Friendly Eats is a restaurant recommendation app built on Firestore. For more information about Firestore visit [the docs][https://firebase.].
- Set up your Flutter app for Firestore
- In the Authentication tab of the Firebase console go to the Sign-in Method page and enable the 'Anonymous sign in provider'.
- Create a Firestore database in the console.
- For Firestore information for Flutter, visit setting up your flutter development environment
Add the following security rules to your project in the: rules tab:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read, write: if false;
match /restaurants/{document=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
match /restaurants/{restaurantid}/ratings/{document=**} {
allow read, write: if request.auth != null;
- In the Podfile, uncomment line 2 and change the platform version to '10.0'
- When you first open the app it will be empty, choose Add Some from the overflow menu to add some new entries.
Don't forget to run flutterfire configure
to set up your app's FirebaseOptions
In order to display images without a CORS exception, use the --web-renderer html flag:
flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html
As you use the app's filter functionality you may see warnings in logcat that look like this: W/Firestore Adapter: onEvent:error FAILED_PRECONDITION: The query requires an index. You can create it here:
This is because indexes are required for most compound queries in Firestore. Clicking on the link from the error message will automatically open the index creation UI in the Firebase console with the correct paramters filled in: