Thanks for taking an interest in improving spata. Here you can find some hints on how to contribute to the project.
Different kinds of contributions are welcome, including, but not limited to:
- improvements in the documentation - scope, accuracy, clarity and language,
- providing additional examples on how to use the library,
- reporting and fixing bugs,
- refactoring existing code and enhancing tests,
- proposing and implementing improvements and new features.
In case of any doubts, talk to us on the spata Gitter channel.
If you would like to make any changes to the project, please:
let us know about this by commenting on an existing issue or creating a new one and describing your idea,
fork and build the project,
implement your contribution along with tests and a documentation update,
format the code and run the tests,
submit a pull request.
spata follows a standard fork and pull model for contributions.
spata requires Java 11 and sbt.
All you need to do to build the project is to run sbt compile
or preferably sbt test:compile
spata uses Scalafmt to coherently and automatically format the code.
To check if code is properly formatted run sbt scalafmtCheck
. To format all sources run sbt scalafmtAll
spata also uses Scalafix for linting.
You can run a linter check by running sbt scalafix --check
To check both, formatting and linting with single command, run sbt check
Unit and integration tests should be run with sbt test
Test coverage may be verified with sbt clean coverage test coverageReport
Results are written to target/scala-2.13/scoverage-report/index.html
Performance tests may be run with sbt perf:test
There is no automatic regression verification for performance test,
however it is still worth running them before and after implementing changes and comparing results.
To check binary compatibility with a previous stable version, please run sbt mimaReportBinaryIssues
API documentation is built with sbt doc
Full project verification before a pull request should be done with:
sbt -mem 2048 clean check doc test mimaReportBinaryIssues perf:test
spata is licensed under Apache-2.0. Opening a pull request implies your consent to license your contribution under Apache License 2.0.
If your contribution has been derived from or inspired by other work, please state this in its scaladoc comment and provide proper attribution. When possible, include the original authors’ names and a link to the original work.
This guide borrows from fs2, http4s and cats contribution guides.