Create the data you need for the unified benchmark. But I will recommend to download directly from link, then we don't need to read Data Creation. Most important reason is Data Creation don't include manually labeled ground truth file. But the link we provided have the human labeled ground truth.
It will also help if you want to create your own dataset for benchmarking. Welcome to contribute your dataset to the community.
Evaluate the performance of the methods.
Compare the result and output the visualization automatically.
It's better to view this md
file through outline. No need to go through all of them. 😃
This part include output the quantitative table and qualitative result automatically. To be updated scripts....
All the methods will output the clean map, so we need to extract the ground truth label from gt label based on clean map. Why we need this? Since maybe some methods will downsample in their pipeline, so we need to extract the gt label from the downsampled map.
Check the methods
folder, there is a README file to guide you how to run all the methods.
Or check the shell script in 0_run_methods_all.sh
, run them with one command.
# Check export_eval_pcd.cpp
./export_eval_pcd [folder that you have the output pcd] [method_name_output.pcd] [min_dis to view as the same point]
# example:
./export_eval_pcd /home/kin/bags/VLP16_cone_two_people octomapfg_output.pcd 0.05
Or check the shell script in 1_export_eval_pcd.sh
, run them with one command.
Check the script and the only thing you need do is change the folder path to your data folder. And Select the methods you want to compare. Please try to open and read the script first
python3 scripts/py/eval/evaluate_all.py
Here is the demo output:
Make sure you have the gt_cloud.pcd
, method_output.pcd
and method_output_exportGT.pcd
which produced by above part.
Since you may wonder what's mistake happened in each methods, label with different intensity to view in CloudCompare. Check view_maps.ipynb
We provided scripts to extract data from KITTI and Argoverse 2.0. Importantly, you can always run them on your custom dataset collected by yourself. Every folder we extract or process have unified format with PCD files have point cloud data and pose in VIEWPOINT
filed, and folder tree like this:
├── 00 # KITTI sequence 00
│ ├── gt_cloud.pcd
│ ├── pcd
│ │ ├── 004390.pcd
│ │ ├── 004391.pcd
│ │ ├── ....
├── semindoor # semi-indoor
│ ├── gt_cloud.pcd # I manually labeled this for getting quantitative result
│ ├── pcd
│ │ ├── 000001.pcd
│ │ ├── 000002.pcd
│ │ ├── ....
For our custom dataset, we normally record the pointcloud with rosbag, and then running some slam methods to get the pose. If you don't have clue to use the slam package, check simple_ndt_slam repo the only dependence you need in the repo is ROS. If you don't have ROS/Ubuntu, you can directly use the docker
to run.
Then, directly export rosbag file [which have pose/tf and pointcloud topic] to pcd we want, after your run with simple_ndt_slam
check your result rosbag file by rosbag info
, here is example output:
➜ bags rosbag info res_semi_indoor_data.bag
path: res_semi_indoor_data.bag
version: 2.0
duration: 1:47s (107s)
start: Apr 28 2023 11:11:26.79 (1682673086.79)
end: Apr 28 2023 11:13:14.35 (1682673194.35)
size: 810.8 MB
messages: 4803
compression: none [961/961 chunks]
types: nav_msgs/Odometry [cd5e73d190d741a2f92e81eda573aca7]
sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 [1158d486dd51d683ce2f1be655c3c181]
tf2_msgs/TFMessage [94810edda583a504dfda3829e70d7eec]
topics: /auto_odom 960 msgs : nav_msgs/Odometry
/repub_points 960 msgs : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
/tf 2883 msgs : tf2_msgs/TFMessage
Then use the scripts I provided in simple_ndt_slam
to extract the pcd data to unified format here.
roscore # since need read rosbag through scripts
/home/kin/workspace/mapping_ws/src/simple_ndt_slam/tools/build/bag2pcd_tf /home/kin/bags/res_semi_indoor_data.bag /home/kin/data/semindoor /repub_points map 1 # 1 for save raw map also since some methods need use it in the framework.
Demo Screenshot:
This part is for open-source dataset, include SemanticKITTI and Argoverse2.0.
Official data format Download link
extract the semantic-kitti dataset from the raw data, when you download the original SemanticKITTI dataset, you will get a folder like this:
➜ SemanticKitti tree -L 2
├── data_odometry_calib
│ └── dataset
│ └── sequences
├── data_odometry_labels
│ ├── dataset
│ │ └── sequences
│ └── README
├── data_odometry_velodyne
│ └── dataset
│ └── sequences
After downloading the official dataset, Run the script like follows:
python3 scripts/data/extract_semkitti.py --original_path /home/kin/data/KITTI/SemanticKitti --save_data_folder /home/kin/data/DynamicMap --gt_cloud True --sequence "'00'"
SemanticKITTI pose file is not ground truth pose but run SuMa, more discussion and different can be found here in semantic-kitti-api/issues/140. We have extra different odometry pose result in DUFOMap paper, Sec V-C, Table III, based on scripts/py/data/extract_diff_pose.py
You can get the sensor pose in the PCD
Field, so you don't need pose file etc. If you are using CloudCompare to view, drag all pcd files to windows, you will have the correct whole map view. (NOTE Since we already transform to world frame CloudCompare in 2.11 version will looks correct map but version to 2.12+ will have double effect on VIEWPOINT Field [you can comment the transform line if you don't like that.] ) -
View the ground truth in CloudCompare, intensity=1 means dynamic which are red points in images:
2024/03/27 Updated version limit the range because we find the ground truth label is not correct in the far range, so we limit the range to 50m. You can change the range in the script.
I manually labeled dynamic and static in one sequence folder name: 07YOTznatmYypvQYpzviEcU3yGPsyaGg__Spring_2020
, you have to go for website to downloaded this ground truth PCD.
Check this issue: argoverse/av2-api#161
Installing s5cmd
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/.local/bin
export S5CMD_URI=https://github.com/peak/s5cmd/releases/download/v1.4.0/s5cmd_1.4.0_$(uname | sed 's/Darwin/macOS/g')-64bit.tar.gz
mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR
curl -sL $S5CMD_URI | tar -C $INSTALL_DIR -xvzf - s5cmd
Download the val dataset since train is toooo big for me, totally is 5T for train dataset although no label.
s5cmd --no-sign-request cp 's3://argoai-argoverse/av2/lidar/val/*' /home/kin/bags/av2/val
This time no need cpp file since argoverse have their own api things and we just need to use it. Also I write with save pcd in utils.
Check their python api, github
pip install av2
Please check the folder path inside the script.
python3 scripts/extract_argoverse2.py
- CloudCompare view pcd tools and make animation video.
I also used to label this tool for ground truth: Dynamic and Static points, only for quantitative result.
flatpak install flathub org.cloudcompare.CloudCompare