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File metadata and controls

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react-native-audio-toolkit API

Media methods

Player methods

  • new Player(String path, Object ?playbackOptions)

    Initialize the player for playback of song in path. Path can be either filename, network URL or a file URL to resource. The library tries to parse the provided path to the best of it's abilities.

    See for more information.

      // Boolean to indicate whether the player should self-destruct after
      // playback is finished. If this is not set, you are responsible for
      // destroying the object by calling player.destroy().
      autoDestroy : boolean (default: True),
      // (Android only) Should playback continue if app is sent to background?
      // iOS will always pause in this case.
      continuesToPlayInBackground : boolean (default: False)
      // (iOS only) Define the audio session category
      // Options: Playback, Ambient and SoloAmbient
      category : PlaybackCategory (default: PlaybackCategory.Playback)
      // Boolean to determine whether other audio sources on the device will mix
      // with sounds being played back by this module. If this is not set, playback
      // of audio will stop other sources
      mixWithOthers : boolean (default: False)
  • prepare(Function callback)

    Prepare playback of the file provided during initialization. This method is optional to call but might be useful to preload the file so that the file starts playing immediately when calling play(). Otherwise the file is prepared when calling play() which may result in a small delay.

    Callback is called with empty first parameter when file is ready for playback with play(). If there was an error, the callback is called with an error object as first parameter. See Callbacks for more information.

  • play(Function ?callback)

    Start playback.

    If callback is given, it is called when playback has started.

  • pause(Function ?callback)

    Pauses playback. Playback can be resumed by calling play() with no parameters.

    Callback is called after the operation has finished.

  • playPause(Function ?callback)

    Helper method for toggling pause.

    Callback is called after the operation has finished. Callback receives Object error as first argument, Boolean paused as second argument indicating if the player ended up playing (false) or paused (true).

  • stop(Function ?callback)

    Stop playback.

    If autoDestroy option was set during initialization, clears all media resources from memory. In this case the player should no longer be used.

  • destroy(Function ?callback)

    Stops playback and destroys the player. The player should no longer be used.

    Callback is called after the operation has finished.

  • seek(Number position, Function ?callback)

    Seek in currently playing media. position is the offset from the start.

    If callback is given, it is called when the seek operation completes. If another seek operation is performed before the previous has finished, the previous operation gets an error in its callback with the err field set to oldcallback. The previous operation should likely do nothing in this case.

Player properties

The following properties can be read and manipulated directly on the Player instance, for example:

var p = new Player(...);
p.looping = true;
p.volume = 0.5;

p.prepare((err) => {
  • looping - Boolean, default false

    Get/set looping status of the current file. If true, file will loop when playback reaches end of file.

  • volume - Number, default 1.0

    Get/set playback volume. The scale is from 0.0 (silence) to 1.0 (full volume).

  • speed - Number, default 1.0

    Get/set the playback speed for audio. NOTE: On Android, this is only supported on Android 6.0+.

  • duration - Number (read only)

    Get duration of prepared/playing media in milliseconds. If no duration is available (for example live streams), -1 is returned.

  • wakeLock - Boolean, default: false (Android only)

    Get/set wakeLock on player, keeping it alive in the background.

    TODO: support attaching to media notification

  • currentTime - Number

    Get/set current playback position in milliseconds. It's recommended to do seeking via, as it is not possible to pass a callback when setting the currentTime property.

  • state - Number (read only)

    Get the playback state. Can be one of:

    var MediaStates = {
      DESTROYED: -2,
      ERROR: -1,
      IDLE: 0,
      PREPARING: 1,
      PREPARED: 2,
      SEEKING: 3,
      PLAYING: 4,   // only for Player
      RECORDING: 4, // only for Recorder
      PAUSED: 5

    NOTE: This object is available as require('@react-native-community/audio-toolkit').MediaStates

  • Helpers for states - Boolean (read only)

Player.canPlay      true if player can begin playback
Player.canStop      true if player can stop playback
Player.canPrepare   true if player can prepare for playback
Player.isPlaying    true if player is playing
Player.isStopped    true if player is stopped
Player.isPaused     true if player is paused
Player.isPrepared   true if player is prepared

Recorder methods

  • new Recorder(String path, Object ?recorderOptions)

    Initialize the recorder for recording to file in path. Path can either be a filename or a file URL (Android only). The library tries to parse the provided path to the best of it's abilities.

    Playback options can include the following settings:

      // Set bitrate for the recorder, in bits per second
      bitrate : Number (default: 128000)
      // Set number of channels
      channels : Number (default: 2)
      // Set how many samples per second
      sampleRate : Number (default: 44100)
      // Override format. Possible values:
      // Cross-platform:  'mp4', 'aac'
      // Android only:    'ogg', 'webm', 'amr'
      format : String (default: based on filename extension)
      // Override encoder. Android only.
      // Possible values:
      // 'aac', 'mp4', 'webm', 'ogg', 'amr'
      encoder : String (default: based on filename extension)
      // Quality of the recording, iOS only.
      // Possible values: 'min', 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'max'
      quality : String (default: 'medium')
  • prepare(Function callback)

    Prepare recording to the file provided during initialization. This method is optional to call but it may be beneficial to call to make sure that recording begins immediately after calling record(). Otherwise the recording is prepared when calling record() which may result in a small delay. NOTE: Assume that this wipes the destination file immediately.

    Callback signature is (err, fsPath). When ready to record using record(), the callback is called with an empty first parameter. Second parameter contains a path to the destination file on the filesystem.

    If there was an error, the callback is called with an error object as first parameter. See Callbacks for more information.

  • record(Function ?callback)

    Start recording to file in path. Callback is called after recording has started or with error object if an error occurred.

  • stop(Function ?callback)

    Stop recording and save the file. Callback is called after recording has stopped or with error object. The recorder is destroyed after calling stop and should no longer be used.

  • destroy(Function ?callback)

    Destroy the recorder. Should only be used if a recorder was constructed, and for some reason is now unwanted.

    Callback is called after the operation has finished.

Recorder properties

  • state - Number (read only)

    Get the recording state. Can be one of:

    var MediaStates = {
      DESTROYED: -2,
      ERROR: -1,
      IDLE: 0,
      PREPARING: 1,
      PREPARED: 2,
      SEEKING: 3,
      PLAYING: 4,   // only for Player
      RECORDING: 4, // only for Recorder
      PAUSED: 5

    NOTE: This object is available as require('@react-native-community/audio-toolkit').MediaStates

  • fsPath - String (read only)

    Get the filesystem path of file being recorded to. Available after prepare() call has invoked its callback successfully.

  • Helpers for states - Boolean (read only)

Recorder.canRecord    true if recorder can begin recording
Recorder.canPrepare   true if recorder can prepare for recording
Recorder.isRecording  true if recorder is recording
Recorder.isPrepared   true if recorder is prepared


Certain events are dispatched from the Player/Recorder object to provide additional information concerning playback or recording. The following events are supported:

  • error - An error has occurred and the object is rendered unusable

  • ended - Recording or playback of current file has finished. You can restart playback with a Player object by calling play() again.

  • looped - Playback of a file has looped.

Listen to these events with player.on('eventname', callback(data)). Data may contain additional information about the event, for example a more detailed description of the error that occurred. You might also want to update your user interface or start playing a new file after file playback or recording has concluded.

If an error occurs, the object should be destroyed. If the object is not destroyed, future behavior is undefined.


If everything goes smoothly, the provided callback when calling Player/Recorder methods are called with an empty parameter. In case of an error however, the callback is called with an object that contains data about the error in the following format:

  err : $errorString,
  message : 'Additional information',
  stackTrace : $stackTrace

The following $errorStrings might occur:

'invalidpath' - Malformed path was provided
'preparefail' - Failed to initialize player/recorder
'startfail' - Failed to start the player/recorder
'notfound' - Player/recorder with provided id was not found
'stopfail' - Failed to stop recording/playing

Player-specific error callbacks:

'seekfail' - new seek operation before the old one completed.

Recorder-specific error callbacks:

'notsupported' - Device doesn't support the operation (Currently used for pause recording functionality on Android SDK < 24)