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File metadata and controls

110 lines (90 loc) · 4.83 KB

Creating Indexes

Elastic4s does not require us to define indexes or their fields in advance. Indexes are created when first needed and fields are added when documents are indexed. Sometimes though we need to specify fields if we want non-default behaviour, such as changing the way a field is analyzed or a default null option. This is done through what Elasticsearch calls mapping.

Note: if we specify a mapping for an index, the index still remains dynamic for other fields. Think of the mapping as an override, anything not specified operates as normal.

One of most common things we want to define is the field type, this is useful for sorting for example. Let's define an index with a single field, of type Integer.

// Import the field type DSL. (For examples below omitted)
import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.mapping.FieldType._

client.execute {
  create index "places" mappings (
    "city" as (
      "year_founded" typed IntegerType

We created the index, and a mapping for a type called city, and we defined one field, year_founded as an Integer field.

Lets enhance this by adding another field called location which is a GeoPointType. This is a very useful field type for doing distance type querying (find places within 'x miles' for example).

client.execute {
  create index "places" mappings (
    "city" as (
      "year_founded" typed IntegerType,
      "location" typed GeoPointType

So now we have two defined fields (remember, other fields will be added dynamically if required, with default options).

Sidepoint: You might wonder why the DSL keyword is called typed. This is because type is a keyword in Scala and typed looks nicer than "location" `type` GeoPointType.

Now some places have names that include common stop words. For example "The Congo" or "Bay of Biscay". We might want to search on these so we want to change the analyzer used to include all words. Therefore we'll use a SimpleAnalyzer which simply lowercases the text and splits on non letters. So in this next example we'll add a new type, called country, and we'll change the analyzer as mentioned.

client.execute {
  create index "places" mappings (
    "city" as (
      "year_founded" typed IntegerType,
      "location" typed GeoPointType
    ), // note trailing comma as this is a var args invocation
    "country" as (
      "name" typed StringType analyzer SimpleAnalyzer

The available analyzers are WhitespaceAnalyzer, StandardAnalyzer, SimpleAnalyzer, StopAnalyzer, KeywordAnalyzer, PatternAnalyzer and SnowballAnalyzer. You can actually define your own analyzers (they are really just combinations of filters and tokenizers).

We can even set the number of shards and or replicas at the index level.

client.execute { create index "places" shards 3 replicas 2 ... // mappings ... }

Elasticsearch is a clever beast. One small example is that it can detect dates automatically in fields instead of us setting the DateType in mappings. This is useful when you don't know all the fields in advance. To set the formats that Elasticsearch will recognize, we can use date_detection at the mapping level. Going back to our places example we'll let Elasticsearch detect our dates from two different formats (you can set as many as you need).

client.execute {
  create index "places" mappings (
    "city" as (
      "year_founded" typed IntegerType,
      "location" typed GeoPointType
    "country" as (
      "name" typed StringType analyzer SimpleAnalyzer
    ) dateDetection true dynamicDateFormats("dd/MM/yyyy", "dd-MM-yyyy")

Wrapping up our introduction, we finally want to add a field called demonym to the city. If there is no demonym (ie, the field is empty / null when indexing) we'll tell Elasticsearch to use a default of "citizen". We definitely don't want any stemming on these words. If you're from Brussels, you are a Bruxellois. We don't want the s to be removed. Therefore we'll also tell Elasticsearch to index the whole word as a single token.

client.execute {
  create index "places" mappings (
    "city" as (
      "year_founded" typed IntegerType,
      "location" typed GeoPointType,
      "demonym" typed StringType nullValue "citizen" analyzer KeywordAnalyzer
    "country" as (
      "name" typed StringType analyzer SimpleAnalyzer
    ) dateDetection true dynamicDateFormats("dd/MM/yyyy", "dd-MM-yyyy")

There are many options one can set on a field. For the full list, see the methods in the DSL or see the official documentation on mapping (the DSL keywords will be the same or very close to the name of the optional in the REST API).