- Updated HMSLogger.
- Fixed the bug that causes the app permissions to not being accepted.
- Added multiple permission request support.
- Added requestPermission method in MLPermissionClient.
- Added MLPermission data type.
- Added MLDocumentSkewCorrectionAnalyzer
- Added ML3DFaceAnalyzer
- Added MLFormRecognitionAnalyzer
- Added MLHandKeypointAnalyzer
- Added MLImageSuperResolutionAnalyzer
- Added LensEngine
- Added MLLivenessCapture
- Added MLApplication
- Added MLFrame
- Added MLSpeechRealTimeTranscription
- Added MLSceneDetectionAnalyzer
- Added MLSkeletonAnalyzer
- Added MLSoundDetector
- Added MLCustomModel
- Added MLTextEmbeddingAnalyzer
- Added MLTextImageSuperResolutionAnalyzer
- Changed MlAftClient to MLAftEngine
- Changed MlAsrClient to MLAsrRecognizer
- Changed MlBankcardClient to MLBankcardAnalyzer
- Changed MlImageClassificationClient to MLClassificationAnalyzer
- Changed MlDocumentClient to MLDocumentAnalyzer
- Changed MlFaceClient to MLFaceAnalyzer
- Changed MlGeneralCardClient to MLGeneralCardAnalyzer
- Changed MlImageSegmentationClient to MLImageSegmentationAnalyzer
- Changed MlLandMarkClient to MLLandmarkAnalyzer
- Changed MlLangDetectionClient to MLLangDetector
- Changed MlObjectClient to MLObjectAnalyzer
- Changed MlProductVisionSearchClient to MLProductVisionSearchAnalyzer
- Changed MlTextClient to MLTextAnalyzer
- Changed MlTextToSpeechClient to MLTtsEngine
- Divided MlTranslatorClient to MLLocalTranslator and MLRemoteTranslator
Initial release.