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title eleventyNavigation
Instruction Set

Sealevel Bytecode Format

Sealevel Bytecode Format (SBF) derives from the eBPF little-endian architecture.

Instruction Frame

Bytecode is encoded using frames of 64 bits.

Instructions occupy either one or two frames, indicated by the opcode of the first frame.

| opcode | dst reg | src reg | offset | immediate |
|  0..8  |  8..12  |  12..16 | 16..32 |   32..64  | Bits
low byte                                  high byte

Field values are encoded in little-endian byte order and MSB-first bit order.


The SBF VM has 12 registers, including 10 general-purpose registers (GPRs).

Name Kind Access Size Solana ABI
r0 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Return value
r1 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Argument 0
r2 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Argument 1
r3 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Argument 2
r4 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Argument 3
r5 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Argument 4
or stack spill ptr
r6 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Call-preserved
r7 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Call-preserved
r8 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Call-preserved
r9 GPR Read/Write 8 bytes Call-preserved
r10 Frame pointer Read-only 8 bytes System register
r11 Stack pointer Special 8 bytes System register
pc Program counter None 8 bytes Hidden register

Static Verifier

The static verifier checks whether a blob of bytecode is well formed. It iterates over all instruction frames in a single pass.

The following generic rules are applied which may be extended or overridden for specific opcodes.


  • ∀frame ∈code :
    • If current frame is first
      • Assert opcode is supported
      • Assert src_reg ∈[0,10] unless otherwise specified
      • Assert dst_reg ∈[0,9]  unless otherwise specified
    • Else
      • Assert opcode == 0
  • Assert bytecode doesn't end in the middle of an instruction

If any instruction violates these rules, the bytecode is considered invalid.

:::todo Detail changes between bpfel, SBF, and SBFv2 :::

Opcode Lists

The following tables list all opcodes and their static constraints.

Opcode Table


·0 ·1 ·2 ·3 ·4 ·5 ·6 ·7 ·8 ·9 ·A ·B ·C ·D ·E ·F
- - - - add32 ja - add64 - - - - add32 - - add64
- - - - sub32 jeq - sub64 lddw - - - sub32 jeq - sub64
- - - - mul32 jgt - mul64 - - - - mul32 jgt - mul64
- - - - div32 jge - div64 - - - - div32 jge - div64
- - - - or32 jset - or64 - - - - or32 jset - or64
- - - - and32 jne - and64 - - - - and32 jne - and64
- ldxw stw stxw lsh32 jsgt - lsh64 - ldxh sth stxh lsh32 jsgt - lsh64
- ldxb stb stxb rsh32 jsge - rsh64 - ldxdw stdw stxdw rsh32 jsge - rsh64
- - - - neg32 call - neg64 - - - - - callx - -
- - - - mod32 exit - mod64 - - - - mod32 - - mod64
- - - - xor32 jlt - xor64 - - - - xor32 jlt - xor64
- - - - mov32 jle - mov64 - - - - mov32 jle - mov64
- - - - arsh32 jslt - arsh64 - - - - arsh32 jslt - arsh64
- - - - le jsle - - - - - - be jsle - -
- - - - sdiv32 - - sdiv64 - - - - sdiv32 - - sdiv64
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Memory access opcodes


opcode operands constraints
0x71 lxdb dst64, [src64+off].b
0x69 ldxh dst64, [src64+off].h
0x61 ldxw dst64, [src64+off].w
0x79 ldxdw dst64, [src64+off].dw
0x72 stb [dst64+off].b,  imm8 dst∈[0,10]
0x6a sth [dst64+off].h,  imm16 dst∈[0,10]
0x62 stw [dst64+off].w,  imm32 dst∈[0,10]
0x7a stdw [dst64+off].dw, imm64 dst∈[0,10]
0x73 stxb [dst64+off].b,  src8 dst∈[0,10]
0x6b stxh [dst64+off].h,  src16 dst∈[0,10]
0x63 stxw [dst64+off].w,  src32 dst∈[0,10]
0x7b stxdw [dst64+off].dw, src64 dst∈[0,10]

ALU opcodes


opcode operands constraints
0x04 add32 dst32, imm32
0x07 add64 dst64, imm64 dst∈([0,9]∪{11})
0x0c add32 dst32, src32
0x0f add64 dst64, src64
0x14 sub32 dst32, imm32
0x17 sub64 dst64, imm64 dst∈([0,9]∪{11})
0x1c sub32 dst32, src32
0x1f sub64 dst64, src64
0x24 mul32 dst32, imm32
0x27 mul64 dst64, imm64
0x2c mul32 dst32, src32
0x2f mul64 dst64, src64
0x34 div32 dst32, imm32 imm≠0
0x37 div64 dst64, imm64 imm≠0
0x3c div32 dst32, src32
0x3f div64 dst64, src64
0x44 or32 dst32, imm32
0x47 or64 dst64, imm64
0x4c or32 dst32, src32
0x4f or64 dst64, src64
0x54 and32 dst32, imm32
0x57 and64 dst64, imm64
0x5c and32 dst32, src32
0x5f and64 dst64, src64
0x64 lsh32 dst32, imm32 imm∈[0,31]
0x67 lsh64 dst64, imm64 imm∈[0,63]
0x6c lsh32 dst32, src32
0x6f lsh64 dst64, src64
0x74 rsh32 dst32, imm32 imm∈[0,31]
0x77 rsh64 dst64, imm64 imm∈[0,63]
0x7c rsh32 dst32, src32
0x7f rsh64 dst64, src64
0x84 neg32 dst32
0x87 neg64 dst64
0x94 mod32 dst32, imm32 imm≠0
0x97 mod64 dst64, imm64 imm≠0
0x9c mod32 dst32, src32
0x9f mod64 dst64, src64
0xa4 xor32 dst32, imm32
0xa7 xor64 dst64, imm64
0xac xor32 dst32, src32
0xaf xor64 dst64, src64
0xb4 mov32 dst32, imm32
0xb7 mov64 dst64, imm64
0xbc mov32 dst32, src32
0xbf mov64 dst64, src64
0x18 lddw dst64, immdw
0xc4 arsh32 dst32, imm32 imm∈[0,31]
0xc7 arsh64 dst64, imm64 imm∈[0,63]
0xcc arsh32 dst32, src32
0xcf arsh64 dst64, src64
0xd4 le imm imm∈{16,32,64}
0xdc be imm imm∈{16,32,64}
0xe4 sdiv32 dst32, imm32 imm≠0
0xe7 sdiv64 dst64, imm64 imm≠0
0xec sdiv32 dst32, src32
0xef sdiv64 dst64, src64


Control flow opcodes


opcode operands
0x05 ja off
0x15 jeq dst64, imm64, off
0x1d jeq dst64, src64, off
0x25 jgt dst64, imm64, off
0x2d jgt dst64, src64, off
0x35 jge dst64, imm64, off
0x3d jge dst64, src64, off
0x45 jset dst64, imm64, off
0x4d jset dst64, src64, off
0x55 jne dst64, imm64, off
0x5d jne dst64, src64, off
0x65 jsgt dst64, imm64, off
0x6d jsgt dst64, src64, off
0x75 jsge dst64, imm64, off
0x7d jsge dst64, src64, off
0xa5 jlt dst64, imm64, off
0xad jlt dst64, src64, off
0xb5 jle dst64, imm64, off
0xbd jle dst64, src64, off
0xc5 jslt dst64, imm64, off
0xcd jslt dst64, src64, off
0xd5 jsle dst64, imm64, off
0xdd jsle dst64, src64, off


Call opcodes


opcode operands rules
0x85 call imm64
0x8d callx reg64 imm∈[0,9]
0x95 exit



Instruction Fields

opcode    := *(uint8_t  *)(frame +  0)
regs      := *(uint8_t  *)(frame +  1)
dst_reg   := regs >> 4
src_reg   := regs & 0x0F
off       := *( int16_t *)(frame +  2)
imm       := *(uint32_t *)(frame +  4)
imm_next  := *(uint32_t *)(frame + 12) # next frame


imm8      := (int8_t) (imm & 0x00FF)
imm16     := (int16_t)(imm & 0xFFFF)
imm32     := (int32_t)(imm)
imm64     := (int64_t)(sign_extend_64_32(imm))
immdw     := (int64_t)(imm | (imm_next << 32))
immdw implies two instruction frames!

Register values

dst64     := regs[dst_reg]
src64     := regs[src_reg]
dst32     := lower(regs[dst_reg], 32)
src32     := lower(regs[src_reg], 32)
dst16     := lower(regs[dst_reg], 16)
src16     := lower(regs[src_reg], 16)
dst8      := lower(regs[dst_reg],  8)
src8      := lower(regs[src_reg],  8)

Memory accessors

[addr].b  := *(uint8_t) (addr)
[addr].h  := *(uint16_t)(addr)
[addr].w  := *(uint32_t)(addr)
[addr].dw := *(uint64_t)(addr)


lower(x, n) returns a view of the lower n bits of a location x.
writing to the view implicitly zeros the 64-n upper bits.

  x := int64(0xFFFF_0000)
  assert(lower(x, 24) == 0x00FF_0000)
  lower(x, 16) <- 0x42
  assert(x == 0x0000_0042)

sign_extend_64_32(x) extends a two's complement signed 32-bit integer to 64-bit

  assert(sign_extend_64_32(0x0000_0003) == 0x0000_0000_0000_0003)
  assert(sign_extend_64_32(0xfeee_eee3) == 0xffff_ffff_feee_eee3)

Function calls

:::todo call and callx effects on r10 and shadow stack :::