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Error Reporting

Don Horner edited this page Oct 31, 2019 · 34 revisions

Specific questions and problems encountered when using one of the FermiTools packages should be reported in that tool's GitHub 'Issues' page. See below.

Users who are encountering analysis issues or are unsure of where a particular issue should be reported can contact the Fermi Help Desk via email

Before reporting an error, check the Troubleshooting guide and User Notes to see if a solution already exists or has been addressed. You may also want to look at the currently open issues.

When reporting errors, please include the following information:

  • Software Version

    • You can look this up using the conda list command: conda list fermitools
    • Please include the version numbers for both fermitools and fermitools-data
  • Operating System

    • Please send the output of the command uname -a
  • Error text

  • What you were attempting to do when the error occurred

Links to Error Reporting Pages

Tracker Tools
Fermitools-conda General Fermitools Issues
Likelihood gtbkg gtdiffrsp gtexpcube2 gtexpmap gtfindsrc gtlike gtltcube gtltsum gtmodel gtpsf gtsrcmaps gtsrcprob gttsmap
SolarSystemTools gtexphpsun gtltcubesun gtltsumsun gtsuntemp
pyBurstAnalysisGUI gtburst
burstFit gtburstfit
dataSubselector gtmktime gtselect gtvcut
evtbin gtbin gtbindef
irfs gtirfs
modelEditor modeleditor
pointlike pypsf
pyExposure gtexposure
pulsarDb gtephem gtophase
pulsePhase gtophase
observationSim gtobssim
orbitSim gtorbsim
rspgen gtrspgen
sourceIdentify gtsrcid
timeSystem gtbary
fermitools-fhelp fhelp files
AnalysisThreads Analysis Thread notebooks