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854 lines (662 loc) · 27.3 KB

File metadata and controls

854 lines (662 loc) · 27.3 KB


  • Address review comments in paper
  • Polish new tutorial converter

Nice to haves

  • Upgrade async package (code fails with v2)
  • Separate M2 from Singular logic
  • Set it up on Google compute engine
  • Test coverage

2017-06-19 Ithaca

  • We want an easy setup for AWS, Digitalocean, GDC, etc
  • We want to send a maintenance notification to our users in cae of sesrver downtime
  • DocConverter: ** More tutorials ** MathJax ** Organize tutorials in groups or by rating ** Allow URL of tutorial location
  • Fix TravisCI (npm test fails.)
  • More documentation
  • Make Docker container with always newest M2 version
  • Is Bertini up-to-date?
  • Do we need other programs? Is Polymake running?
  • Use ESNext features (.keys() instead of ownProperty, promises, etc)
  • DocConverter.m2 needs to be in November M2 release and in vagrant file
  • Update Node
  • Check Cookie Logic
  • Fun with TypeScript


  • Update M2 version
  • Update link to M2 docu to matching version
  • Publication: address comments for JSAG? AMS notices? Journal of symbolic computation ** Withdraw submission from JSAG ** Put our article in JSC Latex format ** Maybe shorten it? ** Do we need better tutorials?
  • Recover graceful when Node server crashes


  • use promise-fs instead of fs (or something like this)
  • multiple file upload on one click, maybe
  • fix readme with new instructions
  • Singular layout
  • code coverage
  • better scalability (aws and other services)


  • Transfer changes to Singular
  • Tests! Tests! Tests!
  • Multiple File upload
  • "Session thing": Having several sockets in the same session
  • Streamline basic authorisation
  • Rename vagrantfile_aws, fix aws-readme
  • Update current readme
  • Add description of node server architecture to Readme
  • Extract more code from frontend
  • Use Sass or SCSS?


  • keypress to expand/contract M2 window (button instead)
  • bug: tutorials: scroll bar appears too far to the left sometimes (File bug, if reappears)
  • command+- changes font size in the current window. (buttons instead)
  • hovering over maximize/minimize button
  • put the About into the hamburger menu?
  • in drawer, a close button? or bind it to Macaulay2 at top.
  • Make footer smaller, and header too, if possible.
  • button colors? think it through?
  • save menu needs better CSS
  • dialog after upload is wrong style
  • dialog for showing images done
  • picture is in the wrong place on the home screen
  • hover over buttons should be visible
  • evaluate button: make it somewhat transparent
  • polyfill should be a client side dependency
  • possible: can code-buttons easily be wrapped if they are too long? or should they be even?


  • Clean up logging concept with environments


  • Playing with Google's Material Design light
  • Use fetch instead of $ajax
  • Fix footer
  • Try MDL list layout instead of jquery accordion
  • delete code for tabs, i.e., trym2.navbar
  • push to AWS, so everybody can look at the new design


  • Fix AWS CodeDeploy fixen, use with TravisCI
  • Add buttons on left side back in, see missing buttons


  • Playing with Google's Material Design light
  • Use fetch instead of $ajax
  • Fix footer
  • Try MDL list layout instead of jquery accordion
  • delete code for tabs, i.e., trym2.navbar
  • push to AWS, so everybody can look at the new design


  • UI: Make tabs on left side visible
  • extract frontend shell part as module

2016-03-19 Plan for action

  • clean up old branches (one branch to rule them all)
  • nicer frontend
  • extract shell into npm module
  • mobile site, what keyboard strategy is good? Maybe only show right-hand side?
  • ssl encryption
  • Tests?
  • Update node and dependencies
  • Are our Docker containers safe enough?
  • bug when restarting your browser?
  • rule the world


  • Computeralgebra Rundbrief
  • It takes some time for the Docker container to start. We should always have one ready, i.e. start it before the client connects.


  • Provide a https version for M2 as well.
  • Rename the tryM2's in mathProgram.js
  • Clean out code.
  • Redesign Singular page.
  • Merge branches singular and master to one branch. Delete singular branch.
  • Sites for mobile devices
  • App?


  • Meeting in late April maybe?

Next steps:

  • Ask about JSAG paper

  • Use the cloud in addition to Mike's machine, how expensive is that?

  • Fonts and CSS and Mobile, maybe look at React and Material UI

  • Native App

  • More tutorials

  • Update Docker and Vagrant

  • Update Node and some modules

  • Monitoring/error recovery

  • EcmaScript 6 Syntax

  • getting running on windows 7. step 1: Install virtual box: Selected all of the default options while installing. step 2. download and install vagrant from click on (or double click on) the resulting file vagrant.msi (for me: "vagrant 1.7.2.msi"). Allow this program to make changes. step 3. Restart your computer when/if prompted. step 4: Install "Git Bash" from: step 5:
    git clone mkdir vagrant-trym2 cd vagrant-trym2 cp ../InteractiveShell/Vagrantfile_user Vagrantfile vagrant up vagrant ssh npm run-script sudo_docker step 6: in Chrome or Firefox, open the URL: localhost:3691

    • we tried to change loading of tutorials to allows loading from a URL. However, it appears that cross-domain loading is not allowed, and we would need to use our server in the middle, which appears to have legality and possibly security issues that would need to be explored. (2015-04-12)

2015-03-20 ** Get the environment setup such that we can run it in the cloud * get it so Mike (and everybody else including "The Cloud" can install * use Docker or Vagrant for managing and executing the virtual machine in which Node is running * use Docker for managing and executing linux containers or native Docker containers for each user * everybody read a Docker tutorial! Lars, create Dockerfile that builds Virtual machine for us. Thanks :)

** Upload file for directory or several files at once ** Better error handling ** New tutorials and tutorial upload? ** Monitoring ** Paper in JSAG (submitted 5/16/15) ** Paper in AMS Notices


  • remove duplications from mathProgram.js in 3 public folders
  • graph generated with M2 should not be save on server, stream directly to browser
  • interrupt
  • write lxc/docker_containers.js
  • automatically mkdir public/images so images can be emitted to client

2014-12-13 9pm Make the containers run

  • Connect to localhost via ssh
  • Make the sftp stuff work
  • Decide how the curls should work ** image + viewHelp

2014-12-13 11am Goal: Attract more users!

  1. Improve stability
    • Use instead of ServerSentEvents. Benefit: DONE ** Outsource complicated connection process. ** Basis for account management ** Basis for tutorial upload ** Basis for frontend re-design
    • Separate node server and containers ** Several machines able to run containers -> Redundancy (Amazon AWS? Ask institutions to run container machines?) ** Node server checks machine for load and sanity
  2. Better look + feel
    • Re-desing frontend ** Bootstrap?
  3. Better tutorials
    • Make tutorial upload available
  4. Easier install for institutions

2014-03-10 Refactor client side, eliminate duplication common shell accordion upload save M2 Singular Finish article Application for ICMS Need Singular url + text + tutorials viewHelp, viewImage? Design max number of users user cleanup recycle ips remove users in cron Cleanup broken sessions Offer virtual machine for download Install script for lxc Cleanup documentation TeX files

M2: install dot (Graphviz) (DONE) upload response (DONE) save (DONE) open for images tutorial upload, DocConverter.m2 should be in /home? open for text, open not found

2014-03-09 One repo for different math programs (DONE) Linux Containers instead of schroots (DONE)

2013-07-24 TAB completion:

  • On server or client side? Colorization Feedback button


Next we should think about refactoring all tutorial functions and load lessen functions, and then decide, if loadLesson calls activate(tutorial) or the other way round, or if the main routines always call both. sort of DONE

set caret position needs to be rewritten to get $element passed in instead of string DONE

2013-07-15 Planning structure: Want: * TAB completion * Tutorial management w/ user login Server side

  • user-module
    • start + assert + delete user
    • find ClientID
    • clientID.exists
  • shell-module (two modules, one for schroots, one without) One shell per user or global shellobject to distinguish between non-schroot and schroot?
    • Constructor setting up directories, etc.
    • Create persistent instance of M2
    • Pipe output back and forth
    • Restart+Interrupt
    • Delete
    • property: path for file interactions
    • getClientIDFromUrl
  • main m2server-module
    • server app
    • startSource
    • EventStream bla
    • stats + admin Client side
  • Maybe a shell object? DONE
    • History management DONE
    • Bind key events on shell window DONE
    • parts of postMessage go here DONE
    • chatOnData DONE
  • Improve show+hide methods for tutorial, terminal, home DONE
    • Sometimes one has to click twice ?
  • Tutorials module
    • makeAccordion?
    • load the tutorials from files
    • Uploading tutorials


  • Check user management, i.e. user deletion for bugs on machine w/ schroots.


  • Want to be able to maximize the right hand side, for better use on devices with small displays.
    1. Maximize button
    2. Make middle separator moveable

What do we need to make this really useful for the fall semester?

  • data persistence
  • tutorial uploads
  • handle many concurrent clients - load balancing
  • email homework assignments to teachers for grading?
  • announce it
  • database with tutorials an feedback/user information on tutorials. MongoDB? or couchDB? can we use a standard solution for up/down voting tutorials?
  • we want a curated and organized list of tutorials
  • extra node in M2 package documentation that is lifted automatically into tutorial


  • data persistence of command history on client side
  • data persistence of output on client side, especially useful for long running computations, or persistence on server side, and a way of sending it to the client when reconnecting *Vagrant: Up and Running?

Tutorial uploads: *front end interface *transform from simple doc format, on the fly? *where do we store them?


  • disable autocorrection (e.g. Upper case) on iPad
  • restrict size of array that keeps track of command history

6/19/2013 Franzi's thoughts:

  • use grunt? (JavaScript Runner to automate testing, jsLint, deployment, etc)
  • web sockets instead of Ajax + SSE? Websockets has some overhead, whereas SSE does not, but our SSE implementation is very hard to understand and maintain, websockets has fallback mechanism for older browsers
  • automated testing, Selenium?
  • refactor mathProgram.js, it is really long and hard to navigate
  • automatic deployment? Push to the server without being on the server? What tools can do that?


  • typing into right hand side DONE


  • fixed bug with caching file in Chrome for uploads


  • Should we check for cookies? Should we create users when user does not accept cookies, like for curl?
  • secure cookies? avoid spoofing of users?
  • write a jsag paper about this
  • get "!cat /etc/passwd", /groups, /shadow should be cleaned
  • fork the schroot git
  • restrict network access of schroots, we need curl to work on localhost and also for tutorials uploaded by users. If we restrict network access to localhost, we need to rethink tutorial strategy, maybe use iptables

Major stuff:

  • Android
  • tutorials management strategy


notify user if using Internet Explorer (DONE), or viewHelp on Mobile device etc.

5/10/2013 DONE: move cursor on shift enter second virtual machine, master and stable branch for nice deploying subdomain for trym2

On iPhone, viewHelp does not work, looks as if server is serving page before iPhone user allows pop up

4/26/2013 Shift enter and button click moves down to next line (FRANZI + LARS) DONE Does site work on IE? (MIKE) Converter for tutorial format (MIKE)

  • subdomain from Dan (MIKE) DONE different virtual machine (LARS) DONE Writing into right hand side (ALL):
    • show input on left hand side?
    • deactivate mouse cursor?
    • change color/font?
    • when typing in right hand side, automatically type on left or bring warning BUG: trying to get a URL that we don't serve does not give 404 but eternal waiting DONE

4/5/2013 welcome tutorial: clicking on everything in order makes a error because x and x_1 DONE m2server: refactor, handle unhandled requests DONE selenium testing, we should use it!

3/26/2013 BUG: on iPad, using viewHelp breaks the event stream We need another port for a test server that we can use before we go live now that we have told people about DONE

upload: owned by root DONE /home can't use mv etc DONE running get "!open .txt" returns a wrong link DONE

3/25/2013 *tutorial name should be displayed inside lessons, font DONE *update readme for github *strategy for tutorials *JSAG article

  • Create new tutorial DONE

  • Change text of 'welcome' and 'help' and 'M2In', DONE

  • explain save-upload relationship (they're not necessarily intended to be used together) DONE


  • 'Evaluate all' method for tutorials
  • Getting list of tutorials, so far it is fixed, OK for now
  • keep/get M2 results from earlier calculations when navigating away from site

*alerts DONE *welcome screen DONE *about DONE *open image - can we pass the name? DONE

  • Terminal, Tutorial, TOC - the one we're on should be highlighted DONE

3/23/2013 IMPORTANT

  • Save button (pretty much)DONE
  • CSS position of buttons DONE

3/21/2013 User interface:

  • one button for upload & browse DONE
  • arrows instead of previous & next DONE

3/17/2013 New TODO list:

  • manage user list: clean-users background scripts: clean up script: for when the m2server goes down DONE
  • resource limitations understand the nproc limit, DONE perhaps use cgroups DONE how to determine the number of processes for a user? /sys/fs/cgroup/memory//tasks the number of lines in this file is the number used by nproc. memory limit for user, not for process DONE
  • how to control virtualbox via command line DONE (info in configuring_ubuntu.tex)
  • scripts or directions to recreate the vbox server includes: vbox, schroot, ... this is partially written down in one of the tex files (in configuring_ubuntu.tex too)
  • Dan's emails: check them DONE
  • update habanero, restart it DONE
  • need test suite and perhaps testing framework (DONE) Have "make check" EventStream does not allow for easy testing.
  • tutorials management strategy
  • writing tutorials
  • allow, if possible: in one browser, multiple sessions (one per tab, or window). Decided to go with one session per browser. (DONE)
  • user interface elements: download button drop down menu doesn't fit the style DONE (ABANDONED) next and prev buttons sometimes disappear DONE resizing or changing fonts? Can the user do this? SEEMS SO, BUT RESULT ISN'T SO NICE
  • save, or print button
  • M2 help
  • ipad
  • update M2 on vbox to the latest version DONE
  • write a jsag paper about this
  • secure cookies? avoid spoofing of users?
  • check on: error messages from M2 getting out of sync? (From Dan's email)


  • Lars made changes to perl-scripts

  • We added times stamps in order to prune old clients

  • username and clientID is now the same thing, we got rid of the hack with an array of premade user names

  • we still need a max for total user number

  • eventually we need to write NO

  • need to check for identical random usernames DONE

  • is deleting clients working? Sort of we think


  • figure out logic for deleting obsolete clients
  • new users on the system should be created as needed (with a max), not using a fixed number of pre-made users DONE
  • userID and clientID should be the same/based on the same random number DONE
  • clientID should be checked whether it's already in use DONE?
  • when is a client obsolete? we need a perl routine that check for resources, m2server will call this script for every user and kill it if the script returns true
  • we need to figure out how to use timestamps


  • we need to fix upload - seems to be working again DONE? test it!
  • but interrupt seems broken
  • what about prune clients? Are we still touching the sName.txt for this?
  • Security: can users upload executable files? YES
  • More reasonable error messages from M2 is needed when user reaches his disk quota

12/14/2012 *we run the server with sudo, and then switch to one of 3 premade users, TODO: make a lot of users and have a mechanism in place that prevents users from getting a userID that's already in use. DONE

  • user currently has access to sName.txt, also open-schroot is probably not going to work any more, this affects /image DONE


  • how to restart the machine
  • how can we tackle the security issues we have?
    • problem: all users are the same user and can kill each other
    • solution: - start m2server as root, - m2server creates users and let schroots run as different users - most changes for this would have to be in m2server.m2 - we can use setpid to a random id, we probably also need to create a directory for that id where they can write to - we need to make sure we're using the correct pids (interrupt etc)
  • when do we meet again? March (10-17 or 17-22) might be good days! :) DONE!

9/13/2012 General:

  • unit tests

IPad use:

  • "keyboard" with buttons for (){}_#... to make iPad use easier

9/9/2012 use node.js connect() change logic for startM2()

9/9/2012 We're using a virtual box and run the web server (node.js) in it. The M2's are started in schroots (secure chroots)

9/6/2012 We considered jails in FreeBSD briefly, but decided to use Ubuntu schroots.


  • get it running on Mike's newest machine

  • maybe get MacOS 10 Server, can we sandbox it on there?

  • get sandbox running on Lars' laptop

  • Security issues: We are now using a startup script setting ulimits. Can these be overwritten from inside the schroot?

  • upload a package DONE

  • upload tutorials

  • use it in the cloud with more than 1 machine

  • Write a paper, maybe JSAG?


  • problem: 2 tabs in the same browser share the same cookie and the same eventStream
  • what happens when we quit the browser?


  • start timer when user leaves DONE
  • destroy timer when user with same cookie comes back DONE
  • Can we determine if M2 is currently running a calculation for a client? "DONE"

Mike: get server ready for May visit

4/17/2012 Do not start a new user every time they leave the page: DONE

  • don't delete clientID right away from clients[] (DONE), use a timer instead
  • Done: we are currently writing to many (dead) clients with ondata, we need to "unlink" previous on data calls first, before assigning them to new eventStreams

Still to do: display image not in help box DONE cronjob to cleanup /tmp (Maybe Lars?) DONE /tmp should be only writable directory in sandbox DONE make images work in sandbox and still have security (talk to Dan about allowing allowing restricted M2 to write)

maybe work on Print and Don't reload when briefly navigating away from site Can we run a non-restricted M2 inside the sandbox and still be secure? MAYBE

3/22/2012 cleanup loadFiles for jpg get PID - find user by PID

3/20/12 app-armor?

Gwyn's suggestions: ability to get worksheet uploaded print users can start their own server want to be able to run programs e.g., gfan... DONE be able to display jpg files and generate them as in posets package DONE list of allowed commands (like gfan etc) don't delete history on reload in input window NOT DONE/IMPOSSIBLE ask David Cook about M2/gap NOT DONE test low memory conditions, gracefully telling the user NOT DONE lots of users -> issues? YES Save input and output windows NOT DONE link for reporting issues, asking questions NOT DONE

3/13/2012 multi-line DONE

Greg: "useful starting code" in Terminal Get rid of M2 title, put in welcome screen instead Bug: same browser, different tabs, several M2's in the same output window help 'command' should open up in tutorial-style css, maybe on the left side? Tutorial button on the bottom of the page? syntax highlighting and autocompletion (maybe a button not necessarily tab) Previous and Next should be inside the tutorial screen re-arrange title, buttons, menu

3/12/2012 In general: security includes: not serving pages in /etc/...! denial of service attack running security screening tools (nlmp, or...?) https protocol, more secure cookies/session MOSTLY DONE

streamlining the M2 schroot: limit resources almost DONE ...

server mechanics: cron job to restart server, if it dies logging of data, who is coming (ip address, OS?) kill extraneous M2 processes learn about load balancing and reverse proxy server remove stale M2's (time out: after a week, ...) server itself: at the moment: serving "/" resends index.hmtl and restarts M2. would be nice if it didn't do that: it could remember process if cookie is OK.

user authentication allowing files on the server? Better persistence, better M2 performance (less limits)

3/7/2012 For version 1: See Mike's list


  • deal with viewHelp, how can we display help to users?
  • Navigating through lessons, scroll bar should jump to top of each lesson


  • email Greg
  • talk to Lars next week


  • Talking about server pushing data to client rather than client pulling for data

2/21/2012 Get "Next" button working again! - Done Node.js, chat server example in "Definite Guide to Javascript", Flanagan, p 519, we need Lars to incorporate this into the existing server

Homework due 2/21 - 80% of your final grade!!! Franzi: convert BeginningMacaulay2 to Tutorial (trunk/Macaulay2/packages/Begin...) Mike: investigate asynchronous retrieval of M2 output, JS lint, read up on "global" variables in JS

2/17/12 At this point, it's basically functional, we need to clean it up a little bit: - add another tutorial - fix help text - credits (funding?) - generally clean code, get rid of obsolete (?) createMenu() and createMenu2() - display title of current tutorial - display

In the future:

  • we need
    • load lessons from url
  • write content for help text
  • need Greg make it prettier
  • get rid of constant pulling of data
  • iPad (buttons instead of keyboard input)
  • save/get our work (via email)
  • Stylized way of making a tutorial page, conversion between M2 documentation style and tutorial form
  • resizing
  • communicate the text-area size to M2 for correct string formatting or set reasonable default at beginning, printWidth = 80, but figure out what the width should be in advance
  • undo feature ( command Z?)
  • syntax highlighting
  • autocompletion on Tab
  • save contents (input and output)
  • upload files that will turn into clickable tutorials, notebook style
  • Run all commands in the tutorial up to here



  • final prompts in output terminal
  • AJAX-like call to get results from M2 when they're ready instead of pulling every x ms, get a smarter web server
  • a little CSS to make it just a little prettier (colors, font, buttons, shadows, offset inside boxes, don't type into output window)
  • indexing for tutorials, from here, load tutorials
  • second tutorial so we can play with double indexed list
  • help button

11/9/11 Adjusting layout, using as template

12/10/11 Giving up on Sencha for now (chapter2, sencha*.*) Going back to index-ipad.html, renaming it to index.html, starting fresher

Sencha Touch:

  • textarea size
  • node.js for "pulling" data from the server without draining the battery
  • Ajax calls (this should be really easy - really?)
  • more buttons
  • larger textarea
  • lessons
  • we want swiping
  • table of contents/lesson overview

Use index.html in main directory or index-ipad.html, start the server from inside sockets: ruby RubyM2Server.rb

The php scripts that you're using from inside the Javascript files is sockets/M2Client.php and getResults.php. Be careful with different directories ...

  • clicking on "send to M2" button should move the cursor to next line

  • padding inside lessons

  • fix TOC on help page (!)

  • fix TOC expand/collapse

  • fix the layout :)

  • change M2 output to not be a text area but something with scrollbars

  • sendToM2 functional on lesson pages, send everything up to that point

  • table of contents: collapse/expand, fix sizes

  • help button

  • tutorial button

  • back button change name

  • somehow select font size

  • colorization of keywords, comments, and strings

Done :)

  • detect orientation, side by side, over each other
  • change titles: "on the web", "interactive" -> remove or change
  • take out waiting time
  • 2 finger zoom

Planned Feature List (some things might be out of date...) resizing incorporate input from tutorial communicate the text-area size to M2 for correct string formatting or set reasonable default at beginning undo feature ( command Z?) syntax highlighting autocompletion on Tab save contents (input and output) upload files that will turn into clickable tutorials, notebook style Run all commands in the tutorial up to here retrieve newest results right after sending a request and then less frequently


  • scroll bars
  • math keyboard, or buttons of most needed keys
  • move text areas around
  • newRing button: k, p, gens
  • buttons for variables that are available

Involve Amelia, Frank Moore, Bart Snapp, other undergrad research people to have undergrads use this site, maybe develop lessons, develop a project that can be used with this site? Brandy (Elena?) thought computational algebra, any insight?

Tutorial change structure: Preamble and div's should be in index.html, just load commands (and explanations) Choice of tutorials to chose from "run all" button, run selection/line

Use index.html in main directory or index-ipad.html, start the server from inside sockets: ruby RubyM2Server.rb

The php scripts that you're using from inside the Javascript files is sockets/M2Client.php and getResults.php. Be careful with different directories ...

in the cloud education: for undergrads why not sage: old version, too complex for simple in-classroom action,

notebook structure not right format for M2 not suitable for mobile version "join" sage: our notebooks can be made available through sage as well, for a different kind of users
