NOTE: Since 1.0.10 (March 2018), all notable changes are being tracked in the change-logs of
Only bug-fixes and updates specific to VSCode will continue to be documented here.
New icons and extensions from upstream
New icons and extensions from upstream
- [Fix] Dockerfile, fileNames needed to be lower cased, thanks @costela
New icons and extensions from upstream
New icons and extensions from upstream Lots # TODO: add list here
New icons and extensions from upstream
- [Support] AngelScript (
), Bazel (.bzl
), BEM (.bemjson.js
), Caddy (Caddyfile
), DeviceTree (.dts
), Franca (.fdl
), Jison (.jison
), Meson (
), MiniZinc (.mzn
), Miranda (.m
), Nanoc (.nanoc.yaml
), P4 (.p4
), Watchman (.watchmanconfig
), ESDoc (esdoc.json
), JSONT (.jsont
), Twine (.tw
), and Phoenix (phoenix.{ex,js}
) - [Support] Generic code (
), Markdown (.gfm
), PostCSS (.postcssrc.{js,json,yaml}
) - [Change]
- [Support] .cfignore as a default
New icons and extensions from upstream
- [Support] ABIF (
), EJS (.ejs
), Hoplon (.hl
), KiCad (.kicad_pcb
), Mercurial (.hg
), PlatformIO (platformio.ini
), Polymer (polymer.json
), Rhino3D (.3dm
), VirtualBox (.vbox
), VMware (.vmdk,
) - [Support] LookML (
), SQL (.hql
) - See for full list
New icons and extensions from upstream
- [Support] 33 new icons: Ansible, Aurelia, bitHound, Brunch, Buck, Bundler, CakePHP (updated logo), Chef, COBOL, CodeKit, Delphi, Doclets, DoneJS, Drone, GitLab, HaxeDevelop, Jasmine, Jest, KitchenCI, Lerna, Lime, Microsoft InfoPath, Nuclide, Octave, PHPUnit, Redux, RSpec, Sequelize, Shipit, Shippable, Swagger, Template Toolkit, Twig
- [Support] Blade (.blade), Erlang (Emakefile), GraphViz (.plantuml, .iuml, .puml, .pu), Jekyll (_config.yml, .nojekyll), MkDocs (mkdocs.yml), Paket (Various paket.* configs, .paket folders), Process IDs (.pid), Puppet (.epp), Tcl (.exp), Terminal (.profile), Visual Studio (.vscodeignore, .vsix, .vssettings.json, .vscode folders), Yarn (.yarnrc, .yarn-metadata.json, .yarn-integrity, .yarnclean), WeChat (.wxml, .wxss)
- See for full list
- [Fix] Remove BUILD file python icon, conflicts with build.*
- [Support] Add colour to .git* icons
- [Support] .gitignore and .gitattributes
- [Support] Varying folder icons
- [Fix] Colour variations of icons
- [Fix] Devicons
- [Fix] Updated Octicons Font
- [Support] Added Atom's default icons definitions
- [Feature] Colourless icon theme
- Initial release