Notifications in PHP (notify-send, growl, etc
) like that.
Letting Nod
figure out the best Adapter to use (not recommend ATM, only works with some Linux environments):
#!/usr/bin/env php
$notification = new Nod\Notification;
->setTitle('My rad notification')
->setMessage('Check it.')
Explicitly giving Nod an Adapter to work with:
#!/usr/bin/env php
use Nod\Adapter\Terminal as TerminalAdapter;
$notification = new Nod\Notification(new TerminalAdapter);
->setTitle('Look at ya')
->setMessage('Let me see what ya got')
// you can also specify the expiry directly in the send() method:
Creating your own Adapters is also as easy as implementing Nod\Adapter\AdapterInterface
namespace Nod\Adapter;
interface AdapterInterface
/* bool */ public function canNotify();
/* bool */ public function process($title, $message, $urgency, $expiry, $icon);
Nod is available through composer (packagist page), just drop filp/nod
into your composer.json
and you're good to go:
"require" : {
"filp/nod" : "dev-master"
The Nod library can be loaded directly through the composer autoloader, or with any PSR-0
compatible autoloader.
- Platform support (OSX growl, Windows growl, etc)
- Unit tests (soon!)
- More adapters for all sorts of zany stuff.