [Studio] Refactored lockForUpdate to readForUpdate, match main usage (as #48)
- [Studio] Renamed PRIMARY_KEY by ID on DtDefinition (and pk to id)
- [Vega] Fixed Date / DateTime diff in Json ( supposed date if 00:00:00.000 )
- [Vega] Added ClassPathWebServiceLoaderPlugin with org.reflections
- [Vega] Added UiSelectedFacets with toListFilters for facetted search api
- [Vega] Added support optional parameters in SwaggerApi
- [Vega] Added support to ( ) in routes (WARN : don't work in swagger yet, don't use it)
- [Vega] Added toDtListState on UiListState
- [Vega] Added unwrap WrappedException before return httpcode
- [Vega] Default sort asc
- [Vega] Fixed #52
- [Vega] Fixed SwaggerAPI
- [Vega] Fixed contentType while preflight Cors request
- [Vega] Fixed requests not mark as succeeded
- [Vega] Refactored JsonSerializer for FacetedQueryResultJson v2
- [Vega] Removed nullLast and ignorecase in DtListState
- [Vega] Renamed WebServiceIntrospector to WebServiceScanner
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Code cleaning and refactoring
- [All] Refactored RuntimeExceptions to VSystemException and WrappedException
- [Core] Detect prefix boot. to resolved env properties
- [Core] Refactored initializers (not generics anymore, should use @Inject)
- [Vega] Fixed routes order : /x/* are now after more specialized routes
- [Dynamo] Renamed DslXxxDefinition to DslXxx and removed deprecated RegExpListFilterBuilder
- [Dynamo] Replaced RegExpListFilterBuilder by Dsl ones
- [Vega] Made VSecurityException runtime and using MessageText
- [Vega] Added DtList deserializer support. WARN : no constraints check
- [Dynamo] Fixed delete order for TwoTablesDbFileStorePlugin
- [Core] Replaced componentSpace and definitionSpace accesses by Home.getApp().xx instead of Home.xx
- [Core] Changed syntax for params in config => '${xx}' instead of 'conf:xx' or '{xx}'
- [Core] Added method addAll with array on ListBuilder
- [Core] Added ResourceManager, LocaleManager and ConfigManager in the boot phase
- [Core] Renamed ConfigManager to ParamManager
- [core] Supported boot params from environment variables
- [Core] Removed EnvironmentManager
- [core] Refactored DefinitionSpace and ComponentSpace as simple containers
- [Core] Better cyclic dependencies message
- [Dynamo] Splitted KVStoreManager from StoreManager
- [Dynamo] Added DataStoreName on DT and TK to allow multiple databases
- [Dynamo] Refactored Search : indices by conf for env, uses types for clustering documents
- [Dynamo] Fixed tests : DefinitionSpace no more injectable
- [Dynamo] Fixed managers.xml, add locales on boot tag
- [Dynamo] Fixed search listFilterBuilder range 'to' to 'TO' ES keywords must be uppercase
- [Dynamo] Renamed cores to envIndex on ElasticSearch plugins
- [Dynamo] Changed elasticSearch version from 1.5.2 to 1.7.3 (can be downgraded)
- [All] Rollback to itext 2.1.7 (after they overrided 4.2.1 version on maven repo to scrap it)
- [Dynamo] Fix #38. Added hashCode on FilterCriteria
- [Tempo] Fixed mail starttls support (by @Jerom138)
- Merge pull request #36 from durandx/rename-tool-fix Fix rename issues for v0.8.1 & v0.8.2
In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Code cleaning and refactoring
- [All] Updated dependencies libs : gson 2.4, jedis 2.7.3, elasticsearch 1.5.2, poi 3.13
- [Core] Fix #28 log warn for missing ressource in mono-langage app
- [Dynamo] Renamed GroupCriteria mode intersec to intersect
- [Dynamo] BrokerNN is an helper, accessible from DAOBroker only, no more from StoreManager
- [Dynamo] Refactored brokerBatch api. (will be deprecated soon)
- [Dynamo] Added DslListFilterBuilder (preconised) and renamed DefaultListFilterBuilder to RegExpListFilterBuilder (deprecated).
- [Dynamo] DslListFilterBuilder support MultiField, Range criteria. Better handle of query syntax.
- [Dynamo] Renamed attribute notNull to required in DtField and TaskAttribute. (Ksp not impacted yet, only java object)
- [Dynamo] Some refactoring around JPA
- [Dynamo] Added transactional aspect in features
- [Dynamo] Fix #29 reindexAllTask missing some documents ~1/500
- [Vega] Fixed Facets order in json
- [Vega] Refactored Cors for FileUpload (handle Options requests)
- [Vega] Fixed FileUpload from Focus (dropzone)
- [Vega] Refactored JsonConverterHandler to JsonSerializer
- [Struts2] Fix #22
- [Studio] Fix #23. Cast TaskResult when Option.
Migration help In Bold : Potential compatibility problems
- [All] Lots of code cleaning and refactoring
- [All] Changed private methods that can be static to static
- [All] Refactored enties and dsl
- [All] Refactor java.lang.Timer to DeamonManager
- [All] Added Features to make AppConfig simpler
- [Core] Added putNullable on MapBuilder
- [Core] Param was nullable in builder and checked when injected
- [Core] Removed injection JSR250 support. Use Activeable interface exclusively
- [Core] Added check id type of URI (no more String into numeric PK)
- [Core] Renamed Home into App in tests
- [Commons] Plugged Analytics on WebService, Task, Job and Search
- [Commons] Replaced LocalEventsPlugin by a simple processor
- [Commons] Added DaemonManager for managed daemon task
- [Dynamo] Added AnalyticsManager when using SearchManager
- [Dynamo] Removed inout params (now, a param is 'in' xor 'out')
- [Dynamo] Added support of multiple values criteria into DefaultListFilterBuilder
- [Dynamo] Assertion to avoid multi TaskEngine invocation
- [Dynamo] Merged jpa into HibernateConnectionProviderPlugin
- [Dynamo] changed FileStore's api to obtain the same api than dataStore
- [Dynamo] Kvdatastore Berkeley can manage Set as HashSet
- [Dynamo] Splitted SearchLoader SQL logic and chunk logic
- [Dynamo] Renamed DefaultSearchLoader to AbstractSqlSearchLoader
- [Dynamo] Renamed Broker to DataStore
- [Dynamo] Added DtObjectUtil.createUri by class and id
- [Dynamo] Fixed search reindex count
- [Studio] Removed Constants to generate a pretty code
- [Studio] Task has 0 or 1 result
- [Studio] Fixed if report file already exist
- [Quarto] Error msg clearer
- [Struts2] Fixed stacking previous state of layout in tags (allow div tree, use it carefully :))
- [Persona] Added custom attributes on UserSession to register data from addons
- [Tempo] Added more tests
- [Tempo] Added log for error
- [Vega] Replaced session attribute key : vertigo.rest.Session to vertigo.webservice.Session
- [Vega] Replaced SparkApplication by simpler VegaSparkFilter
- [Vega] Fixed swagger for some path
- [Vega] Renamed ApplicationServletContextListener to AppServletContextListener, and removed Abstract parent
- [Vega] Renamed ServletListener to AppServletListener
- [Vega] Renamed HomeServletStarter to AppServletStarter
- [Vega] Renamed all RestXXX into WebServiceXXX
- [Vega] Renamed all WebServices related objects with WebService prefix
- [Vega] No more override httpStatusCode if already set by WebService impl
- [Vega] Refactored RoutesRegisterPlugin to WebServerPlugin
- [Vega] Refactored JsonConverterHandler, extract ServerState behaviour in a new optional plugin
- [Vega] Renamed DtObjectExtended to a more generic ExtendedObject
- [Vega] Added option support in WS params
- [Vega] Added support to HTTP NotModified 304 response
- [Vega] Renamed DefaultJsonReader to RequestJsonReader
- [Vega] Added URI json serialization
- [Vega] Added PATCH verb
- [All] Lots of code cleaning and refactoring
- [Core] Renamed io.vertigo.core.Home.App to io.vertigo.core.App
- [Core] Renamed io.vertigo.core.boot to io.vertigo.core.config
- [Core] Renamed io.vertigo.core.di to io.vertigo.core.component.di
- [Core] Refactor XMLAppConfigBuilder
- [Core] Refactor modules order/priority in managers.xml. Loading order are more predictible now :
- boot module
- definitions
- other components module per module (as before)
- [Core] Moved LocalManager and ResourceManager from commons to core.
- [Core] Moved EnvironmentManager from dynamo to core
- [Dynamo] Fixed search case/accent sensitive while using wildcard
- [Dynamo] Fixed search securityFilter
- [Dynamo] Add default value to DefaultListFilterBuilder
- [Dynamo] return Future on reindexAll to allow join on reindex
- [Dynamo] CSVExporter should kept empty value as empty
- [Dynamo] Renamed ESSearchServicePlugin to ESNodeSearchServicePlugin
- [Dynamo] Fixed store object without index
- [Studio] Fix JS templates style, to fit with ESLint
- [All] Fixed some code style and some refactor to simpler code
- [All] Renamed prefix in Builder with ==> add
- [Core] split BootConfig from AppConfig
- [Core] Refactoring DI
- [Core] Added better error message for missing definition while solving
- [Commons] Added daemonManager
- [Dynamo] Removed deprecated methods
- [Dynamo] Fixed FsTransactionResource, Temp files not deleted in some case
- [Dynamo] Added possibility to specify a search data type for index (in addition to the analyzer) Use indexType : "analyzerName:dataTypeName" in domain declaration in KSP
- [Dynamo] Search return hightlights on result's fields only
- [Dynamo] Fixed search clustering create full list
- [Dynamo] Fixed and test #15
- [Dynamo] Renamed stereotype Subject to KeyConcept
- [Dynamo] Refactored and removed SearchIndexFieldNameResolver
- [Dynamo] Added EventsManager required by StoreManager (old PersistenceManager)
- [Dynamo] Added RedisConnector
- [Dynamo] Complete refactor of SearchManager : integration in broker, KSP declaration of index definitions
- [Dynamo] Added FacetQueryResultMerger
- [Dynamo] Added DefaultSearchLoader and DefaultListFilterBuilder
- [Dynamo] Added ESSearchPlugin with TransportClient
- [Dynamo] Updated elasticSearch to 1.4.5
- [Dynamo] Fixed try with ressource of autonomous transaction
- [Dynamo, Studio] Renamed PersistenceManager to StoreManager
- [Dynamo, Studio] Renamed Broker to DataStore
- [Dynamo] Added Search facetValue sorted by count
- [Studio] Added optionnal dictionaryClassName param to specify dictionaryClassName, default to DtDefinitions (Fix #3)
- [Tempo] Added timeout in DistributedWorkerPlugins for connections from client to server
- [Tempo] Split scheduler and executor
- [Tempo] Added minute to jobManager.scheduleEveryDayAtHour
- [Quarto] Fixed UnitTests
- [Studio] Continue refactor to use stereotype KeyConcept in studio
- [Studio] Continue refactor to Search in generated DAO
- [Struts2] Fixed an error when escaping caracters in JSON
- [Struts2] Select multiple : listCssClass
- [Vega] TokenManager optionnal in JsonConverterHandler
- [Vega] Fixed content-type name : now use '=' instead of ':'
- [Vega] Updated Swagger-ui to 2.1.0
- [Vega] Added support of FacetedQueryResult in WebService
- [Vega] Started expand jsonConverterHandlerPlugin into simplier JsonConverter per type
- Fix of two 0.7.5 issues
- [Core] Renamed KTransaction to VTransaction
- [Dynamo] Renamed KSecurityManager to VSecurityManager
- [Dynamo] Renamed KFile to VFile
- [Dynamo] Renamed KxFileInfo to VxFileInfo
- [Dynamo] Added DtFieldName to FilterCriteria API
- [Dynamo] Added DtListState for sorting, offset and limit query. Applied on search only
- [Dynamo] Some code style
- [Studio] Fixed Dto generated with DtListURIForXXAssociation
- [Struts2] Fixed FTL : css, checkbox
- [Quarto] XDocReportConverterPlugin : XDocReport based ODT to PDF converter plugin
- [All] Fixed some code style
- [All] Removed some deprecated : PersistenceManager.getBrokerConfiguration, PersistenceManager.getMasterDataConfiguration, UiMessageStack.hasErrorOnField, UiRequestUtil.getHttpServletRequest, UiRequestUtil.getHttpSession
- [Core] Aspects Order preserved
- [Core] Renamed vertigoimpl.commons to vertigo.commons.impl
- [Commons, Dynamo] Fixed index cacheability. For cache not serializable value.
- [Dynamo] Added index settings check at startup
- [Dynamo] Fixed highlights on full_result field
- [Dynamo] Added Stereotype of DtObject : Data, MasterData or Subject
- [Dynamo] Refactored broker, cacheStore, SearchManager (introducing searchQueryBuilder)
- [Dynamo] Fixed searchQuery serializable
- [Dynamo] Added search clusering by facet, and FacetQuery is now optionnal, SearchQuery serializable
- [Dynamo] Fixed WhereIn with lowercase column name
- [Dynamo] Fixed user exception detection/extraction
- [Dynamo] Updated ElasticSearch configFile
- [Struts2] Fixed readonly multi select
- [Struts2] Added assert uiMdList used with MasterData DtDefinition
- [Struts2] Renamed HomeServlerStarter to HomeServletStarter
- [Struts2] Added assert fieldName in camelCase
- [Struts2] Refactored formatter (no more FMT_DEFAULT)
- [Struts2][Vega] Added check of boot.applicationConfiguration
- [Struts2] Changed ftl usage as struts2.3.20
- [Struts2] Updated fielderror to add a onclick on error label to focus the field
- [Struts2] Updated to struts 2.3.20
- [Vega] Added encoder FacetedQueryResult to Json
- [Vega] Refactored RouteHandler to RestHandlerPlugin : make more configurable request processor stack
- [Vega] Added check response is commited when managed in controller
- [Studio] Made computed field always transient
- [Studio] Made generator target dir defined by plugins. Now you could generate : javagen, sqlgen, jsgen
- [Studio] Fixed hibernate sequence
- [Tempo] Added dead node detection of rest distributed
- [Quarto] Fixed #14
- [All] Refactored tests to made them more autonomous
- [All] Fixed some code style
- [All] Cleaned some dependencies
- [Dynamo] Split DtListProcessor to dispatch between java or index powered operations
- [Dynamo] Made Id fieldName free for FileStorePlugin
- [Dynamo] Fixed Facet filtering
- [Dynamo] Fixed #12 in ES connection settings
- [Dynamo] Fixed FsFileStorePlugin error when target directory already exists
- [Dynamo] Simpler WhereInPreProcessor using with regexp
- [Dynamo] Fixed sorting crash on null valued field
- [Dynamo] Split fileInfoURI and DtObjectURI
- [Dynamo] Renamed datastore plugin : ...persistence.oracle.OracleDataStorePlugin to ...persistence.datastore.oracle.OracleDataStorePlugin
- [Dynamo] Refactored DaoBroker, Broker and Datastore
- [Studio] Changed hibernate generationType SEQUENCE to AUTO
- [Studio] Fixed crebase.sql a semicolon ommited when no tablespace is defined
- [Quarto] Added timeout to converterTask
- [Quarto] Renamed plugins to be compliant with naming rules (MergerPluginDOCX to DOCXMergerPlugin, same for OpenOffice)
- [Commons] Renamed MapCachePlugin into MemoryCachePlugin
- [Struts2][Vega] Force to prefix servlet parameters with 'boot.' (for orphan detection)
- [Struts2] ValidationUserException accept DtFieldName
- [Struts2] Fixed fieldname in ftl for ajax component
- [Struts2] Removed
in radiomap, should use css instead - [Struts2] Added getBidDecimal in UiObject for validators use
- [Vega] Refactored CorsAllowers : extended, renamed as Handler, made optional
- [Vega] Changed RateLimiting window from 15mn to 5min
- [Vega] Fixed paginator
- [Vega] Splitted fieldErrors and objectFieldErrors for easier managment client side
- [Core] Renamed XMLAppConfigBuilder to XMLModulesBuilder
- [Core] Refactored AppConfig, simpler external LogConfig
- [Core] Merged App and Home
- [Studio,Core] Refactored Env parameters
- [Core] Fixed aspect bug
- [Dynamo] Forced Hibernate sequence handler to use DB sequence
- [core] Fixed aspect bug
- [Studio] Fixed js generator, sql generator, updates dectector
- [Studio] Added sql tablespaces (data and index) : use optional params on SqlGenerator tableSpaceData and tableSpaceIndex
- [Studio] Refactored : DomainGeneratorPlugin splited into more Plugins usages dependents (look at SqlGeneratorPlugin and JSGeneratorPlugin)
- [Studio] Fixed sql.ftl
- [Vega] UiListState in query instead of body
- [Dynamo] Fixed #10 and #11
- [Studio] ElasticSearch type mapping
- [Vega] Refacted JsonConverter and added DtList support in body
- [Vega] Added defaultValidator on Xxx<O extends DtObject>
- [Vega] fixed "already commited response" error
- [Vega] Added upload file test
- [Core] Refactored aspects : global scoped, simplier declarations with only one tag <aspect> with an attribute class extends Aspect
Migration help A big version :)
- [All] Lots of code style fixes, tests units coverage, cleaning and refactoring
- [Core] Managers.xml syntax changed : Renamed <modules> to <config> (tag module doesn't change)
- [Core] Renamed two packages : io.vertigo.core.util, io.vertigo.core.lang
- [Core] Moved some classes : VUserException, DefinitionSpace, Engine
- [Core] Renamed ComponentSpaceConfigBuilder to AppConfigBuilder
- [Core] Injector static instead of instance
- [Core] Renamed @PreFixed to @DefinitionPreFixed and Manager to Component
- [Commons] Added CacheConfig
- [Dynamo] Moved search public api from SearchServicePlugin to SearchManager
- [Dynamo] Added possibility to override FormatterDefault rendering
- [Dynamo] Added fluent style with ExportBuilder, PropertiesBuilder
- [Dynamo] DtField is a DtFieldName
- [Dynamo] Refactored ElasticSearch plugins
- [Dynamo] Work is migrated to tempo
- [Vega] Fixed swagger contextPath, nnerBody params, inline test POST services
- [Vega] Moved DtListDelta and UiListDelta
- [Vega] Updated export api
- [Vega] Renamed UiSecurityTokenManager to TokenManager
- [Vega] Added DtObjectExtended support
- [Vega] Added check to unused pathParams
- [Vega] Added AutoPaginator support
- [Vega] Added CorsAllowerFilter to component (must be in managers.xml). Param originCORSFilter can be set here
- [Studio] Fixed properties generator
- [Struts2] Fixed index dto with FK bind to MDL
- [Struts2] Fixed #9, added a unique uriList when list put in context, and no cache for list without uri
- [Struts2] Multiple select in simple_read
- [Struts2] Added autocompleter popinURL
- [Struts2 Vega] Fixed file download Content-Disposition
- [Struts2] Changed layout table behaviour : now can include div in order to declare a single cell
- [Struts2] Fixed 0.6.1 broken xxx_read themes inheritance
- [Struts2] Some ftl's tags fixed and improvments (autocompleter popinURL, div in div, reMoved some \n)
- [Vega] Fixed swagger contextPath
- [Studio] Fixed resources.ftl
- Fixed some tests
- [Vega] Fixed relative path support with SwaggerUI
- [Vega] Moved DtListDelta and UiListDelta
- [Dynamo] Added possibility to override FormatterDefault rendering
- [Struts2] Added VFreemarkerManager to better override of struts2 FLT (Added this to your struts.xml <constant name="struts.freemarker.manager.classname" value="io.vertigo.struts2.impl.views.freemarker.VFreemarkerManager" />, configure it with TemplatePath param in web.xml)
- [Struts2] Moved ftl files to /io/vertigo/struts2/ftl/template
- [Struts2] Disabled required mark for checkbox
- [Struts2] Added Multiple select tag support
- [Struts2] Fixed index dto with FK bind to MDL
- [Struts2] Fixed autocompleter theme support
- [Studio] Fixed properties generator
- Some CodeStyle fixes
- [Core] managers.xml xsd now checks params are declared before plugins
- [Vega] Added support to Swagger Api viewer (see http://swagger.io/)
- [Vega] Added HttpRequest and HttpResponse parameters support
- [Vega] Added Header param support
- [Vega] Fixed some bug with query parameters
- [Dynamo] Some refacts (first step). No major api modifications.
- [Dynamo] Some renamed (DatabaseManager => SqlDatabaseManager)
- [Dynamo] Swap search from Solr to ElasticSearch
- [Dynamo] Added Batch support to DAOBroker
- [Struts2] Fixed struts2 checkboxlist.ftl
- [Struts2] Added a ftl jar for overrided ui components ftl
- [Struts2] Added check page access in SecurityFilter
- [Studio] Refact some generated code for Focus compatibility
- [Persona] Refact dependencies
- [Persona] Renamed securityLoaderplugin into securityResourceLoaderPlugin
- [Tempo] Added authentification support in JavaxSendMailPlugin
- [Commons] Fixed CurrentLocale can provide an unsupported Locale
- Some minor fixes
- Some pom updated for MavenCentral Release :)
- Fixed Vega fileUpload support (with Servlet 3.0 API)
- Fixed struts2 .ftl for readonly checkbox, select, radiomap
- Fixed UiList usage
- Renames somes const
- Fixed .properties charset (ISO-8859-1)
- Fixed #7 ConstraintBigDecimal
- Added Vega DtListDelta support (compatibility with Focus project)
- Added Struts2 module
- Added Studio Sql generation
- Added Vega fileUpload support
- Refact WorkManager Api(Future), Distributed
- Refact CollectionManager Api(DtListProcessor)
- Renamed io.vertigo.kernel to io.vertigo.core
- Fixed CacheManager clear conditions
- Fixed Vega #6 Changed mime type for json entity
- Fixed Vega multiPath params support
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed Vega #5 error mimeType and Json syntaxe
- Fixed Studio annotationNN package
- Fixed Vega autoPagination support
- Fixed tempo dependencies
- Refact vertigo-bundle : added tempo and reMoved studio and labs
- Added metadatas support in DtList
- Added JsDtDefinitionGenerato in vertigo-studio for Focus (HTML5-SPA) applications
- Added file encoding parameter of generated files in vertigo-studio
- Fixed file encoding template of loaders in vertigo-studio
- Added vertigo-tempo : Manage background operations and communications
- Merge collections.facet to collections
- Moved back Transactional annotations from stereotype package
- Renamed XxxStorePlugins as XxxDataStorePlugins
- Some refactoring by using List contructor injection
- Some minor internal renames
- Added Multi KvDataStore support
- Added List injection support in constructor
- Changed DateQueryParser use elacticSearch syntax instead of Solr ones
- Moved almost all annotations to a stereotype package
- Fixed missing PathPreFixed bug in Vega/rest component
- Fixed nullValue in facetByTerm
The most notable changes in Vertigo 0.4.0 over previous releases are:
- Changed ksp syntax to have a more similar json syntax. Separator ';' is replaced by ','. Array {} is replaced by [] and object notation () is replaced by {}
- Changed declaration of resources is externalized. In this way, each module can declare its own resources (oom, ea, ksp, xml).
- Changed KDataType to DataType
- Changed : Tasks must be processed using TaskManager and not WorkManager. (In fact each component must be able to process sync or async its own works)
- Added module labs, contains some usefull components such as mail
- Added module persona, built to manage all concepts around a user/persona
- Added module quarto, which contains two components : publisher (to create new publications by merging template and data) and converter (to convert a doc, docx into a pdf for example)
- Added distributed task management (by redis or http/rest)
- Added Enterprise Architect support
- Added vertigo-vega : RESTful WebService support for HTML5 applications
- Fixed Issues #3 : added a new mandatory vertigo-studio parameter
- To maintain compatibility Added :
in your studio-config.properties - Added check on unused components, params during injection
- Fixed Issues #2
The most notable changes in Vertigo 0.3.0 over previous releases are:
- Added vertigo-studio
- Added Jpa/Hibernate support
- Added vertigo-dynamo
- Added vertigo-ccc Command & Control Center
- Refactor maven modules
- Simplify Assertion api
The most notable changes in Vertigo 0.2.0 over previous releases are:
- Refactor package and naming
- Added vertigo-commons tools, api and impl split
- Added autocloseable
- First release