vzkouset par veci na starem -anonymized-u a zjistit zda dava smysl porovnavat stary s novym
otazky napsat programovacim jazykem. Nejcastejsi je vyrabeni vyrazu (pouziti dokumentu atd.) a pak prichazi, pohyb v pravidle (zoom/pan/collapse/find invalid) a copy/paste (presun z vetve jinam) a delete
pokud stary -anonymized- dava smysl srovnavat:
- udelat stejne vstupni dokumenty
- udelat stejne operace?
- ukolem bylo webovej prototyp, nikoliv zlepseni UX - to je jen evaluacni bonus
- Those that never used any version of -anonymized-. Trained people will hate on the new UI just because they are used to the old UI.
- programmers. They will understand the concept.
- tell them the concept, give them a list of useful features but let them find them on their own (copy paste, undo / redo). It is OK to tell them about the features, because ERAIN users get instruction videos anyway.
- SUS should be taken by 15 people to be reliable. I will do it for 2 (simplified SUS).
- calculate SUS score, see if -anonymized-2 has higher score than -anonymized-1
- Bonus: compare times
- Bonus: use Jeff Sauro's curve created from 500 SUS tests and see how many of those 500 are worse than ERAIN2 (percentile of goodness) src
- the number of execrises does not matter. What matters is that users try the stuff that -anonymized- is most usually used for / what it's intended for.