Testing. Skip test in 115 ln 19 when offline
[-] Templates
- Epub, need to add extra metadata pages
Add tests to Templates for new escape attribute
Chnage documentation for Templates about escape attribute
ditto to Render
Outputs needing change
- MD pseudo extensions
- More tests of rendered output, including headers to test escaping
- text psuedo extensions ??
- HTML, ditto
- HTML, include binary data into output, eg images.
- HTML-Extra create SCSS processing & theme changes
- linked css dark / light (eg for highlights-js)
- toc at mobile
- [ ]
- MD pseudo extensions
Apply numeration possibilities numTable, numFormula, numPara
Implement new numbering extensions,
- :number
- :numberalias
Fix default text templates
- improve wrapping postprocessing
- when lines are wrapped, Esc codes 'leak' accross line boundaries
- Esc chars are counted as if visible, but should not for wrapping
- Replace Section names in Index and ToC with line numbers
- add originating line numbers to Footnotes