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PHPJava Intermediate Code Compiler

What is PHPJava Intermediate Code Compiler?

The PHPJava Intermediate Code Compiler is another feature of PHPJava that generates intermediate code for JVM by using APIs. This is capable of self-hosting generated intermediate codes on PHPJava. Note that this is an experimental implementation.



Get started

The following is an example that outputs Hello World.

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Collection\ConstantPool;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Finder\ConstantPoolFinder;
use PHPJava\Kernel\Resolvers\SDKVersionResolver;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Lang\Assembler\Enhancer\ConstantPoolEnhancer;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Signatures\Descriptor;
use PHPJava\Packages\java\lang\Object_;
use PHPJava\Packages\java\io\PrintStream;
use PHPJava\Packages\java\lang\String_ ;
use PHPJava\Packages\java\lang\System;
use PHPJava\Kernel\Types\Void_ ;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Compiler;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Structures\ClassFileStructure;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Signatures\ClassAccessFlag;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Collection\Methods;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Method;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Signatures\MethodAccessFlag;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Collection\Attributes;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Attribute;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Attributes\Code;
use PHPJava\Kernel\Maps\OpCode;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Generator\Operation\Operand;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Types\Uint16;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Types\Uint8;

$constantPool = new ConstantPool();
$finder = new ConstantPoolFinder($constantPool);
[$majorVersion, $minorVersion] = SDKVersionResolver::resolveByVersion(8);

$enhancedConstantPool = ConstantPoolEnhancer::factory(

$className = 'HelloWorld';

    ->addString('Hello PHPJava Compiler!')
        (new Descriptor())
        (new Descriptor())
        (new Descriptor())
            ->addArgument(String_::class, 1)

$compiler = new Compiler(
    (new ClassFileStructure())
            (new ClassAccessFlag())
            (new Methods())
                    (new Method(
                        (new MethodAccessFlag())
                        (new Descriptor())
                            ->addArgument(String_::class, 1)
                            (new Attributes())
                                    (new Code($enhancedConstantPool->findUtf8('Code')))
                                                            (new Descriptor())
                                                        $enhancedConstantPool->findString('Hello PHPJava Compiler!')
                                                            (new Descriptor())

$compiler->compile(fopen($className . '.class', 'w+'));

Run java command after the HelloWorld.class file is generated.

$ java HelloWorld

You'll get Hello World!

NOTICE: The ConstantPool:toArray decides Constant Pool entries. For that reason, You should to add method, attribute and anymore before deciding the Constant Pool. Because it has entry resolver as such as class name, method name and anymore, You cannot to add an entry if the Constant Pool entries are decided. As a simple solution, you call ConstantPool:toArray at last.

How to use?

ClassFileStructure Builder

ClassFileStructure Builder is a builder class that defines the structure of a class file. This class helps the definition of a class file structure by setting the required parameters and values when running java command.

ClassFileStructure Builder requires call and set the APIs below.

Required? Method name Summary
Required setMinorVersion(int) Set the minor version of the class file structure. This value can be obtained by using SDKVersionResolver::resolveByVersion.
Required setMajorVersion(int) Set the major version of the class file structure. This value can be obtained by using SDKVersionResolver::resolveByVersion.
Required setConstantPool(EntryInterface[]) Set the entries of the Constant Pool.
Required setAccessFlags(int) Set an AccessFlag for the current class. You need to either specify the value generated by AccessFlag Signature Builder or directly set the integer number.
Required setThisClass(FinderResultInterface) Set to which class it maps from the Constant Pool. Pass the result object returned by ConstantPoolFinder, which finds an entry on the ConstantPool.
Required setSuperClass(FinderResultInterface) Set mapping super class from the Constant Pool. Pass the result object returned by ConstantPoolFinder, which finds an entry on the ConstantPool.
setInterfaces(EntryInterface[]) Set the interface entries of the class file structure. This feature is not yet implemented.
setFields(EntryInterface[]) Set the field entries of the class file structure. This feature is not yet implemented.
setMethods(EntryInterface[]) Set the method entries of the class file structure. The defining method is required to add a Method entry on an EntryCollection.
setAttributes(EntryInterface[]) Set the attribute entries of the class file structure.


ConstantPoolFinder is a finder that looks for an entry from the ConstantPool. By this approach, you do not need to think of the entry index in the Constant Pool and you can refer to any entries from the Constant Pool at any time.

An example below uses this feature:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Collection\ConstantPool;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Finder\ConstantPoolFinder;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Structures\Info\Utf8Info;
use PHPJava\Exceptions\FinderException;

// Define EntryCollection for the ConstantPool.
$constantPool = new ConstantPool();

// Pass an EntryCollection to a Finder.
$finder = new ConstantPoolFinder($constantPool);

// Register an entry
    ->add(new Utf8Info('Hello World!'));

try {
    // Start to find
        $finder->find(Utf8Info::class, 'Hello World!')

    // In case you need to run now.
        $finder->find(Utf8Info::class, 'Hello World!')
} catch (FinderException $e) {
    // Not found
    printf("Unfortunately, an entry not found");

ConstantPoolFinder is not executed immediately after you call find method because it is a lazy evaluation. It instead starts to find one when compiled.

You can find by the entries shown below:

Entry name Argument size Example
Utf8Info 1 $finder->find(Utf8Info::class, 'Hello World!')
ClassInfo 1 $finder->find(ClassInfo::class, 'HelloWorld')
StringInfo 1 $finder->find(StringInfo::class, 'Hello World!')
NameAndTypeInfo 2 $finder->find(NameAndTypeInfo::class, '<init>', (new Descriptor())->setReturn(Void_::class)->make())
MethodrefInfo 3 $finder->find(MethodrefInfo::class, 'java/io/PrintStream', 'println', (new Descriptor())->addArgument(String_::class)->setReturn(Void_::class)->make())
FieldrefInfo 3 $finder->find(FieldrefInfo::class, 'java/lang/System', 'out', (new Descriptor())->addArgument(PrintStream::class)->make())

If you need to execute immediately, you are required to call the getResult method after calling the find method. Furthermore, as the search results will be cached, you need to either disable cache by calling enableCache(false) or remove it by clearCaches() when the latest entries are required.

AccessFlag Signature Builder

AccessFlag Signature Builder is a builder class that helps you generate access flags by means of a visually understandable method. By using this class, you don't need to understand the proper combinations of the numeral flags for building a class file structure.

An example for using AccessFlag Signature Builder is shown below:

Class Access Flags:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use \PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Signatures\ClassAccessFlag;
(new ClassAccessFlag())
    // Define a public class
    // Define a super class
    // Make a string by specified parameters.

// Same as:
     | \PHPJava\Kernel\Maps\ClassAccessFlag::ACC_SUPER

You can use the APIs below.

Access Flags

Method Access Flags:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use \PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Signatures\MethodAccessFlag;
(new MethodAccessFlag())
    // Define a public method.
    // Define a static method.
    // Make a string by specified parameters.

// Same as:
    | \PHPJava\Kernel\Maps\MethodAccessFlag::ACC_STATIC

You can use the APIs below:

Access Flags

Descriptor Signature Builder

Descriptor Signature Builder is a builder class that helps you generate a string representation of an intermediate code with method parameters and its signatures. For instance, Java interprets String[] args and void as ([Ljava/lang/String;)V when public static void main(String[] args) compiles. This builer class solves an issue where this interpretation is such an unefficient task for a human being.

To use Descriptor Signature Builder:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Signatures\Descriptor;
use PHPJava\Kernel\Types\Void_ ;
use PHPJava\Packages\java\lang\String_ ;

(new Descriptor())
    // Add an argument. addArgument can be called any times.
        // The first argument is a java.lang.String
        // Set the depth of an array. Defaults to zero.
    // Set the return value
        // The return value is void.

// Same as:

Interface Entry Builder

This feature is not yet implemented.

Fields Entry Builder

This feature is not yet implemented.

Method Entry Builder

Method Entry Builder is a builder class which helps generation of an entry when appending it to Methods that is an EntryCollection. This class makes it easy to add a method to the class file structure.

An example is shown below:

require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';

use PHPJava\Compiler\Compiler;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Method;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Collection\Methods;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Structures\ClassFileStructure;

$compiler = new Compiler(
    (new ClassFileStructure())
        // ...Omitted
            (new Methods())
                // Add a method to a method collection.
                    // Define the method structure according to the method_info attribute in the JVM Spec.
                    (new Method(
                        // Defined the access flags of the method.
                        (new \PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Signatures\MethodAccessFlag())
                        // Find a method name from the ConstantPool.
                        // Find a descriptor and the return types from the Constant Pool.
                            (new Descriptor())
                                ->addArgument(String_::class, 1)
                        // ...Omitted

Code Attribution Builder

Code Attribution Builder is a builder class which extends Attribute Builder. Originally, the architecture of the Attribute Builder is meant to pass only binary string by Java Virtual Machine Specification. Code Attribution Builder supports generation of a binary string for the Attribute classes because it is too early for a human being to write a binary string by hand and it is almost impossible to generate them manually; but we ignore crazy binary-string lovers and recluses.

An example is shown below:

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Structures\Info\Utf8Info;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Attributes\Code;
use PHPJava\Kernel\Maps\OpCode;

(new Code($finder->find(Utf8Info::class, 'Code')))
    // Set the return opcode only.
        pack('C', OpCode::_return)

// Same as:
    // attribute_name_index
    . pack('n', $finder->find(Utf8Info::class, 'Code')->getResult()->getEntryIndex()) //
    // attribute_length
    . pack('N', 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 2) // (u2 + u2 + u4 + u1 + u2 + u2)
    // max_stack
    . "\x00\x00"
    // max_locals
    . "\x00\x00"
    // code_length
    . "\x00\x00\x00\x01"
    // code
    . "\xB1"
    // exception_table_length
    . "\x00\x00"
    // attributes_count
    . "\x00\x00"

Code Attribution Builder provids the following APIs:

Method name Summary
setCode(string) Define an opcode and operands.
setExceptionTable(ExceptionTable[]) Define an exception tables to be thrown. This is not yet implemented.
setAttributes(Attributes[]) Set the attributes for Code Attribute.
getValue() Generate a binary string of formatted Code Attribute with the specified parameters.

Operation Code Builder

Operation Code Builder is a builder class which supports generation of operation codes and operands that are passed to the setCode on Code Attribution Builder. If you use this class, you are able to generate operation codes so you no longer have to understand a binary string.

An example is shown below.

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Signatures\Descriptor;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Structures\Info\FieldrefInfo;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Structures\Info\MethodrefInfo;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Structures\Info\StringInfo;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Attributes\Architects\Operation;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Types\Uint16;
use PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Types\Uint8;
use PHPJava\Kernel\Maps\OpCode;

use PHPJava\Kernel\Types\Void_ ;
use PHPJava\Packages\java\lang\String_ ;

use PHPJava\Packages\java\io\PrintStream;

(new Operation())
    // Set getstatic Command
            // Pass position of Fieldref
                    (new Descriptor())
    // Set ldc command
            // Pass the position of StringInfo in the Constant Pool
                    'Hello World!'
    // Set invokevirtual Command
            // Pass the position of Methodref in the Constant Pool
                    (new Descriptor())
    // Set the return command.

Operation Code can have arguments based on the specification of the Java Virtual Machine. The Uint8 and Uint16 which appeared in the examples mean the size of the parameters to be passed that mean:

Class Meaning
PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Types\Uint8 Mean to be 1 byte.
PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Types\Uint16 Mean to be 2 bytes. In other words, it is as same as a short.
PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Types\Uint32 Mean to be 4 bytes. In other words, it is as same as an int.
PHPJava\Compiler\Builder\Types\Uint64 Mean to be 8 bytes. In other words, it is as same as a long.

Also refer to Java Virtual Machine for the parameter length.