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FINOS | TraderX Sample Trading App | Account Service

DEV Only Warning Local Dev Machine Supported

Prerequisites and Config

You will need a running instance of the database. This currently is configured to be a H2 Database running on tcp at $DATABASE_TCP_HOST:$DATABASE_TCP_PORT on the database $DATABASE_NAME


Default $ACCOUNT_SERVICE_PORT is 18088

In this project, you can run the database by running a shell in the database project and running

./gradlew build

Running The Account Service`

A simple application that exposes CRUD functionality over accounts

The API documentation is available via swagger:


And via UI:


It runs on port 18088 which can be changed via the

server.port=18088 system property or $ACCOUNT_SERVICE_PORT environment variable.

How to run the application Check out the source code from git

gradlew bootRun

Configuration can be found in and can be overridden with env vars or command line parameters

## Simple Testing of Account Service`

You can run a mock of this service by installing `@stoplight/prism-cli`

This statically uses the example content in the OpenAPI spec to mock the service (you can specify `--dynamic` to let it be more creative)

# Only need to do this once for your machine
sudo npm install -g @stoplight/prism-cli

Run prism to mock your OpenAPI spec as follows (Specify port as you see fit)

prism --cors --port 18088 mock openapi.yaml

You can then try out your requests against the mock service as follows: (or from a browser)

curl -X GET "http://localhost:18088/account/" -H "accept: application/json"
curl -X GET "http://localhost:18088/account/22141" -H "accept: application/json"