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209 lines (138 loc) · 5.64 KB

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209 lines (138 loc) · 5.64 KB


These instructions will help you begin making changes on your local machine, as well follow our coding guidelines.


Getting Started
Coding Standards
Making Changes
Getting Help
Creating a Pull Request

Getting Started

Git Configuration

Copy the starter Git global config to stay inline with our coding guidelines, as well as begin extending your own workflow.

Note: The examples below will uses aliases from the starter config.

Development Environment

  1. Copy the snippet below to clone the project onto your local machine:

    git clone; cd fct-api
    yarn # or npm install
  2. To finish configuring your Vercel development environment:

    vc link;

    Be sure to select the Flex Development scope when prompted:

    ? Set up “~/Projects/FLDV/fct-api”? [Y/n] y
    ? Which scope should contain your project? Flex Development
    ? Found project “flexdevelopment/fct-api”. Link to it? [Y/n] y
    ✅  Linked to flexdevelopment/fct-api (created .vercel)
  3. Run the project!

    • yarn dev:api: Start development API server on port 8080

Environment Variables

All required environment variables are documented in package.json under the required-env field.

Vercel supports adding environment variables for Development, Preview, and Production environments. A set of Vercel system environemnt variables can also be exposed for each project.

For more information, see Environment Variables from the Vercel docs.

Coding Standards

Husky is used to enforce coding and commit message standards.

Branch Naming Conventions

When creating a new branch, the name should match the following format: feat/, hotfix/, release/, or support/ followed by <branch_name>.

For example:

  git feat repo-setup

will create a new branch titled feat/repo-setup and push it to origin.

Commit Messages

This project follows Conventional Commits standards.

Commit messages should be one of the following types:

  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies
  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts
  • chore: Changes that don't impact external users
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • feat: New features
  • fix: Bug fixes
  • perf: Performance improvements
  • refactor: Code improvements
  • revert: Revert past changes
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code
  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests
  • wip: Working on changes, but you need to go to bed 😉

For example:

  git chore "add eslint configuration"

will produce the following commit: chore: add eslint configuration

commitlint is used to enforce commit guidlelines.

To review our commitlint rules, see the configuration file:

Formatting & Linting


This project uses Prettier to format all code.

To review our formatting guidelines, see our configuration files:


This project uses ESLint to lint JavaScript and TypeScript files.

To review our linting guidelines, see our configuration files:


Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.

The FCT API uses the Measurement Protocol for Universal Analytics to track API requests, success responses, and errors.

Environment Variables


Making Changes


File: api/index.ts


Directory: lib


  • JavaScript & TypeScript: JSDoc

Before making a pull request, be sure your code is well documented, as it will be part of your code review.


Directory: __tests__

This project uses Jest as its test runner. To run the tests in this project, run yarn test.

Husky is configured to run tests before every push. If a bug report concerning a failed test is needed, you'll be able to push your code even if a test fails.

Getting Help

If you need help, make note of any issues in their respective files. Whenever possible, create a test to reproduce the error. Make sure to label your issue as discussion, help wanted, and/or question.

Creating a Pull Request

When you're ready to have your changes reviewed, make sure your code is well documented. The pre-commit and pre-push hooks will test your changes against our coding guidelines, as well run all of the tests in this project.

Submit for Review

  • Use this template
  • Label your pull request appropriately
  • Assign the task to yourself and the appropriate reviewer