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Install and build

An extensible WYSWYG editor based on Lexical.

What is Kalliope?

Kalliope is a ready-to-use editor based on lexical. It is intended to be easy to use and ships with several ready to use plugins.

It does not contain a graphical interface beyond that of the editor itself, and is therefore not tied to any particular UI.


Built in plugins

  • Code highlight and code formatting.
  • Drag and drop images.
  • Emojis (english default).
  • Floating link editor.
  • Table cell.
  • Mentions
  • Citation block
  • Speech to text
  • Text spoiler
  • Block spoiler (collapsible)
  • Insert tweets
  • Insert videos (Youtube, Facebook, Dailymotion, Soundcloud, Twitch).
  • Basic formatting (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript).
  • Text coloring (font and background).
  • Different font types
  • Different block types (heading, bullet list, numbered list, check list, quote and code block).


Install the yarn pacakge.

yarn add kalliope

Import the editor

import CalliopeEditor from 'kalliope';


The editor component takes three parameters

  • config (required) : an object containing configuration options (detailed below).
  • containerRef (required): a react ref used to manipulate the editor.
  • setFormats (optional): a function used to set the formats applied to the selected text. Useful when building UIs.


The configuration object (config parameter) looks like this.

  placeholderText: t('toolbar.placeholderText'),
  initialState: initialState,
  isReadOnly: false,
  autoFocus: true,
  onError: (error) => {
    throw error;
  plugins: [],
  imageConfig: {
    addCaptionText: t('internal.addCaption'),
    defaultCaptionText: t('internal.enterCaption'),
  twitterConfig: {
    loadingComponent: ({ tweetId }) => (
  collapsibleConfig: {
    open: true,
  citation: {
    sourceLinkComponent: ({ sourceLink }) => (
      <a href={sourceLink} className="source-link-component">
        <FontAwesomeIcon icon={sourceIcon} size="lg" />
    ) /*,
    authorComponent: ({ author }) => (
      <a href={} className="author-link-container">
        <span className="author-link-quote">{}</span>
  mentions: {
    onSearchChange: onSearchChange,
    onAddMention: (mention) => {
    onRemoveMention: ({ name, link }) => {
      const newMentions = mentions.filter((m) => m !== name);
    entryComponent: ({ option: { avatar, name, link } }) => (
        <AccountAvatar avatar={avatar} username={name} size="5px" shape="circle" />
        &nbsp; <strong className="user-name-mentions">{name}</strong>
    mentionsData: suggestions,
  emojiConfig: {
    emojiData: emojiData,
  dragAndDropImage: {
    handleDroppedFile: async (file) => {
      const resp = await uploadFileToServer(file);
      const { src } = resp;

      if (src === null) {
          message: 'Failed to upload File',
          description: "Couldn't upload file to the server (file type not allowed).",
          placement: 'topRight',
      const imageSrc = `/static/uploads/${src}`;
      containerRef.current.executeCommand('INSERT_IMAGE', {
        src: imageSrc,

Utility functions

Accesible using the containerRef ref.

Name Parameters Description
getContent () => Lexical Editor State Gets get the current editor content. Returns a Lexical Editor State as JSON.
clear () => void Clears the editor.
executeCommand ({commandName: string, commandParams: any}) => void Executes and editor command (toggle a block or a font style).
focus () => void Sets the focus for the editor.

Editor commands

Name Parameters Description
UNDO none Undo last command
REDO none Redo last undone command
FORMAT string. One of bold| italic | underline | strikethrough | superscript | subscript | code Apply basic text formatting.
KEYBOARD none Apply keyboard formatting.
SPOILER none Apply text spoiler formatting.
LINK string link to insert Insert link
ALIGN string one of left | center | right | justify Insert link
INDENT none Indent text
OUTDENT none Outdent text
PARAGRAPH none Apply paragraph block style to selected text
BULLET_LIST none Apply bullet list formatting to selected text
NUMBERED_LIST none Apply numbered list formatting to selected text
CHECK none Apply check list formatting to selected text
H1 none Apply h1 formatting to selected text
H2 none Apply h2 formatting to selected text
H3 none Apply h3 formatting to selected text
QUOTE none Apply quote block formatting to selected text
CODE_BLOCK none Apply code block formatting (w/format highlighting) to selected text.
CODE_LANGUAGE_CHANGE value: string - a code language. See list of valid code languages below Change the code language inside a code block. The current block must already be a code block for this method to work.
CHANGE_FONT string a valid font family. Suggested values are (Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana) Chang the font family type.
CHANGE_FONT_SIZE string a valid font size. 'px' (ie: '10px') Chang the font size.
CHANGE_FONT_COLOR string a valid hexadecimal color value. Change the font color.
CHANGE_FONT_BG_COLOR string a valid hexadecimal color value. Change the background color.
INSERT_RULE none Insert a horizontal rule.
INSERT_IMAGE object { altText: string, src: string }. src is the image url. alt text is the alt text for the image. Neither can be null. Insert a resizeable image into the editor.
INSERT_TWEET string tweetId. The id in the tweet url (Twitter urls are formatted like this: Insert a tweet into the editor.
INSERT_INSTAGRAM_POST string instagramURL. The instagram URL (Instagram urls are formatted like this: "") Insert an instagram post into the editor (only works for public instagram links).
INSERT_TABLE object {columns: integer, rows: integer} Insert a table into the editor.
INSERT_EQUATION object { equation: string, inline: boolean }. The equation must be a valid latex formula. Inline specifies wether the equation is rendered on its own line or not. Insert a LaTeX equation into the editor. Only Valid Katex formulas accepted.
INSERT_VIDEO url: string . The URL of the video in question. Look below for accepted video sites. Insert video content into the editor.
INSERT_EXCALIDRAW none Open excalidraw popup. This does not insert anything into the editor, the insertion is done when the user clicks the save button.
INSERT_BLOCK_SPOILER open: boolean Insert block spoiler (a collapsible container akin to html's summary).
SPEECH_TO_TEXT isSpeechToText: boolean - indicates wether speech to text is active or not Open the microphone to convert speech to text. When switched off it will insert the captured text into the editor
INSERT_CITE_QUOTE { author: { name: string, link: string}, source: { content: string, link: string } } Insert a citation.

Valid code languages

A list of valid code languages is exported from the editor. To obtain the list do

import { getCodeLanguageOptions } from 'kalliope';

const CODE_LANGUAGES = getCodeLanguageOptions();

The following code languages are accepted by the highlighter. The value column indicates the value passed as the parameter of the CHANGE_CODE_LANGUAGE command.

Value Language
c C
clike C-Like
objc Objective-C
html HTML
xml XML
css CSS
sql SQL
js JavaScript
markdown Markdown
py Python
powershell Powershell
rust Rust
swift Swift
plain Plain Text
ts Typescript