This sketch draws lets you draw pretty patterns in polar coordinates. Open up polar_start.pde.
We are going to create our pattern by moving a circle around on the screen. To start with lets just draw a circle.
In the draw loop put
translate(width/2.0,height/2.0); //moves the reference point to the center of the drawing
Great now lets make our circle move. Declare a variables theta and dtheta above your setup function
float theta = 0;
float dtheta = PI/100;
and in the draw loop:
float radius = 150;
// convert to polar coordinates
float x = radius*cos(theta);
float y = radius*sin(theta);
theta += dtheta
Yay, you just drew a circle with a circle ... Now to make things a bit more interesing, lets make the radius vary with theta. Add a couple more variables.
int A = 4;
int B = 3;
and in the draw loop, change your radius to depend on theta.
float radius = width/4.0 * cos(B*theta/float(A));
You should get a pretty pattern. Play around with the A, B, the size of the your circle, etc. When you get a pattern you like click s to save it as a bitmap.