A Filefog adapter for Google Drive. May be used in a Sails app or anything using Waterline for the ORM.
Install is through NPM.
$ npm install filefog-google --save
The following config options are required:
config: {
client_key : '',
client_secret : '',
client_scope : "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive",
redirect_url : 'http://localhost:3000/service/callback/google'
Test are written with mocha. Integration tests are handled by the filefog-provider-tests project, which tests provider methods against the latest FileFog API.
To run tests:
$ npm test
FileFog is a cloud agnostic file API. It provides a uniform API for accessing stuff from different kinds of cloud providers and file systems. That means you write the same code to manipulate files, whether they live in google drive, dropbox, box.net, or your local file system.
To learn more visit the project on GitHub at FileFog.