The basic concept behind ZENtrale is to consolidate different communication channels and associations into one single app.
Every email, chat message or calendar invitation (usually send by email) needs a place to come in. All these incoming messages are associated with a contact (known or unknown). ZENtrale provides, as it is named, an central place where all these incomes will be collected.
ZENtrale follows the "K.I.S.S." principals - Keep It Simple and Stupid. Therefore the app is as reduced and intuitive as possible but inspired by other well-known applications and picks up common concepts just in a new way.
ZENtrale is not "yet another email / chat / calendar / contact app". It's not "the reinvention of the wheel". ZENtrale is about to unify all the well-known features in just a new way.
ZENtrale combines the following single applications:
- a basic email client
- an instant messenger
- a calendar
- contact management
ZENtrale is about to bring/keep related items in one place to reduce application hopping. Less effort on this side increases productivity.
ZENtrale is built with NodeJS + Node Webkit so it is a cross plattform application from the very beginning.